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Everything posted by misterBee

  1. Calibre should do the trick. Remove Amazon book DRM, import into Calibre, then convert it to whatever you want. I've done it a few times.
  2. 10/14/21: Minor software update I am back from vacation.
  3. I'm on vacation until the 14th. I'll wreck you later. 🙂
  4. Es is just shitty Saber anyway so this is really the best solution for everyone. I thought you'd be thrilled! 🙂
  5. GO1 already putting in work: How dare you even mention Enkidu. Enkidu has always been shitty Kouma. 😠
  6. The problem with this is that a lot of people who are good at games aren't necessarily good writers. Every article needs to be vetted, and gone over with by an editor. There also needs to be someone who can manage and guide the site's overall direction. This requires a bit of manpower and a few regular staff. Unfortunately I also don't think the scene is that hungry for full-length strategy articles these days. @Dayaanhas made some really really nice 3S guides, but I think most new players just go to Discord and Twitter to find short combo clips and random information. If they really want some more in-depth info they will usually visit a wiki. The old school method of writing a play bible and posting it to a blog/site doesn't seem that popular in 2021. For better or for worse I think Eventhubs is the last traditional FGC news site, and even then it's mostly filled with fluff. Not only that, but all the strategy features/sections go largely untouched and ignored. I suspect at least one of the reasons SRK's frontpage died is that it really didn't serve much of a purpose anymore. People were getting their news and info from social media rather than old-school monolithic websites. All this pretty much means that I can't see a good reason to invest heavily in setting up an old-school FGC news/article site at the moment. There's no guarantee either the content or the visitors will be there. It's a pretty large time investment that currently looks like it will result in very little return. With all that being said, if anyone comes up with cool ideas they are always free to let me know! We may be looking to do regular events/streams/other community-focused projects in the near future!
  7. Installed a Win11 beta build. I quite like it. Reminds me a lot of Gnome 3. 🙂
  8. Have fun making screenshots!
  9. Yeah but with all the image links long dead it still doesn't help a beginner much.
  10. SRK tech section has been super outdated for a long time now. Not only that, but most of the guides people have written no longer have working images. If SRK were to be deleted tomorrow I don't think it would make much of a difference on the tech front. It's wasted on most people anyway - these days a lot of people think modding a stick means changing the color of the Sanwa buttons they use. Modern sticks are great because they are arcade quality right out of the box, but the downside is that people no longer understand how sticks work, and have 0 interest in doing any meaningful customization. It's also caused a real lack of part diversity - people think Sanwa is the best and only option, and have never even tried stuff from other manufacturers. Going to the fight stick subreddit and seeing post after post of people thinking they're a tech wizard because they changed the color of their joystick balltop is a bit depressing.
  11. Why would they call it Castlevania Advance Collection and then add Dracula X, which isn't even on GBA? 😩
  12. ??? Saturn and GC emulation has been around a long time already...
  13. I actually play Blazblue and I'll warn anyone who will listen. Save yourselves. That's not really a fair assessment. You get 4 way mixups followed by a mixup followed by a 40 hit combo that requires several micro-dashes/instant air dashes, is based on your opponent's weight/size, and requires a shit ton of different button presses. Anime is unfair bullshit but it is still difficult to do!
  14. Let's be clear. Cipher is a Blazblue player. Blazblue is a fucked up game. Thanks for attending my TED talk.
  15. After looking into it some more I don't think Ratchet & Clank relies as heavily on the SSD as they claim it does. The showcases before release were pretty misleading. I don't really think using a slightly slower (still pcie 4.0) drive is going to make much of a difference, even in the long run.
  16. Another article showing that the PS5 internal drive isn't that special. Using a relatively slow nvme gen 4.0 SSD makes a difference of only seconds in loading times. Good news if you want to bump up your PS5's storage and don't want to overspend for a compatible SSD.
  17. Marketplace rules: You cannot use this forum unless you have at least 100 posts. If you are buying please put [BUY] in the topic title. If you are selling please put [SELL] in the topic title. If you want to trade, put [TRADE].
  18. 9/19/21: Marketplace added Forum software updates I have been very busy lately.
  19. Every week I go to the local arcade which is the home of the NYC KOF scene. Every single person playing KOF there is Mexican. You don't need to tell me! 🙂
  20. Most people here do not know KOF. They don't know the struggle.
  21. Bushiden: Record of Lodoss War: Steel Assault: Mighty Goose: Minoria: Ender Lilies: All of these games tend to come out on PC first. These days if you like 2D PC is the place to be. I think most of these have console ports though.
  22. If you wanted a Wipeout game there's already one:
  23. @AriesWarlockusually copy/pastes from e-mails/other websites, and if it's weird the formatting of the original content can break stuff sometimes. If something like this happens in the future it's probably best to paste it as plain text or post a screenshot of it instead.
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