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Everything posted by DoctaMario

  1. I went in to vote today and they have me a ballot, a pen, and a swizzle straw without explaining anything. Apparently I was supposed to use the straw to touch the screen on the voting machine. Of the 4 elections I was voting for, two were uncontested, and I wrote in "none" for the president. Trump is gonna win TN, but I'm not gonna help him. Was talking with my mum in law and she did the same thing and said it's never been quite this bad in terms of having candidates that most people don't really believe in or want to vote for.
  2. Other than 360s and tiger knee motions everything is harder on stick than hitbox. I only see shmups as a reason to use a stick anymore. Tbh I wish I could mod my Quanba Dragon into hitbox. That thing is top to bottom amazing, but it's still a stick 😂
  3. I have a hitbox myself that I got while I was playing Samsho competitively and while I have a couple really nice sticks, I think stick is an inferior way to play FGs now. Better than pad, but hitbox is so much better imo.
  4. I have some friends FROM India who came over and started a group of vegetarian Indian food places in Atlanta and I think they even have one in Houston now. If that was what being a vegetarian was all about, I would sign up in a HEARTBEAT. Indian is in my top 3 favorite foods and that was some of the best Indian I ever ate. If you're in or around Atlanta, Cafe Udipi is the truth. I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone!
  5. GPK is a grade A shitbag. Of all the people I'm glad didn't come over here, she's top of my list. SRK is all but dead, anybody who's a mod over there is presiding over just shy of a ghost town, and most of the folks that really made GD what it was are here. You won. Move on.
  6. I've always wondered if non celebrity people who end up as memes know that they're being used as memes and what they think of it, especially the memes that denote bad things like that crazy eyes girl. 🤔 For someone who was saying "fuck Srk" etc you seem to have a hard time letting the place go. You're in a better place, enjoy it and stop worrying about what's going on over there as if you don't have alts you could use to check up on it.
  7. I'm a big breakfast fan, and I have to say nothing beats waffles, sausage patties, and eggs or shredded hashbrowns with jalapenos and a bit of cheese. Imo one of the best uses of those cheese singles slices is in eggs. Normally I don't eat that stuff (I still remember American cheese that held its shape without having to be in a plastic sleeve 😂) but it works really well in eggs if you don't have anything meltier on hand. Pancakes are great but they really make you feel too full without warning and I've never gotten that "too full" feeling from eating waffles unless I know what I'm doing and decide early on that it's gonna be a sweatpants day.
  8. I expect fuckery on this regardless of the outcome and I think lawyers are going to be the ones who REALLY decide the winner. At this point, the only way that 2020 could get any more out of pocket is if the losing candidate shoots the winning one.
  9. I want to say there was a Christian student club at my school growing up but i don't remember for sure, and I know they never had any sort of prayer when I was in school, and I went to a small school out in the country. Shit done changed! Either way, I don't have a problem with people praying in schools unless they try to make everyone do it or they make people feel like shit for not doing it. @misterBeeThose Mickey D's hashbrowns are the TRUTH! They might be one of the best items on their menu tbh.
  10. Co-sign the shredded hash browns. I love them fried crispy with jalapenos and cheese. Unfortunately my doc told me I need to cut back on fried stuff, apparently my liver is a tad fatty and that I need to avoid starchy stuff and fried food. Blah. RE the election, I think if Biden wins, Trumpers will just pout, but might start low key doing things in red areas like school prayer, etc just to test things. If Trump wins, there'll be riots. I think Biden winning is the better outcome but I can't even imagine how crazy the next Republican candidate will be in 2024 if that happens.
  11. Tbh I wonder if that attitude was the attitude of a lot of people around him growing up. Apparently he was really poor growing up, worked all kinds of crazy jobs including something involving cleaning caskets, but was also a swimsuit model and Mr.Universe contestant. Dude led an interesting life.
  12. Thanks guys! 😎 We wound up missing the trunk or treat but went to the mall and walked around, saw costumes, went to hibachi (in costume lol) for a friend's birthday, etc and then took him trick or treating around one of the neighborhoods here. My girl dressed up as Rey, had the hair going and everything and it looked really great too. I got a prompt from one of the music licensing companies I work with that they need covers of a couple Christmas songs for Hallmark movies so I'm gonna go in today and knock a couple out. The placement I got last year paid pretty nice and it was good to start the year with a little money in the bank. Those movies are beyond cheesy but it's pretty awesome hearing something that two weeks ago was cooking through your speakers playing on tv.
  13. Anybody doing anything for Halloween tonight? Were taking the boy child to some trunk or treat thing and he's dressed as Baby Yoda
  14. I explained it. If you still don't get it, it's because you're trying not to. Take your meds.
  15. 🤣🤣🤣 I'm absolutely dying! I can't imagine how mad someone would get after they kill you but then realized their gear is all fucked up because of that terrible weapon 😂😂😂 I agree with you 110% about soulsborne pvp. I always want to like it, but then I play it and I'm like, "this shit is terrible." I think Bloodborne's could be decent if the guns didn't stagger, but I agree, they weren't modes that were meant to be competitive and were probably added as an afterthought.
  16. It's usually offline/tourney players I see arguing about it most of the time.
  17. Took me almost 4 hours to get home tonight due to some crash on the highway. Normally the drive takes 30 min. 😖
  18. Bloodborne is another one I'd pick. Easily one of my all time favorite games.
  19. What's a game you wish you could experience again for the first time? For me, I think it would be Castlevania Rondo Of Blood. I remember seeing screenshots of the game back in the 90s in game magazines years before Dracula X Chronicles was even a thought and thinking how awesome the game looked. I had a hacked PSP in the months leading up to DXC's release and someone released a .zip of a PCE emu and the Rondo of Blood cue+bin and after downloading and installing it, it worked and I was beyond stoked. Finally, I'd get to experience this unreleased treasure in my favorite series of all time! Granted it wasn't perfect, it was on a small PSP screen, and the emulation was a bit rough in spots, but it was one of the most exciting first-play experiences I think I ever had.
  20. Yeah I heard the patch was waiting for approval, but the dev said it would probably be weeks and part of the bugs involve losing save data so I'm iffy on getting started just yet. I heard putting it on the system memory as opposed to the sd card helped too though.
  21. I have a bit of a philosophical question for you guys based on some conversations I've had in the 3s and SamSho5Sp communities. With most games, especially if the netcode isn't up to snuff, often times two different metas develop, the online and offline, and the common belief that the offline version of any game is the one that matters, since it's the one that's played competitively. That said, if most players are playing the game online, and given Covid and how offline events aren't happening now, one could argue that the online meta is the more important one. People often look down on "online tactics" but if the online meta is the one most players are playing, and those tactics aren't obviously bullshit, abusing lag, etc, should they be discouraged? Obviously the best of all possible worlds is the online and offline metas being the same or as close to the same as possible, but in a world where that's rarely the case, should we be focusing more on the meta that more players have access to and are experiencing that competitive players could also access, or the one that a small portion of a game's community will likely ever experience? btw I hate the word "meta" but I don't know a better word to describe what I'm talking about 😂 TL;DR: if more players play online then offline & offline events are cancelled, does that mean the online version is more important than the offline version?
  22. I don't even know what the drama was this time around, but i remember all the stuff that went down with Dyne and how shitty people were both to him and people who supported him. Vampire Arcadia even blocked me on Twitter because I liked a couple tweets in support of him. You'd think a small community like theirs would try to get along better and iron things out within rather than broadcasting it to Twitter.
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