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Everything posted by DoctaMario

  1. That would be hilarious. All I know is, the guy who wrote that song has made a fuckload of money off that dumb shit 😂
  2. "Need" is a funny word when it comes to music. Things that I "need" musically others don't and vice versa, it's why I listen to some things and not so much others. It's not so much "filling in" the mix as it is not taking away from what's already come before. If you're coming from a chorus, imo, a guitar solo in a up/mid tempo rock song should be even bigger or at least on par with the chorus itself, unless it's supposed to be moody or whatnot. But that's why most bands track enough rhythm guitars in those sections in the studio unless they're going for more of a live vibe and only have one or two guitarists. They track those things when they have the resources to do so even though they may not have enough band members to cover those live, but in Miley's case, she does. And yeah, my band was headlining at most of those clubs. We were usually the only bands playing at those places (we had residencies and these clubs were a step up from the average club you hear bands in) so we didn't have any backlining to do except one time we opened for a bigger artist and had to fit our gear around his stage setup. But Miley is playing at a level where she has roadies to take care of the gear and they're probalby playing bigger venues anyway so there's more space for her to do her thing. As for the last bit, bands like this usually only have shorter solo sections. These aren't jam bands we're talking about, they're bands like GnR, Motley Crue, etc. The guitars are arguably the most important part of a rock mix and with a good sound engineer (which someone of Miley's status would have) will make everything sound like it should so everything gets heard. Trios are some of my favorite bands, Nirvana, The Police, the Bill Evans Trio, etc. There's something about a good trio that I've always loved and having played in a few myself, it's a lot of fun if you have the right musicians with you. Having said that, it depends on the music and how it's written. And Tool is a totally different kind of band so what works for them and their songs may not necessarily work for Miley Cyrus.
  3. They're doing so much great stuff with this game I might buy that IGA's Backpack DLC again on Switch to throw them a little support. They said they might do some other paid DLC down the road like costumes or even additional playable characters but that that's a ways out. So it'll be interesting to see how long they support this game for.
  4. It makes sense, especially from a live perspective, and rock is more a live performance medium. Besides, Miley probably won't be playing guitar live so having the extra player is a bonus. More bodies onstage=more hype show for a lot of people, especially if it's a big stage. I used to play clubs that wouldn't book anything less than a 4 piece but preferred 5 or more because the stages were big, it meant more musicians to interact with the audience, and the sound was thicker and more "pro." If you have two rhythm guitarists, it means that when the lead guitarist takes a solo, you don't have the drop in energy that usually accompanies them stopping playing chords if you don't have a piano/keys player to help pad out the mix. You get three guitarists playing different sounding guitars and staying in their lanes and it can work and sound great. A lot of 3 and 4 piece bands will sometimes hire a utility guy or play with backing tapes playing in the mix so it's like having another musician there from a mix/sound perspective, but playing with backing tapes especially if you're a rock band sucks ass. Having another body onstage rocking out looks and sounds way better.
  5. I think Whitechapel is the first area where you can go ham and do some damage feeding on people so it seems like it's been the first area to go down in both my runs. As far as I know, Lady Ashbury and Dr. Swansea are the only two people in the game you can't feed on. I suppose it could be possible to get your Mesmerize level up to 6 to get Swansea but I'm not aware of how you'd do it.
  6. I thought this was a place to be to get AWAY from mod related bullshittery? 🤔
  7. Not just that but if you feed on too many people too soon, it throws the different parts of the city into chaos and everybody you haven't fed on yet dies. Even without feeding on everyone you can still get pretty powerful, and I think, without spoiling too much, it's probably best to get your Embrace level up before you start feeding too often. Buuut having said that, my last run, I had some nights where I'd feed on 7 or 8 people and that shit felt GOOD! I'll probably go for my ultimate run of this after I finish Vigil.
