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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. Yes I do. I also know people are people and not all of hem behaive exactly like they do in the stories your manosphere Podcasters make up. We know you wouldn't commit to a songle mom you have pretty negative opinions about single moms. It's also pretty clear to me you'd bounce from a lot of relationships the second they got a little tough. You talk with way too much confidence about situations you've never been in. You still have a very young man's mind about all of this.
  2. Or she might learn her lesson, you really don't know. She fuckin dumb but maybe his cold shoulder is enough to teach her. Like chill my dude.
  3. That's fine, movie was working its talent into the ground already anyway.
  4. They're so large they over lap at times and it makes the action a little hard to read when shit gets busy. Only a little tho, like a nit pick kind of complaint. Art Of Fighting looks dope till the zoom in/out becomes a thing. Like when your spaced apart just enough the game isn't sure what to do so it zooms in and out a few times. Kinda makes my eyes hurt. Another nit pick at best tho, I love the huge sprites regardless.
  5. The black girl who pretended to kidnap herself two weeks ago.
  6. I didn't say it indicated a good man. I've very adamantly said it doesn't indicate anything other then being personable with women. This is the last time I'm going to say it, I will not respond to the next person who doesn't understand what I'm saying. I'm real tired of repeating myself. High body count indicates nothing but a personable personality. That's it. Eight but I don't agree with you that every woman can just go out and get laid because I've met them. I've met the women who can't go out and get fucked by anyone no matter how hard they try. Its absoltly wild to me to think that every woman can get dick any time they want. Thats fucking crazy. We don't agree at all. I have yet to see a good reason to care that doesn't lead to something that is a far deeper rooted issue. If her sex is a problem it's generally she's suffering a much bigger problem and if he's upset by the number chances are he's pretty insecure. I've yet to talk to a dude worried about it who didn't have security issues. @Darc_RequiemThats cool man.
  7. Chris is right. You don't want to know. If the number matters to you, you don't want to know. She's a human being with human needs which means she's probably fucked a decent number of people before you, unless you guys met in HS, you're probably delusional if you think the number is going to be low. Don't ask questions that don't matter and whose answers only serve to upset you. Asking a girl her body count is like when she asks you if that dress makes her look fat. Set a whole ass trap for yourself. Dante lookin mofos lol.
  8. It's the sprite size man, it has to be, all of FF1s sprites are HUGE. Like Art of Fighting huge. It almost gets in the way of the gameplay honestly, but man they do look good.
  9. Congratulations you just described the majority of people who can't get laid on either side 👏
  10. Yea a dude would get a light punishment to, it's a misdemeanor lol.
  11. This is the only internet social group I'm apart of. Sorry.
  12. Bro really? Like fucking really really? You really think women out there who can't get laid just aren't trying hard enough? Come on. Just gotta call their best friend because every woman on the planet has friends, much less male friends? And I'm not conflating getting women with being a good person, I'm literally saying they have nothing to do with eachother and don't matter. Your body count doesn't make you a good or bad person at all. You're the one saying dudes who pull high body counts have something going for them. I'm saying no they don't, it's not that hard and your counter argument is the existence of incel men, like there are incel women. They exist. Just because the majority can get laid doesn't meant there aren't people who can't get laid for whatever reasons, for both groups.
  13. You might be surprised, a big part of the trade in community these days is tech, from record players to videogame shit. I'm not guaranteeing I'm just saying don't exactly count them out. Maybe call at least. Otherwise an online selling venue like eBay/Craigslist type of deal might be the only way to find someone actually interested. Are there any game specific specialty stores in your town? I bought a Jpn Saturn off Craig's List 3 years ago so you never know someone might be looking for exactly your item.
  14. Untrue, there are women who can't get laid either, by your logic they shouldn't exist cuz any woman get laid apparantly, which is very clearly not true. I don't buy this for even a second. Sorry. I think we are just assuming good things about him because we are raised as a society to to think highly of men who get laid a lot. We have a bias towards thinking highly of men who can pull a lot of women, but it's really not that hard honestly and plenty of dudes who pull lots of woman are absolutly trash individuals.
  15. Um....i dont... Guess the closest would be the local Bookmans trading store. Their cash trade is trash but the in store credit is fantastic and in generally just trying to turn non used game shit into used game shit anyway so it works for me.
  16. With how popular the first run was, perhaps they have a bigger budget this time.
  17. One might even go as far to say the resemblance is....uncanny. *Puts on Sunglasses as The Who blares in the backround.*
  18. I disagree actually, a nightly trip to the bar will show you plenty of ugly, degenerate, disgusting men getting laid with little effort. Hell the joke kinda cancels itself out. If being a slut is easy that means getting laid can't be that hard, there are sluts everywhere. So being a "stud" isn't all that demanding either.
  19. Yea them being a niche genre is a huge part of it. Like dude I'm into Shmups, it's been basically 20 years of UWU Kawaii girls in maids dresses piloting spaceships for me lol. When yoy are thay niche pandering becomes a bit of a survival skill lol. I disagree kinda on Street of Rage 4m some of it looks really great and some of its really ugly imo. That games visuals are kinda hit and miss for me, personally. I'm also gonna co-sign Hawking Bird in that while I like them I always thought OG Double Dragon was kinda ugly, even the NES games. Final Fight and the like where always more visually appealing to me. Tho nothing does beat that garage door opening in with the sweet sports car, the music kicking in and fists start flying...great series.
  20. Its actually entirely personal opinion. Its peoples personal opinions that body counts matter. The entire topic is personal opinion. If it was a fact then there wouldnt be a debate in the first place (Between level headed individuals.) I haven't made 1 factual statement but I'm being responded to as if i have. I really don't get why you ever responded to me in the first place to be perfectly honest with you. I haven't been disingenuous one single second of this conversation yet I'm being treated like I made some factually concrete immutable statement when it was so obviously an opinion. What are you arguing here Darc because I don't see what point your trying to make at all, beyond the fact body counts some people. Yea cool, it also doesn't matter at all to some people, so clearly neither position is a factual one, hence the debate. The only fact is some people care and some people don't. The opinion is whether they should or not. So I dunno but I'm really confused what point you are trying to make my dude.
  21. Those don't seem to sell as well unless you already named like Streets of Rage, and even then the Double Dragon line has been tied to goofy Kunio so long it might be hard to go back. I wouldn't mind a slight more mature looking brawler tho myself. Id really like to see someone try the Guardian Heroes formula again honestly.
  22. That's literally what i said in my post. They lie because they know people will shame them, or think negatively of them, or some kind of societal repercussion will occur from being honest. They don't lie because it matters to them they lie because it matters to YOU. I'm glad you actually agree with me on this when we get down to the heart of the issue. People lie about their body count because of how other people will react to it. The only thing we actually don't agree on here is that body count matters when looking for a relationship with a stable and normal individual. I don't think it does, if they've had so much sex they are messed up from it, 99% of the time they have way deeper seeded issues then a high body count. They where probably abused when they where younger or some other thing. The issue then isn't the body count, its unaddressed mental traumas or issues, but society sees it as easier to call them loose and "Used goods" then treat them like a person and help them with their issues. Edit: On a slightly different note, gonna agree that thumbing down posts you disagree with without the intent being to mod the post, since we all know the thumbs down is a post bury tool, is kinda bitch made, IMO. But do what you will.
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