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Everything posted by misterBee

  1. I know exactly what he said. I know he misinterpreted your posts. That was his mistake. I also know that instead of explaining it to him better you started insulting him almost right away. Even now you're STILL calling him names. Why? I came in here to see people memeing on Sakura, and instead I get a mini battle over basically nothing. Everyone needs to cool off.
  2. Ended up getting the 10900. Using a cobbled-together cooling solution (Cryorig C1 + NZXT 120mm fan), so I can't use the processor to its full potential. However even with a healthy undervolt and some tweaked power limits it still almost doubles the performance of my old 1700 in Cinebench. Stock z490 mobo settings were stupid. Out of the box the board basically removes power limits and forces turbo clocks on all cores. CPU hit over 100°C after 10 seconds in Cinebench. Completely ignoring stock CPU settings like that out of the box seems irresponsible and dangerous, especially if the person who bought the board doesn't know what they're doing. Now that I've turned off that dumb stuff in the mobo settings things are much cooler and more reasonable.
  3. Uhhh...I did. I got rid of the whole silly argument. Both of you can just walk away from this meme thread now.
  4. I have no idea. Try doing a hard refresh on the page? Might just be a fluke.
  5. Ease up man. There's no need for the insults. Reading your little battle it's clear there was a misunderstanding. It's not even worth fighting about.
  6. @DarkSakul@JHDKplease chill out. Thanks. It's just a dumb thread for fun. Both of you clearly are not understanding what the other is saying but who fucking cares because this is a thread about Angel's waifu.
  7. i9-10900KF / i9-10850k can be had for $320 at Microcenter. Seriously considering upgrading my rig with one of those, since they're such a steal at that price. My R7 1700 is aging fast and 5800X seems very pricey for a mere 8 cores. I'd have to buy a new mobo anyway to run a 5-series Ryzen, and Intel seems to have more ITX mobo options too. Anyone have experience with these chips? I know they run hot but I'll probably undervolt/lower power limit.
  8. I'm not going to change the name of the Report function because it IS the reporting tool. I can't simply make the thumbs down reaction turn into a report function either, because that's not how reactions work/what they are used for. Some people do use the report/mega downvote from time to time, but unless a lot of people do it then nothing will happen. The threshold for the number of reports needed to autohide a post is currently ridiculously low, but has almost never been met. I have reminded people that this function exists multiple times, but basically it comes down to the fact that most people couldn't be bothered to use it. Either way it's fine by me -- but the option DOES exist, and is well documented. It's just up to people to decide it's something they want to use. 🤷‍♂️
  9. We already have a system to auto-hide posts...people just don't use it. Please see the below thread:
  10. It's pretty simple. Stick to the site rules/don't antagonize people and nothing is going to happen to you. Lord Vega kept going on religious diatribes for no reason and basically asked to get banned.
  11. lol we haven't been on Vanilla for years. We use Invision Community. Unfortunately copying formatting wholesale from other sites isn't something that seems like it's supported. I feel like Xenforo and Discourse are the exception to the rule in that regard.
  12. I don't know what Satanic stuff you're talking about, but if you're gonna keep randomly posting about religion even when you know you shouldn't, then I'll ban you like you're asking me to. I've tried to be fair and give you lots of chances -- see you around.
  13. I'm not home tomorrow but we can set something up for the weekend. Let me know!
  14. It's on PS4/Switch/Xbox. Here are some close up screens: You're all already dead.
  15. New Melty has rollback but is only on PS4/Switch/Xbox. Looks like I'm a console man now. 😎
  16. Change it please. It's bothering people and I'm not in the mood to deal with it.
  17. Funny, but mean. Let's not get too carried away... No religion. Final warning. You've already been temp banned before. 😒
  18. I'm pretty sure that's not actually Mr. Wizard. I've got the straitjackets and bans ready. NOBODY TEST ME.
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