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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. I've gotten to the point in the story of AoC where the elephant in the room has started to grow and now they know when the elephant is going suffocate them. Story has been doing a pretty good job so far making me feel more sympathetic to Zelda.
  2. Urbosa kinda reminds me of Nero's rev mechanic. Once I get the first bar I'm rarely out of electricity since I'm always constantly refilling it at the end of the combos. It's few and far inbetween when I've ever run out in the usually in the instances where I'm trying to kill off a bosses weak point meter and I want to melt him and I'm about to get tagged or I get tagged in the process of trying to quick recharge after dropping the meter. Urbosa is the character I've put the most time into and of course I'm loving her at the moment. I've only recently attempted to play Mipha last night. She's interesting but I haven't gotten the hang of her since I've just gotten use to frying everyone with brute force.
  3. Please don't give those people money if you can help it. It's just going to keep encouraging them to do this.
  4. This funny...but also sad cause the Carmines can't have nice things.
  5. Makes me wonder if they tried to talk to Robin Shou to get in on this or not.
  6. Talking about where gravity is a serious factor sirrrr lol
  7. Max's umvc3 tourney is going on now for those interested
  8. Tig ole biddies and trying the breakdance? I'd be intrigued to see that.
  9. TWEWY was not turn based. You did go to a separate arena to fight enemies but you could move freely in that space.
  10. This shit is really getting out of hand and the full blown sympathizers are making me roll my eyes. Nintendo owns the IP. They said don't do this. You decided you were going to do it anyway. The pulled out. So now people are legit mad at the company and doing anything they can to make them look bad because they told them 'NO WE DON'T WANT YOU DOING THIS WITH OUR IP'. If capcom were to come out right now and say 'You know what? We don't like the fact that Fightcade and Fightcade 2 are running our games on emulators right now....we're going to C&D them to get them to take it down' then guess what? THAT SUCKS A DUCK...BUT PEOPLE GOTTA HOLD THE L.
  11. Haven't kept up with the tourneys this week. Gonna have to catch up through the week.
  12. They're really trying anything to gain sympathy and make Nintendo look bad. Apparently there's a tourney that someone announced where they specifically said they're using Slippi and the proceeds are going to charity. So they're trying to bait Nintendo into C&Ding the tourney so they'll look bad for denying money to a charity.
  13. I miss the Goodfeathers and Slappy so maybe if this is successful they'll bring more of them in next season. Someone on facebook told me that they explain what happened to the other characters in the show later but I don't know how exactly yet.
  14. I think you must have stopped right before you got to that episode because I saw that ep. It's the episode involving 'buns' lmao. It took me a moment to realize what they were actually a stand in for and then they completely confirm it at the end lol.
  15. I'm only 3-4 eps in so I don't have any doubt that they're probably gonna take more shots at him as I continue watching it.
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