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  1. Insightful
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to Skort in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Hard to tell because : 
    1 - in his stage intro his quote is  "desk work just isn't my thing you know"  . While swinging his knife in the air.  More than hinting he is just there to get down to business

    2 - HOWEVER, in his round WIN animation he waves  to the crowd. Kinda like politicians do, so there is some showing off to the public to be seen there.

    So,i guess he tries to be a mix of both.
  2. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Dracu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    My thoughts behind the Blanka in a suit costume: the Blanka-Chans have been selling so well that he is now the CEO of the company that mass produces not only Blanka-chan dolls, but the Saikyo-boy dolls, and all of the other Capcom Street Fighter dolls that appear in the SF universe.
  3. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    My thoughts behind the Blanka in a suit costume: the Blanka-Chans have been selling so well that he is now the CEO of the company that mass produces not only Blanka-chan dolls, but the Saikyo-boy dolls, and all of the other Capcom Street Fighter dolls that appear in the SF universe.
  4. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from ShockDingo in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    My thoughts behind the Blanka in a suit costume: the Blanka-Chans have been selling so well that he is now the CEO of the company that mass produces not only Blanka-chan dolls, but the Saikyo-boy dolls, and all of the other Capcom Street Fighter dolls that appear in the SF universe.
  5. Insightful
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to Daemos in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Testing the waters for SF6. If Blanka-chan is big with the kids, then Blanka will be in the launch roster!

    Also sign me up for Suit Blanka.
  6. +1
  7. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to DarthEnderX in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    The other plot I want to see:

    The UN forms an anti-martial arts crime bullshit task force finally.  Governments assign agents to it.
    Guile - US Military
    Viper - CIA
    Chun Li - Interpol
    Cammy - MI6
    Abel - Brought in by Guile as freelancer
  8. Insightful
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to Daemos in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Not Tournament:

    I don't see a majority. 3S is a chapter in SF3 which centers around the Illuminati and Gill's Tournament. To count it as a separate entry is disingenuous. 
  9. Insightful
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to ShockDingo in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    For a while I've wanted things to stay interesting, but not constantly be escalating the scope to end of the world levels, or at least differentiate the threats. I've used this comparison before, but with the Avengers films, they capped off the first big one with an alien invasion, it changed the scope of the universe, but then they went with a story that dealt with political issues and robots, then they ramped up to a universe-spanning-close to things and now are messing with a combo of smaller, personal stories and multi-verse antics.
    With the G threat, I'm curious to see how that'll go and how the Illuminati will be dealt with. Will they be exposed to the world even further than SFV, defeated? Slink off into the shadows to return at a later date? Change leadership and become not so crazy? Either way, after those are dealt with in maybe SF6, say SF7 is a palette cleanser, not a dream match, but I'd be interested to see martial arts movie tropes, but bring the scale down again. 
    Have a tournament with another plot going on, not end of the world, but maybe there's a tournament with a generous cash prize & mystery. The tournament organizer turns out to have had some priceless artifact taken by some rival group or something and the tournament is a way to recruit a fighter to get it back and offer a nice payday. I don't know, someone could craft something better, but I like the idea of having a quest or adventure, like in Jackie chan's armor of God. You get people fighting for riches, to investigate something possibly sinister in the background, and to prove their strength. It's note dire, but it's requiring some folks' attention.  It could be a fun, broad way to have different motivations:
    -Makoto wants to use the money to repair her dojo and expand the reach of it
    -Chun Li  wants to show off her new skills, but also senses something isn't right about the whole thing
    -Karin doesn't care about the money obviously, but wants to know about the artifact and where the tourny holder got it
    -Q knows exactly what the artifact is, doesn't trust anyone to share the info, but wants to track the thief, destroy the artifact and to thrash the tournament holder
    -An unknown part has hired Juri to sow chaos along the way and make sure that the tourny organizer does not get the artifact back
    -Rolento, who has founded his own small band of mercs, is looking to recruit. His victory would be a nice bit of propoganda and the artifact would look great in his command centre
    -Blanka, having since become a bit of a celebrity, is wanting to use the funds to help fight deforestation. You can canonize Mai Lin from the cartoon as a partner in this endeavour and kinda make him Michelle Chang of the series. The fighter who tries to help nature. I think it could be a cool direction for him instead of retreading the past. His mom is proud of him, he made Blanka-chan which, had issues, but started to take off, so why not move the needle forward?
    Just my rough thoughts. I wanna see different levels to SF stories; some crime, some philosophical about the nature of the fight, etc. We've put the pause on Bison and potentially may see the Illuminati tale dealt with and closed, so we can diversity things for a bit. 
  10. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I did this for fun, but I welcome any and all critiques for my SF6 Roster prediction.

  11. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Skort in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I did this for fun, but I welcome any and all critiques for my SF6 Roster prediction.

