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Everything posted by misterBee

  1. I made this last week. You're welcome. 😎
  2. Based on the video you uploaded to Twitter, that's not 1920x1008 either. 1920x1008 means you're missing 72 vertical pixels. You'll lose some of the top/bottom of the image or get some vertical squashing, but you should still have the full width. Should still be perfectly watchable. In your Twitter video you're missing huge parts of the image, both horizontal AND vertical. It's not just capturing at the wrong resolution -- it looks like it cropped out most of the picture. I don't have much experience with Game Bar, but OBS is pretty much the standard for doing screen capture these days. Going forward I'd just use that -- it's way more configurable and should work much better. You're probably already using it to stream, so you might as well just do offline recording with it too.
  3. Finally got around to watching the Gundam: Hathaway's Flash movie from last year. It's pretty great!
  4. Too many people forget that 2001 was over 20 years ago. Both Capcom and SNK are very different companies than they were during the 90s. Using CVS2 or SVC Chaos as a reference for who should make CVS3 is pure silliness tbh. SNK is a smaller company with less resources, but their latest projects make me feel like they really love fighting games. The Street Fighter team seems like they are doing some great stuff with SF6, but Capcom as a whole isn't about fighting games like SNK seems to be. They make way more money with their other franchises. I think SNK should get another shot at it.
  5. The rules don't apply to me. I will continue to enforce my dark globehead agenda.
  6. Let's be super clear here. This place is an authoritarian dictatorship. I built this place, I pay for this place, and I decide what is and isn't allowed. The only people who have SOME sway here are Patrons, but I don't have to listen to them either. There are several people in here who have said some questionable shit, but the reason you're in my crosshairs is because you keep talking about the same shit over and over, despite the fact that I and others have requested you stop. Most people learn their lesson after a warning or two, but you don't seem to get it. I DO NOT tolerate members insulting each other or each others' families. I DO NOT tolerate people who refuse to stop talking about certain shit when asked nicely. I DO NOT tolerate harassment / outright bigotry. I DO NOT want to spend all my free time policing this place. I have enough on my plate as it is. If I ask you to quit certain behaviors and you refuse to comply, I WILL ban you. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
  7. People actually play using something other than borderless windowed?
  8. Stop being a bigot bro. Also, you are on the thinnest of ice. If ANYONE has another serious complaint about you the IP ban is coming. Final Ultra Super Last Warning Turbo.
  9. Behold my latest PC build: Thought you guys might appreciate it.
  10. I just got a 6700 XT on Facebook for $250. 🙂
  11. Thanks! Got another neat build coming up later this week.
  12. Instagram and Facebook changed some stuff on their end and it broke embeds. There may be workarounds but I probably won't worry about it unless people really need those things back.
  13. @DoctaMario If you want embeds to work, you need to have a clean URL AND it has to be pasted as plain text. Is no good. It needs to be like this: Mobile version of this site is identical to the desktop one. Let me know if you have any problems with it.
  14. TIL I learned I'm a zoomer that says fr fr no cap. Fortnite is a fun 3rd person shooter battle royale with a lot of licensed characters. That's all it is. There's no need to hate on it just because it's what younger people tend to like. Is this the 2022 version of old people hating rock and roll?
  15. The drive I ordered has worked out great. I've already ordered another. 🙂
  16. 08/10/22: Software updates Server upgrades
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