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Everything posted by misterBee

  1. Rebuilt my main keyboard with silent switches. The old ones were keeping my sister awake at night. 🙃 GH60Satan PCB Durock 62g Silent Linears KBDFans 5° case
  2. @axeman61I'm really sorry for your loss. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help during this tough time.
  3. I don't own a Pi, but it looks like if the boot code in the EEPROM is corrupted you can just try replacing or updating it: I'm sure there must also be Raspberry Pi forums or something that will have boot files you can update your EEPROM with.
  4. Aww come on...the very first line of my post was saying that I understand if it's an issue for people with bandwidth caps:
  5. @Dayaanif you want clean Twitter embeds you have to remove the '?_____' from the ends of the URLs.
  6. If it saves lighting profiles onboard than it's already better than most of their recent mice. 😔
  7. Angel's avatar is how I feel about EVA to begin with so I don't need a 5 minute recap showing me why it's even worse than I remember. 👼
  8. If you are digital only and living with bad internet or bandwidth caps then size concerns make sense to me. On the other hand if we're talking about the Switch specifically then the biggest game is something like 30GB, and 256GB+ SD cards are both cheap and plentiful. Switch doesn't run at a high resolution so large textures and assets aren't necessary. Super Mario World being 2.9GB doesn't seem like something someone would need to write an article about when it seems like lots of games on the platform are small anyway: Honestly I'm more concerned about the Switch's lackluster internal storage size rather than the size of games themselves. 32GB seems like a pretty embarrassing amount of storage for a device made in 2017. If the Switch had shipped with something more appropriate like 128GB/256GB, I don't think anyone would be writing about game sizes on the platform at all. Anyway it's just an observation. I had fun with my Switch the few times I used it. I'll crack open my copy of Ring Fit Adventure eventually...
  9. I'm just saying I don't know if I'd call it 'compression wizardry'. Games that don't have a lot of data are gonna be small no matter what. The whole modern emphasis on install sizes in general seems a bit odd to me to begin with tbh. People posting entire articles about how much space a game or application takes up seems very 1990s to me. 🤷‍♂️
  10. Sounds neat if you have a pile of liveUSB drives that you want to consolidate into a single drive, or try out new distros constantly.
  11. To be fair that game probably does not have high resolution textures, a ton of recorded dialogue in multiple languages, or FMV, all of which are the main things that drive up install size in modern games.
  12. Most fighting games wish they had a community like that. Having a large community that is made up mostly of scrubs who don't play anything else means you've got a healthy game that attracts all sorts of players, and not just hardcore FGC people. Smash is another good example of this. It's a MASSIVE game with a huge player base has no idea what they're talking about most of the time. They also think joystick motions are the devil and refuse to play any other fighting game. I've legit seen Smash players complaining that people who do combos are THE WORST. I hope other fighting games eventually reach this level of scrubbery as well because it means the player base is healthy. Hopefully some of those people will eventually evolve into competitive players and keep the more hardcore part of the scene alive. People shit on Call of Duty but the number of clueless people that play it just shows just how big Call of Duty is. Also, fuck you. I love COD. 🔫
  13. If you don't know why you are getting beat, then analyze replay vids to give yourself a better idea of where you are failing. If you know what your problem is but are having trouble doing something about it, then just remember that it takes a long time to get good at something. Work on trying to improve on the things you know you suck at and you'll eventually get to where you want to be. Posting replays here will help us tell you what you're doing wrong.
  14. It wasn't popular because it barely ran. The port is a technological marvel because it runs at all on such limited hardware -- but it's so cut back and runs so slowly that it's not worth playing. Code was probably never discovered because nobody cared about that version of the game in the first place. 🤣 In the old days most codes were not discovered by players. Developers would tell them to gaming publications, and people would find out about them through magazines and guides.
  15. @Lord Vega You keep posting random Trump stuff even though I've already warned you. I'm temp banning you for a while. Keep this up and eventually this will become permanent. Do not post political stuff here. Do not randomly insult people. These are not hard rules to follow.
  16. If you guys want posts removed, you need to report them. Enough reports and it will be auto-hidden. I have now issued a warning because somehow Trump stuff keeps showing up in here.
