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Everything posted by DoctaMario

  1. I honestly can't think of a game that has better delay netcode especially with the ability to reach as far as Japan. ISPs are a factor too, you can have a decent speedtest trying but if your ISP sucks, you'll still get crummy connections. That said, I'd rather play someone with a crappy connection using delay netcode then rollback. Rollback is the absolute worst of the connection isn't good.
  2. There's a really great puzzle game called Anode for Switch (and probably other stuff too.) You connect different color blocks and make circuits which then explode. It's kind of like puzzle fighter meets Puyo. Game is pretty cheap but well done.
  3. I haven't played this since my Vita died ☹️
  4. I've been going back and listening to metal albums I always wanted to check out when I was in school but didn't have the money to buy. Spotify is a godsend! Slayer-'Undisputed Attitude' The Kovenant- 'Animatronic' Corrosion Of Conformity: 'Blind' (this album has some of the heaviest sounding guitars ever!)
  5. What's Crystal Crisis? I've never heard of that one I don't think
  6. Ah word, you did? I think I knew you grew up in the islands but I didn't know it was St Thomas! Thanks for those tips too, especially about the jewelry and the aquarium lol! My girl lived there for a few years and it's one of her favorite places on earth so I'm looking forward to seeing it after the pics I've seen and what she's told me about it. We're staying around Coki beach I believe. It was a good choice for our honeymoon being that it's closer but still far enough away.
  7. Yeah I got it a few months ago. Haven't played it much in the last month or so since Tetris has taken over my life, but it's an easy enough game to pick back up. Which variation were you using? I started out using Ratbag, moved to Ripper after seeing how meter dependant Ratbag was and because I played Commando in MKX, and then after finally playing online a bit, moved onto Dirtbag. Dirtbag feels the most viable to me, but they all seem pretty useful.
  8. Ahh this is great! Thank you! I like the Unread button too!
  9. Ooh so @misterBeeis a Kano player too??
  10. I used to like to play that on the PS3. Still have it too! Yeah I like Tetris 99 a lot. I probably have more time on that than any other game on my Switch but I've only recently been learning how to play it optimally. 4 Wide is pretty much the GOAT strategy and if you aren't using it, you're giving up matches I guess. Picking "Attackers" is also the best overall strat generally although it tends to attract a lot of attention sometimes. I'm starting to get into switching people I'm attacking and trying to snipe people with badges, and you can change people you're attacking with the touch screen which is convenient.
  11. I am. I don't have those breadcrumb links anymore. I only ever browse on mobile so if there's anything you need tested for mobile, let me know, I'd be happy to help. This is a pic of what I'm seeing at the bottoms of the page still. It's the same at the top
  12. Nah that wasn't me. I haven't been on Shitecade in almost a month and I really only play SamSho5Sp and SamSho4 when I am on there. A couple things: 1. Happy belated birthday @RSG3! 2. I had to take a Covid test this morning and I'm happy to say I'm Covid-free so now I can go to St.Thomas in 5 days!
  13. Unless I'm missing something, before you could get back to the overview of FGD, GD, etc through the navigation at the top and bottom. Now you can only go back to the subforum if you're at the bottom and the forum overview by scrolling back to the top and clicking the "Mega" link in banner. Does that make sense? Being able to get to any and all areas from the top or bottom seems more convenient to me. TL;Dr More links in more places isπŸ‘
  14. I used to be pretty indifferent to deer until we visited Nara Temple in Japan which is overrun with deer who they believe are spirits. It's a beautiful place. Only thing is, they have little stands where you can buy crackers to feed the deer and the deer were used to getting fed. My girl bought two packs and the deer were nipping at her ass and arms because they saw it. Louis CK was right, they're rats with hooves 🀣🀣🀣
  15. The new update looks great! Nice to see an admin that actually seems to care about optimization! I was wondering if it would be possible to have a floating toolbar for the hamburger menu rather than having to scroll all the way up to the top to access it. Also the subforum navigation links being at the bottom only seems less convenient than being able to access them from both the top and bottom. Overall great job though, thanks for doing this!
  16. Tbh I'm iffy on guest characters. A lot of times they end up being either too good or completely awful because they aren't really a part of the main game universe and thus aren't constrained or benefit from that. And depending on who they are they really take me out of the atmosphere, and that's definitely the case for me with the MK11 guests. Samsho actually did pretty well in that department surprisingly enough.
  17. Yeah try it out and let me know if it works. I don't use the parries much because my timing sucks and the window for them is tight, but they seem underutilized.
  18. Rain and Mileena=Awesome! Rambo? Kinda cool, but he's going to be another gun character, and they get annoying to fight.
  19. It's been that way since MK1. Kano, Liu Kang, Raiden and iirc Sonya had uppercuts that would reach pretty far out in front of them while Johnny & the ninjas you had to be closer to hit them.
  20. Happy birthday weekend @KingTubb! Bloodborne sounds like a great way to get the weekend started and if you've got people around, enjoy it. My birthday was back in late March and outside of my girl cooking, getting to play Bloodborne without interruption for a few hours was a highlight because we couldn't go anywhere.
  21. Agreed. Tbh I've been addicted to the Election thread in probably a bad way so there being no politics here is good by me πŸ˜‚
  22. Yeah it definitely seems tired to Japanese isps and geography. Conversely, the netcode for SamSho5Sp is easily the best netcode I've ever used. Even on my Vita on wifi, I was able to get solid connections to Japanese players with few if any hiccups. That netcode is some fucking devilry and it's awesome! The game is better than SS7 too!
  23. Since I stopped playing Samsho competitively,I started getting more and more into Tetris because not only can I play it solo, I can play vs and battle Royal games and it scratches my competitive itch a bit. The beauty of it is, while it's still essentially the same game and mechanics, the meta changes depending on what version of it you're playing. Strategies that work well in Sprint, aren't optimal for Ultra, and those strats don't always hold up in 1v1, while 1v1 strats don't necessarily work as well in Tetris 99. Anybody here a Tetris/puzzle game player? This is more Classic Tetris, but it's a seriously hype match between two of the best: http://https//
  24. I've got a buddy who is a videographer who used to shoot a lot of rap videos with legit gangbangers, and it got to a point where his wife told him to stop taking those gigs because they always invariably involved guns, strippers, or just really dangerous people πŸ˜‚
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