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Everything posted by misterBee

  1. So the good news is that my local Microcenter has plenty of 6700xt and 6900xt cards available. The bad news is that the 6700xt is about $1000, and the 6900xt is $2500. 🙃
  2. It's funny once or twice but no more adult content/cartoon genitals... ...why did I have to type that sentence?
  3. You guys need to have your battles after 1PM EST. It's too early for this nonsense! @Chadoukenplz put fucked up stuff in a spoiler. 🙃
  4. DLSS relies on tensor cores that your GTX 1080 doesn't have. Even if they wanted to make it work on older cards it's simply not possible. AMD's solution is obviously using a different type of implementation that doesn't rely on special hardware cores, so they can port it to a much wider range of cards. Time will tell how things pan out, but it's nice that people with non-RTX cores can now get some type of AI upscaling.
  5. This game was pretty tight -- not that long but it was a lot of fun!
  6. Embedding webm files is supported, but only if they are uploaded as attachments. External webm files will sadly not embed if you post a URL link. Video attachments are currently not allowed but if enough people want them I may turn them on -- however due to bandwidth and storage concerns they will only be for MEGA Elite and MEGA Pro members.
  7. Not sure why it didn't work. I did it for you.
  8. Damn straight I am. I really liked Sonic CD and Sonic Adventure 2. The Advance games were alright. Going back to them now is way less fun than when I was a kid. But really the best Sonic game is this one: The whole point of Sonic is that he's a character that goes super fast. But of course to play you're constantly stopping to kill enemies/navigate traps, etc. Add in water levels and all of a sudden what's the point? Instead of FEELING THE SPEED you're constantly starting and stopping. Slow-moving Sonic gameplay feels worse than Mario, and I don't even like Mario that much. When you're not cruising with shit flying past at 90 mph it's just a meh platformer.
  9. The idea of Sonic has always been better than the actual execution. 🙃
  10. I really liked Days Gone. I hope they make sequel! Edit: @Sonichumanyou a hater eh? 😠
  11. I spent way too many hours building settlements in Fallout 4. I realized that at the gas station build site you can actually build on top of the roof. Built a multi-story apartment building safely above ground and covered the area around it with guns. I like the building system so much I might even try Fallout 76...
  12. I only have one thing to contribute to this thread. I liked the old 1970s cartoon and the new reboot movies. Benedict Cumberbatch is the best Khan. 🙂 Edit: @Darc_Requiem YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH
  13. It's been a while since I did a lot of quoting on mobile. I'll check it out later, but it is most likely not something I can do anything about.
  14. 2.4ghz uses much more power than Bluetooth 4.0, which is why most mechanicals use bluetooth. Mechanical keyboards themselves already don't lend themselves that well to wireless operation. Some IQUNIX models feature both bluetooth and 2.4ghz if you really really want it.
  15. There are some, but most people are just doing it so that they have a fancy cable for photos. Check out r/mechanicalkeyboards and you'll see these expensive cables practically everywhere.
  16. These sell for big bucks and coiled is definitely in. Might as well start selling some for a profit. 🙃
  17. That's only true until people are doing really really dirty mixups on your incoming character. Someone touching your point character once in a game like MVC3 potentially ends your game right there. In KOF I don't think there's anything wrong with punishing a bad roll by giving bonus damage tbh. Rolls are already pretty risky anyway if the other player is ready for them, and other games are already way more unforgiving.
  18. The number of people who like to play one-touch TOD Marvel-style games begs to differ. 🙃
  19. A while ago people reverse engineered the Mario N64 rom and used that to create a native PC version - now they've added raytracing to it. Game is still trash but projects like this are still cool:
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