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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. Yea James Cameron's actually fucking brilliant lol. He's what Elon Musk pretends to be.
  2. Everyone did and anyone who says they didn't is a dirty liar.
  3. Yea she's thought about the dude she just spent 4 hours telling the crew about lol. She spent her entire life with her actual family, yea she'd probably think of the guy who opened her eyes enough to become the person that has that large family. She basically owes him everything. There wouldn't be those grandkids without him. She'd have married Cal and been miserable her whole life lol. It's like we are purposefully trying to have a shitty reading of this movie lol.
  4. Duckstation breathes new life into 3D PS1 games.
  5. Sin and Punishment 2 deserves a modern port.
  6. None of that means anything to me. Unless you know about CPUs and GPUs your analogy isn't very helpful, to me anyways The actual point was that as time passes tech gets better because it does. It's always does. Yea advancement slows...until a new discovery is made. There's room in the world for both of these technologies, the fact dudes holding a tiny motor proves that over time tech gets smaller and more efficient, 20 years ago they would have said that tiny motor with that power output was impossible.
  7. Technology get smaller with time and that includes batteries 👍
  8. What? I don't use Steam....least haven't for a few years anyway. Wonder what game that was...
  9. I game on my PC but I still find it to be significantly more trouble and a hassle then my consoles lol. There's just some stuff I have to play there.
  10. Tap on the quote box and in the upper left hand corner you'll see a circle with a cross in the middle. Tap that circle and hit back space.
  11. He's not saying he wants that from X-Men 97, he's saying he doesn't want X-Men 97 period. He wants a new show.
  12. I'd say the Man is the one not looking at her tits lmao. But I doubt any of them actually are and those are just strategically chosen shots.
  13. It's pandering, but it's the pandering that makes us feel warm and fuzzy so it's ok.
  14. I'd rather take a nap then have my mental dick sucked by the equivalent of a McDonalds Cheese Burger these days. I'm so fucking bored of being pandered to, it's so fucking boring.
  15. I actually think pandering ruins your product more because pandering is spineless. It's about the most cowardly thing you can do in art and why Rise of Skywalker is easily the worst Star Wars movie because it's completely and utterlally balless, pandering to a rabid group of assholes. There is 0 risk to pandering, its the safest, easiest milk toast way of servicing you fans and thats what yoy are doing when you pander as hard as lot of fan pleasing writers do. Youre just servicing. Thats it. Antagonizing your fans isn't smart but a lot of fans see actual real narratives moves as betraying them and the product. They don't want good stories they want to be serviced and it it's the saddest death an IP can have imo. Yea finding a balance in the middle is generally what you should aim for but a lot of fans aren't arguing a middle ground they are demanding to be serviced. So yea a middle grounds clearly best but just because yoy and the characters you love are being challenged doesn't mean youre being antagonized either and many fans can't tell the difference between the two. Thats why I would be interested in what the director fully said (if he said more then that) instead of an extremely click baity one scentence quote grab from a dog shit culture war rag like Kotaku 👍
  16. I would have to ask what he means by pleasing fans because there's a line between ignoring them (Halo) and pandering to them and neither one is good an a lot of fans can't tell the difference between good writing and being pandered to. The Star Wars fanbase as a general statement wants to be pandered to. It's why Luke at the end of Mando is so praised and why the Vader Scene in Rogue One is liked so much by fans. It's huge amounts of pandering. So personally I would want to see more of the statement or ask him to explain what he means if he didn't. I dunno if he did or not because I'm not going to give Kotaku clicks for anything. Literally the Fox News Culture Vultures of the videogame reporting industry, yuck no thanks. Edit: Hell now thay I think about it fans cam barely agree on what they want over half the time lol. With all that said I can't imagine Bethesda fans are all that hard to please, they praise mediocrity regularly.
  17. What does Clinton have to do with anything? He consenusaly stuck up a cigar up his secretaries vagina, That consensual part makes it completely different lol.
  18. He talks about mechanics and systems here. He got to play an early build.
  19. Lmao Cuphead was awesome. What ones in that list are better? Only ones I saw that grabbed my attention where the Metal Slug games and those are 20+ years old, they should be 5 dollars at best....
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