  8. Got to try out the +R ggpo beta on steam with a buddy of mine from Toronto today and it felt really good, especially compared to the previous netcode. Not quite offline quality but pretty close. I played on my hitbox for the first time too and it felt so much better than playing on PS2 pad, PSP or my stick. Felt really good to play the game again, it's one of my favorite fighting games of all time and I've logged a lot of hours on over the years on PS2, PS3, and PSP but never really got that good at because there wasn't really any good option to play it with other people online. Has ASW said when they're going to release the ggpo patch to the steam version or if the console versions are going to get the rollback update as well?
  9. Meh, in my experience the people who are the most interested in being competitive play on console. It varies from game to game but for modern AAA budget fighters, console still seems to be the platform of choice from what I can tell.
  10. Oh man, I might have to grab Luigi's Mansion at that price
  11. Play Shang. His Soul Eater variation uses moves from both of them. It's cool that the custom variations are going to be tourney legal, but I wonder how theyll handle it at majors.
  12. Dude is INSUFFERABLE. I used to see his tweets because idiots I followed would retweet him and his tweets were always just like his articles, always seeming to find a way to inject politics/social justice BS into EVERYTHING, and usually missing the point. I don't understand why writers like that don't just try to write for political blogs rather than game media outlets.
  13. Astro City cabs have nice buttons and it IS nice to sit down while playing but standup cabs are more conducive to multiplayer without having to have a whole other cab.
  14. "Reality" is a weird term though, especially in this day and age where there's so much created by computers and where we cant even agree on what's happening in video clips we are of events. I remember playing SF4 against people after I'd modded the game and replaced stage files so I'm playing someone in Ryu's SF2 stage while on their end, they're fighting in the Street Market. Same game but different realities in a sense. Add to that, when cops are interviewing witnesses, sometimes what people remember is completely different than what the reality of the situation actually turns out to be. Witness saw a red car but that car was actually white. I dunno, maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree on this, but the longer I live, the more it becomes clear to me that our senses aren't always the most reliable things and they our brains are the receptor for that and based on our life experiences and chemical factors, "reality" can be completely different for different people.
  15. Kinda want this. Of we were to move to a place that had enough space for a game room I'd pull the trigger
  16. By the way, @RSG3 Wallachia is a really excellent game and I think you'll like it, it's on sale now too. It's kind of a shooter in the sense that Elcin's main weapon is a bow and arrows, but she has a sword as an offhand weapon that you can use to destroy projectiles, environment items that hold items, and even to kill enemies. The vibe is definitely Castlevania IV meets Rastan and I'm having a blast with it so far.
  17. Her stomp is definitely a scrubby move, I can't remember if you could normal block it in MK3 or not. Can you flawless block it?
  18. I keep skipping past my own posts thinking they're someone else's because I'm so used to the demon Taylor Swift av and still adjusting to Dr.Mario 🤣 I produced and recorded a jingle today that my buddy wrote for Utz the snack company and they're going to use it on the radio.
  19. That's a nice haul! If you ever want to play Mk or Puyo Puyo Tetris, let me know, I'd love to be able to play those more online.
  20. Ahh, I see. Well they would be pretty cool, and if I ever get a ps5 that's one of the first things I'd get like Bloodborne was when I got my ps4. Call me crazy but Im not sure I want a sequel. The game is pretty well contained as it is and while there are story elements that might be cool to see fleshed out, a spin-off would be better imo. Mutt be cool to see the rise and fall of the Ptumerians.
  21. Some of SNK's games animate a little strange or arent super fluid, but nobody ever says anything about it, and NeoGeo games have a certain feel to them that I think is due in part to said animation. The same goes for MK. They still feel a bit like the older games and the fact that people write novels praising or shitting on NRS animation is means that it's a hot enough topic to get people talking about it. I don't mind how they feel but I understand it's not for everyone.
  22. Usually about 3 days imo. After that, it just gets too dried out and the flavor is more cardboard than pizza. I find putting it in foil or a ziplock bag helps it retain flavor and consistency for longer in the fridge, but even then, 3 days is about all you'll get before it's not worth the calories anymore. Depends on how seriously I take the game. If I'm just playing for fun, I don't care, but if I'm trying to git gud, fuck all that. Then you can outplay someone but get rekt by the RnGesus and that's no fun.
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