  17. Maybe there is a language barrier or something but we are clearly not seeing things the same. 2D or 3D DOESN'T MATTER. Character facial design and construction do not change if it is 3D. Face shape/overall face design of a character are relevant in either form, so idk why you think because games are in 3D now facial structure suddenly matters more. Whether we are talking about a 2D portrait or in-game 3D model MAKES NO DIFFERENCE because they are both visual representations of a character's design. Have you ever created concept art or 3D modeled before? I have. When you are talking about the basics of a character's design like their face shape, both 2D and 3D apply. If we are talking about face shape and art direction we can use 2D or 3D images as examples. I have no idea why you think only pictures of in-game models matter. You keep talking about bad facial sculpt for SFV Ken and MvCI Chun-Li. Fine. But what about facial sculpt for EVERY OTHER CHARACTER? They are all mostly fine. Why do you feel we need to change how things are done JUST BECAUSE of Ken and Chun-Li? You say Ken and Chun-Li look bad, but what about all the other characters that look good? Why do you keep ignoring that part? Chun-Li and Ken are not the only characters in the game! MvCI and SFV are not the only games with those characters! MvCI Chun is not the only Chun. SFV Ken is not the only Ken. Why do you only talk about these two, and think Capcom needs to do things differently just because of them? I am not saying SFV Ken is good. I am not saying MVCI Chun is good. I am saying these were rare mistakes, but most characters come out fine without special face rules. THIS IS MY WHOLE POINT! No face rules > MvCI Ryu is ok No face rules > MvCI Chun is ugly You are ok with one, but not the other. Just because Chun is bad, doesn't mean they have to change they do everything for every game. Even in MvCI, which looks shitty, there are still characters that look good without the rules. Once you stop talking about MvCI (which is a low budget game with lots of other problems) it makes even less sense. You are saying MvCI Chun and SFV Ken are more important than every other character in every other game, most of which look good! Apparently to you MvCI Chun is more important than everything else in the franchise. One ugly Chun suddenly outweights every other good looking character they have ever created. You say Capcom needs to change how they do things because of MvCI Chun, but the vast majority of characters they make look good. MvCI Chun is the MINORITY, and MvCI itself is a low-budget outsourced game.
  18. So are you saying that ONLY Chun and Ken get face modeling guidelines? Of course not. They would do it for EVERY character. The reason I am showing you Ryu over and over again is because he is proof that you don't need some kind of hardcore style-guide for his face to look good in various different styles, and with various different shapes. You say you need some kind of hardcore face guidelines, but Ryu shows that you don't. Ryu has been drawn wildly different in SF, SF2, Alpha, CVS, EX, SF3, SF4, Smash, MvC, and SF5, and there have been very few complaints. They didn't have game-wide face rules, artists got to experiment, and it still worked out great. You said you have zero problems with Ryu. That is my point. There were no face rules and you have had no problems with Ryu changing his appearance/face the whole time. So why do we need these rules now? Did you have a problem with how Ken looked before SFV? His style changed just as much as Ryu's did over the years, and in most games he looks perfectly fine. SF5 is probably the first real misstep with that char that I can recall. Chun-Li has looked super bad in 1 game, and that game probably also had no budget. BUT she changes outfit and appearance quite radically in SF2, SF3, Alpha, CVS, SF4, MvC, and SF5, and most people aren't complaining about those versions. You just keep talking about that ONE time Chun looked super ugly. I honestly doubt Chun will look that ugly ever again, with or without face rules. It's like saying "I had a roaches in my apartment one time, so I guess I'll never live in an apartment again".
  19. I'll play you again soonish. Been a bit busy. 🙃
  20. I know people who are sexually harassed playing MMOs because they're girls. You gonna tell me it's because they're dressed a certain way or how they present themselves? People don't even know what they look like but the minute it's discovered they are girls all the creepers come crawling out. Lots of guys are creepy and thirsty and their bad behavior has nothing to do with how women act or dress. Don't excuse shitty behavior towards someone just because they're good looking -- it just comes off as jealousy. Saying "well if people hit on me like that I wouldn't mind" isn't helpful either. Some people like taking it up the butt, so should they assume you do too? Projecting your own personal feelings onto other people doesn't make sense.
  21. It doesn't matter what the lore is! If they want to randomly change up his appearance for SF6 that's fine, and they don't need a reason to do it! You can't stand a character looking different but if there are lore reasons then suddenly you're ok with it? The reason his appearance changes so much in between SF2 and Alpha is because Capcom wanted to use a completely different art style. Alpha went for an anime style, so they softened up his face. The 'it's because he's younger in Alpha so it's OK' argument is silly. When people age their eyes don't move to a completely different position on their face, their ears don't change size, their nose doesn't change shape, their eyes don't double in size, and their face doesn't shrink. They changed the art style and his face completely in between games, and the drastic change can't be dismissed because "well his age is different". Alpha Ryu and SF2 Ryu look like completely different people regardless of their age, so why aren't you calling Alpha Ryu a cosplayer? The difference between Alpha Ryu and SF2 Ryu is just as big as the change from SF4 Chun to MvCI Chun. The only difference is he isn't ugly like MvCI Chun, so you're not crying about it. If consistency is so important to you, Ryu should look like this in EVERY game: According to you, every version of the character that doesn't have the same face shape as this guy is a 'cosplayer'. Consistency right? If people did what you wanted characters' appearances would never evolve. You care more about characters being the same person than you do about a game looking good. This has nothing to do with SFV Ken and MVCi Chun-Li. They messed up real bad with those characters, so they should just never try to change how a character looks or try new art styles again? That's so short-sighted. "SFV Ken and MvCi Chun-Li were bad! Never change face or art style again unless lore (and if there's lore then you can change it as much as you want!)" is ridiculous. Alright I'm out. 🏎️
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