  12. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from YagamiFire in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   




    Plus Chun-Li in a swimsuit is 💙💙💙💙💙
  13. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   




    Plus Chun-Li in a swimsuit is 💙💙💙💙💙
  14. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to ShockDingo in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Hmm, I dunno if that would work, they all legit hate each other and Vice and Mature have no reason to feign loyalty to Rugal anymore.  Also, it makes sense he's Omega Rugal by default since that's the form he died in and got crapped out by Verse.
    This is so adorable. I'm glad that Capcom hasn't tried to backtrack on "Hey as of SF3, Chun's a maternal figure!" but rather have embraced it. I never thought Li-Fen would get a name and much more focus, but I'm happy they're doing that. It's cool to see Chun progressing forward with her arc. I hope Capcom does more of that with folks.  For ages, I've looked at Heidern and thought his transformation into the man behind the scenes that investigates all the weird BS is wonderful!  Guile taking a similar role and founding a task force would be a coo way to keep him involved in the series even if he's not always on the ground in the thick of it.
  15. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Daemos in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   




    Plus Chun-Li in a swimsuit is 💙💙💙💙💙
  16. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from ShockDingo in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   




    Plus Chun-Li in a swimsuit is 💙💙💙💙💙
  17. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   




    Plus Chun-Li in a swimsuit is 💙💙💙💙💙
  18. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Speaking of KOF All-Stas Chun-Li
    YES! I've seen that (granted, the version I saw I believe was a Fortnite Alpha skin mod of Chunners. 
    But holy jesus, what I wouldn't give for a Chun-Li beat-em-up game with a long and deep story and upgradable stats like most JRPGs!
  19. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from ShockDingo in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Speaking of KOF All-Stas Chun-Li
    YES! I've seen that (granted, the version I saw I believe was a Fortnite Alpha skin mod of Chunners. 
    But holy jesus, what I wouldn't give for a Chun-Li beat-em-up game with a long and deep story and upgradable stats like most JRPGs!
  20. +1
  21. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Phantom_Miria in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Street Fighter can be wishy-washy with their "aging"
    I don't think they'll have the balls to age up/grey-hair they poster girl anytime soon. They gotta all the dough they can for their most marketable female character. 
    She'll probably be wiser and more experienced. And I do agree that she'll be more classy and mature, but I do hope she doesn't lose that "jumping for joy + yatta" attitude of hers. That or at least present that endearing quality in a different way.
    They gave Dhalsim a beard (which I think is a great decision and design choice) to make him look and feel more sage than before. They've allowed Karin and Sakura to grow up past their high school phase and into the workforce. And in the teaser for SF6, they looked to agged Ryu a little bit.
    But then again, this is capcom, and they can be strange with the aging stuff, like growing and roiding out Ed from SF4 to SF5.
  22. +1
  23. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I think we will just get bit more of the mature vibes SFV Chun already gave and costume redesign will probably go in a more "classy" way but that's it
    Tbh Ed being on roids was'nt a problem, it made sense with the NeoShadaloo uniform that mean the Ed you play as is months AFTER the events of ASF
    He's even listed at 86kg (1 heavier than Ryu), even counting hyper fast dna shit going on sure took some time reach that from his clearly lighter ASF self
    Thing is for SFV timeline was probably more correct play as skinny ASF Ed, but that would have implied also totally different approach to his moveset
    Hard to do direct comparision two different art style games (like, there Ryu seem two different people lol), but yeah i agree Ryu does'nt look older besidethat beard version is now -sadly- the official one
    I think in SF6 trailer the hint that time passed is given by Luke having some big scars on his face wich suggest he had some battles/scraps since SFV days
    My guess is just 2-3 years after SFV
    I think that's a decent redesign concept, like pieces are well distributed, SFA color scheme is there, is chunliesque and offer kung fu vibes
    Line is poor af compared to SF2/4/V Chun (wich break basic human figure with puff sleeves, big ass bracelets and cloth going down vertically), but that was a thing in SFa one too
    But i doubt that's the direction they will pick for SF6 Standard, does'nt vehicle much the idea of a post-SFV Chun, actually in anime visual language would feel more youthful (example belly out) and more scrappy (example hand stripes give instant rough/tough vibes) and go backward more in SFA costume direction, as if she suddently became much more obsessed on fight, train and get stronk, while SF lore seem to hint she became more mature/motherly figure and heading that direction, with different priorities in life
    I mean, something similar as alt sure, we seen whatever as Chun alt in SFV... but Standard is a different animal, only true design with the duty of settle the character's vibes
    But we need to know SF6 premise first, example if is about some big martial arts tournament, they may go like that as way to show she gone through hard training to return on top fighting shape after a quiet phase... but honestly i doubt, specially since with her style being Kung Fu they can have her elegant and still tell it's the best Chun ever as her technique is never been so sharp
    Despite spikes and wrestling boots feel the vision they have of Chun have still lot of the beautiful flower that does'nt need to go out of her path to kick down giant steel gates
  24. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to misterBee in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Did someone mention DRIP!?

  25. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to sKreetFighteZ in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I actually wish Chun can get some street wear clothes as a costume in the game. 
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