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Everything posted by misterBee

  1. That's because Spawn was only really relevant for a small window in the 90s. He wasn't a big deal long enough for people to make more games with him.
  2. They're not tracing, but it's still not great. If all her animations are basically lifted from sprites from existing games that's not a good look. You might be able to make a case for the Cammy kick or punch, but there are tons of ways to draw someone crouching and that R. Mika crouch is REALLY too close for comfort. It's shady at worst and super lazy at best. Reminds me of the DBZ controversy a while ago, where a Japanese manga artist was caught plagiarizing a Captain America comic: There's a difference between homage/using reference poses and "I couldn't be assed to come up with something myself." There is more to art plagiarism than 1:1 tracing, and it's a fine line.
  3. @Faltimar the DarkI don't know what you guys are talking about but I don't really have time to look into it because my apartment was flooded last night. 🙃 All I'm going to say is to refrain from personal insults. Now excuse me, I have a bunch of shit to do.
  4. I would recommend people use our Discord channel for setting up the tourney. Might be easier to coordinate that way. 😄
  5. My hands are a bit full at the moment. Where are you located?
  6. You know showing Angel to people who play 2k2 just gives them PTSD, right? You're not doing me any favors here...
  7. What are you trying to clean up? Just use CCleaner I guess. But honestly disk cleaning apps are usually not necessary.
  8. There is a new ranking/achievement in place, and having ranks reset was an unfortunate consequence.
  9. Make them at your peril. I don't need to be waking up to random race wars on my Fridays. Also keep in mind that racism IS against our site rules.
  10. I have deleted this bickering. @DangerousJ @SoneroI am making it clear that from now on BOTH of you are not going to make race-related jokes/remarks. Period. However that ONE comment that DJ made is way worse than some dumb race-related shit. It was personal. You don't have to make out with him -- just say sorry and that'll be that.
  11. AND NOW THE FIGHT IS OVER. Both of you are going to take this elsewhere. If you want to have a grudge match or something let me know -- I'll stream it for everyone. Otherwise you will have to take your duel somewhere else. @DangerousJyou at least owe an apology for a particular comment you made. You know the one.
  12. The weird ethnic bickering from everybody needs to stop like RIGHT NOW. Just drop it. That being said, @DangerousJthat one comment about his family was pretty low. You really need to apologize. That crossed a line and I'm really not ok with stuff like that here.
  13. A bit late, but it's more an issue of certain AIB manufacturers not setting up their own cards properly. By now there have been plenty of videos showing that some partner cards do not set appropriate limits on their hardware, which causes the cards to kill themselves under certain circumstances. Software cannot usually drive a card to death. If anything New World is simply exposing how manufacturers are putting out flawed products. If New World did not cause them to die then some other game eventually would.
  14. Apparently off-the-shelf PCIE-4 m.2 SSDs run about the same speed as (or sometimes better than) the PS5's own internal drive. At least for now the much hyped PS5 drive isn't as special as people thought. Also I'm hype for this:
  15. There is a quote button in the editor. It's right next to the spoiler (eye) icon in the toolbar.
  16. I didn't think anyone used that button. I've added it.
  17. There are several brands that have this feature. My Samsung has this, and I'm pretty sure I remember Huawei phones being able to do it too.
  18. I've played enough 98 to know the world does not need more Kasumi.
  19. How dare you. My Kuroshiki Oni will make you cry. 😠
  20. Obviously most people who buy fighting games go nowhere near the competitive scene. Guilty Gear either attracts more new people who happen to want to compete, or it's a game that people feel is easy to get into and that makes them want to go further with it than they usually do with FGs.
  21. If he's local maybe you can just go to the police station? I'd imagine they'd know.
  22. @DangerousJnevermind. It was something super simple. Click the Condensed/Extended view buttons next to the New Topic Button. 🙂 Edit: I've made it so that forums always display in condensed view. You shouldn't have to do anything now.
  23. While on desktop log out and click the refresh button while holding down CTRL. Does the site still look like that? I have tested the site on both my phone and browser and do not have this behavior. Have you installed any new browser extensions/ad blockers/etc. recently?
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