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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. Her clones make filling up her special meter a joke in large crowds. I haven't really played enough of Zelda yet since I got turned off when I switched over to her in one of the missions. I'll give her another shot.
  2. Impa is feeling pretty OP right now which I think most expected based on the videos. Demo has been great so far. Not sure how to feel right now regarding what the story is doing with the lil guardian at the moment but I'm definitely willing to see how it plays out.
  3. So...I"m playing the demo and I'm having a really horrible problem of my brain trying to revert the controls to playing it like BotW and it is fucking me up something fierce right now lol.
  4. Finally got a chance to get caught up and you can play as the divine beasts?! Mmmmmm....wasn't even expecting that. Please inject in veins.
  5. Everytime I hear about devs or anybody in any entertainment industry getting death threats over trivial ass shit it triggers TF out of me. These people need to have death threats thrown at them from random people for dumb shit so they can get a taste of what that feels like.
  6. Based on my video feed I'm pretty fucking excited that NMH 1 and 2 is getting put on switch. I will definitely buy to support. Edit: Also looks like reviewers are getting their xbox sexes
  7. Surprise direct! Also looks like the demo rumor panned out for Hyrule Warriors
  8. I almost want to watch it just to see how Cary did.
  9. ....Did they actually get Cary Tagawa to play Heihachi in that Tekken movie?
  10. Rumors floating that Ninty goofed and a hyrule warriors demo is coming.
  11. Soon as I saw this in my feed I creamed myself. Watching this now
  12. I need Netflix to hold up a bit. Has anyone watched the Dragon's Dogma series yet? I haven't heard anything on it. I'm still waiting for the Devil May Cry series.
  13. I mentioned the 2 usb on the back on SRK when they put the video up that did a virtual fly by spin on the system. Its annoying that they're in the back but I'll take it for now then to not have them. Edit: only thing I hope is that when we get the inevitable revision that Sony gets enough feedback on their design to put more usb ports on the front.
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