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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. Pretty sure asking for funding for one isn't illigal either, Project64 asks every time you boot it up lol.
  2. Yea a parade of like 45 people means New York City has gone communist!!! Do you ever get tired of following that sensationlist garbage?
  3. To still think of it as something of a turn based rpg. Your normal mash square attacks really don't do much damage until you've staggered someone, they are more for building ATB Bar so you can use Abilities and cast Spells. Also dodging really doesn't have any i-frames at all and yoy really are supposed to use the Block button often. It works, it's very useful. Otherwise advice starts to become more specific. As you aquire Materia pay atrention to moving it between characters to keep it leveling up, experiment with the Blue, Yellow, and Purple Materias, especially Purple they can alter the way the game plays for you as they alter how characters function. And don't forget you can play as, as well as give your team mates commands while playing someone else. The game wants to you to multi-manage a decent amount of stuff.
  4. Yea it's a 7 hour time lock. You can play as much as possible in 7 hours.
  5. @Darc_RequiemIf I remember right you like tactics RPGs do you have any interest in Unicorn Overlord? Looks like the Ogre Battle 64 sequel I never got from Quest.
  6. But I'm not imagining it. I'm not talking about everyone, I'm talking about 1 very specific person who is supposed to be an engineer. Where the hell am I assuming every laptop owner is an engineer? I'm talking about Elon Musk, remember? I'm not a fucking IT/Engineer and I figured it out for my Laptop and my Thinkstation so clearly not everyone who owns a PC is in IT and yet can still fucking figure this out with minimal effort, so why can't Elon who is an Engineer? Bro you can't call me a Boomer when you don't even know how Twitter works. Just stop it. The personal attacks are getting pathetic. The only one behaving like a Boomer here is you. You can't even follow this basic conversation. It's about 1 person, not every person who buys a Laptop. I actually do read your entire posts you just don't like how I respond to them and your only out for it after starting this goofy confrontation is to assume i'm not reading the whole thing. It's just not all you type is worth responding to imo and that bothers you. I'm not gonna quote the entire post and make these walls of text any worse then they already are. Youre just butthurt I don't agree with you, so you have to belittle me and insult me, and pretend I'm not reading your entire posts for some reason. You can't accuse me of not reading and then post shit like "Imagine thinking everyone who owns a laptop is an IT person" when I never said that, not once, never said anything like it. You can't to accuse me of not reading while also putting words in my mouth. I'm talking about Elon not being able to do what a basic IT professional can, and he's an IT/Engineer professional. I'm talking about Elon. Frankly this entire thing looks like youre butt hurt I shit on Elon Musk. I'm not sucking Elons dick and you seem really upset about that.
  7. If I remember right that woman got fired for doing that lol.
  8. Software has always been by license it's technically always been a rental. You only own that one specific copy, and they started limiting installs long before cellphones lol. It's deffinitly a shitty practice but pretty easy to bypass if yoy just take a minute or two. It's like how they do shit like have auto pay automatically checked. Should they? No. Is it easy to fix? Yea. And yes you can still install any OS on a PC you want. Linux is still a thing lol. It's not even the only alternative option to Apple/Microsoft. Honestly it's easier today to use other options then it's ever been in the past.
  9. Anything to entertain you Chad. Knowing your day has been made better makes my day better lol
  10. I did it two months ago with a fresh Windows 11 install. It's not Boomer shit at all. Its basic fucking IT shit any engineer worth a fuck could figure out and Elons supposed to be a brilliant engineer. I honestly don't give a fuck about their account bullshit either way, its the moat minor of MS issues, has nothing to do with Elon, you brought up their account shit not me. I was knocking a so called brilliant engineer not being able figure out basic windows shit. And no clicking on the Twitter Thread wouldn't show me the replies because dumb fuck Elon Musk made it so only account holders can see threads, because irony of fucking ironies Elon Musk feels entitled to me making an account to view threads so he can scrape my data for information to sell, the very thing you are bitching at MS for. I can only see his one post whining about it you assumption making dick head, I can't see anything on Twitter/X beyond the basic post because I don't have an account. So take your "click the link" argument and shove it up your ass. Dumb fuck Elon made it so I can't see them without jumping through hoops, the thing he and you are currently fucking crying about. Christ man. Just fuck off bro, you have said multiple times you hate the way I respond shit yet you keep fucking responding to me. Just fucking stop if you hate my shit so much. You quoted me and responded with some irrelvant ass shit that had fuck all to do with what I was talking about and now youre just personally insulting me over and over. Just fuck off bro. Stop talking to me if you hate me so much.
  11. Yea but does anyone know....or even care about thay Netflix movie? Lol.
  12. The only real benefit there seems to be to working in Japan as opposed to say America, is that you won't ever get fired. They apparantly need fire anyone in Japan, ever. They just ignore them and keep it the company going anyway. It's kinda weird but the job security aspect has to be really nice. The rest of their work culture tho seems just as poisonous as our own, if not more so I ways honestly. As a non-drinker the after work social obligations would fucking kill me me lol Edit: I am not black lol.
