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Everything posted by misterBee

  1. Impossible Burgers have a ton of different ingredients inside. I'm apparently allergic to one of them. There's no way to tell which one it is, and I don't think I'm going to risk a more serious allergic reaction by trying other Impossible products. It's a real bummer too because this is the only food I've ever been allergic to. I don't want to be left behind in the cow-less future. 😭
  2. The greatest advantage to synthetic meats isn't that they are healthier, but that they negate the massive resources needed to raise herds of cows. Rearing livestock takes a fantastic amount of energy and resources and if we can get something that basically tastes the same without having to raise actual animals that would be great. Sadly I am allergic to Impossible meat. I had an Impossible Whopper a year or two ago and it made my tongue swell up for days. Tasted good though... 😔
  3. I'd say they're about equal. I don't see how much other people play the game has anything to do with it. You just seem salty that other people might possibly enjoy or like the game that is KILLING THE GG SCENE!!!!!!! 🔥 As if anybody cares about old GG or Xrd in 2021 anyway.
  4. I didn't say you broke any rules or that you're doing anything wrong. I don't think anybody has told you that you need to stop crying about the game either. What I AM saying is that it's funny that every time someone mentions Strive you start going in like ArcSys killed your dog and peed on your front lawn. 🙃
  5. The amount of tears you shed over Strive makes me laugh every time.
  6. Idk about the clip, but I watched Tasty Steve playing the beta and it's clearly shown in the control mapping menu.
  7. Normally copy/pasting paragraph breaks works just fine, but being able to copy over block quotes complete with formatting is definitely not standard. I am not sure how Discourse does it. I will look into finding something similar for this site.
  8. I will test it on my Macbook Pro later and get back to you.
  9. Mmm this may be a phone specific thing then... If you don't have access to your keyboard when you long press you can I suppose you can just cut it instead as a workaround. You can also just try backspacing the image.
  10. Just tested it on my phone: 1) Pasted image URL, image is embedded 2) Long pressed/highlighted image, hit backspace on my phone's keyboard Deleting quotes can be wonky/difficult on mobile but I have not had issues deleting images.
  11. So far there have been 2 Character Passes for Granblue, each with 5 new characters.
  12. There are some things a person just shouldn't do. Disparaging our lord and savior IKEA is one of them.
  13. People laughed when I said I hope SF6 has air dashes. One day you'll see. ONE DAY YOU'LL ALL SEE.
  14. Winter update seems to completely rework SFV. I'll give it a fair shot.
  15. I'll be getting it on PC for sure. I might get it for a console as well if there are people I need to play with.
  16. FPGA isn't even emulation and is essentially running games on real hardware. I decided to buy the MiSTer since I have too many consoles at home already. I thought PS2 running through OSSC was quite nice with the built-in scanline function
  17. I was gonna buy a tricked out PC Engine and Super SD System 3, but now I'm thinking about maybe just building a MiSTer instead. Thoughts?
  18. You don't sit on the toilet when you poop? Learn new things about people every day I guess...
  19. Whenever I'm up at 5AM working on a freelance job that I could have finished way earlier if I hadn't fallen down a youtube hole hours before.
  20. I didn't say it's the only way to balance a game. What I DID say is that adding a bunch of useless shit so you have a few more knobs and levers you can tweak is a waste of time. Yes, you get a bit more control, but at the cost of useless mechanics that people have to remember. The tradeoff isn't worth it. There are so many better ways to balance a game anyway, so why do they so desperately need to add this dumb mechanic for more 'control'? They have plenty already. It's just a mechanic to make scrubs feel good more than anything else. Any sort of 'control' they are getting is minimal at best, since as you say most people don't even notice it.
  21. If a mechanic is something you don't even notice at first and barely affects the game, then why is it even there? This just works towards my point, which is that guts is extra nonsense that doesn't really need to be there, and isn't adding anything particularly important or beneficial to the game. It's just another little annoying thing to remember.
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