  13. It's not shitty tho. It's barely a thing at all, as I said it takes 30 seconds to tell them "no thanks" and keep it moving. How is it shitty for them to give you options and the instructions on their own website to do what you want? You just saying it's shitty doesn't make it actually shitty. Like Elon you seem to barely understand the service and software we are talking about. This conversation has taken longer then it takes to opt out of a MS account that is not required at all. Oppenheimer has more to do with that then Einstein does. While his work was used as a launching point for the eventual bomb he himself did not create the Bomb so he himself has little to do with its impact on me. That would be Oppenheimer and his team. This would be like saying School shootings are China's fault for inventing Gunpowder lol. Musk puts cars on the road every day on the roads i use every day but he can't set up Windows 11 the way he wants, but his cars are supposed to be self driving? Did Einstein propose a public transport solution for Californa and then deliver jack fuck and shit? I'm a huge supporter of public transit and walkable cities. Elons Hyperloop killed the proposed Train n in Cali we in Arizona where looking at Cali and their Train as a solution for Arizona public transit long distance, but now we don't get any of that data becauee Elon lied about the Hyperloop to Cali, so they didn't get a train or a car tunnel. So now our public transit proposal here in AZ is on pause cuz we aren't gonna get the Daya we wanted to from Cali. Two dead dudes just don't ping on my radar when it comes to an alive dude making promises he never intends to keep that fucks up shit for normal people. Like its sad as fuck I'm talking about Elon and you're going "Yea but what about Einstein!!!" Who fucking cares about Einstein in 2024? If you can find quotes of Einstein talking about we should bring back company towns or something then maybe I'll put him on the same level as Elon spoiled brat Musk. When there's proof of Einstein engaging in Market Manipulation then maybe I'll put on him on Elons level. Did Einstein ever fuck with the services he provided other countries because he was trying to play both sides of a war for profit? I dunno how else to describe Elons constant fucking with Starlink.
  14. Considering it doesn't seem to have proceeded him must not have been big enough to get in his way like it does Elon regularly. After you quoted my post about what an idiot he was. Why did you quote my post if your response to me was completely irrelevant to what I said? I didn't say anything about MSs account policies so why did you respond to me and not VgirginDefiler who posted the story? Did you quote the wrong person and thays why you response has nothing to do with my original comment? Cuz the only conclusion I could come to for quoting me is that Musk has something to do with your response, that his complaint is valid (it's not) because yoy don't like MSs account policies. So if your response had nothing to do with Musk and my comment had nothing to domwith MS account policies, why did you quote me at all and not VirginDefiler who posted the story? Generally when you quote someone it's because your reaponse is relevant to quoted what gives? Edit: I will say Elon gets under my skin in ways Einstein can't because Einstein is fucking dead. I don't have to see him in my news feed and on my TV saying the dumbest fucking shit on the planet ever fucking day. Can't get through the morning news weather reports without hearing what dumb fuck Elons opinion about shit he shouldn't have opinions on is today. Like Elon does stuff and effects government policies today. He and the things he does and says impact my life today. What impact on my life right now today does Einstein have in his pinewood box? Gives Einstein a real leg up on Elon I tell you what.
  15. Einstein didn't run around acting like he was the smartest man on the planet either. He just did science shit. What a leap lmao. I respond to a story posted here, then to your response to my post and that means he's living rent free in my head? Lol whatever you say dude. Enjoy defending the dude who baked a bunch of hoops you gotta jump through to use Twitter but can't figure out how basic ass fucking windows works 🤣
  16. It takes like 30 seconds my dude. This man supposedly designs cars, for people to drive, that could kill people if designed badly...and he can't figure out something I did in my free time in like 2 minutes. He's just fucking lazy as shit and cries like a baby about everything and I'm tired of pretending he's not a spoiled brat who can't actually do anything on his own. I'm not really sure the relevance of MSs account policies when it comes to his inability to navigate the most well documented operated system in the world.
  17. Google already has access to him problems. Hell unfortunately we all seem to.
  18. Brilliant engineer there, can't even Google a solution to his problem.
  19. Yea launch state was abysmal. Yea I won't be replaying it or grinding out best in slot or anything but for the week I played we had fun. On an actual 1-10 scale I would give it a 5. It's literally....fine. it's ok. Middle of the road. You can kill a week with it but probably no more. Their Red Hood was fucking weird, I dunno. The narrative as a whole deffinitly landed pretty hollow which is an unfortunate way for almost all these characters to be introduced to the gaming world. Oh well..
  20. I liked the Contra Demo. The Double Jump is nice, means we can use the entire screen and not just the bottom half majority of the time. I only played as Bill and he has a dash, I dunno if Lance does. I liked the dash, it feels quick and responsive. The graphics are perhaps a little flat but then WayForwards a budget studio and this is what their 3D tends to look like, a more cartoons and flat vibe so I expected it. I like it personally but I know others won't. I have to say I find it infinitely more appealing then the looks the series had on the PS2 with Shattered Soldier and Neo. I will agree with Comacth tho that the music's kinda disappointing, the instruments all just sort of bleed together. There's a bit of a reason they outsource the Shantae OSTs... I liked it. I'd like to try multiplay with my brother and see if we have fun with that. The difficulty selection is nice to see. I might scoop it. I had fun.
  21. Doesn't that game completely remix itself at like the half way point? Also isn't it a remake of a Gameboy game?
  22. Any Perdlsona Fan not willing to play the Innocent Sin Duology is a fucking fool, full stop. SMT1 &2 are pretty good to. I'll co-sign Persona 1 tho, that's a half baked SMT/If/Persona game. They hadn't figured it out yet.
  23. After all the vitriol and hours long essays in my YT feed this game was actually better then I expected it to be. Was it amazing? No. Did I have fun fir the 15 hours I co-oped it with my brother? Yes. I paid 20 bucks for it and had a good time. It's deffinitly got issues and its very clearly a rushed product, but it didn't ruin my life or anything. People need to stop acting like this game shot their Mom and Dad in Crime Ally. It's getting pathetic. Batman Fanbase starting to look kinda like the irrational parts of the DmC fanbase. Just can't let shit go.
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