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Everything posted by misterBee

  1. Been a while since I bought a figure but finally decided to get this one...idk where I'm going to put it though.
  2. I hope you are right but I am pessimistic. Capcom couldn't have fucked up more with SFV if they tried and yet it's still no. 1 in terms of the competitive scene. Nostalgia and momentum are simply too strong.
  3. Yakuza: Like a Dragon took a beat 'em up franchise and turned it into a JRPG that received wide acclaim. I'm a hardcore Yakuza fan and that abrupt genre shift worked just fine. Things don't always need to be the same as before. A Monster Hunter battle royale sounds ridiculous but it could also be the next big thing. If the original Dissidia was niche already, why spend the money to cater to a small niche again? They can take the MASSIVE money arena fighters bring in from Asia, and maybe get a few dollars from the west as well. Much better to focus on a region and game style that will actually make them money than try to make another niche game for everyone worldwide. If single player Dissidia was a great idea that would make them money, they would have done it. The handful of crying fans who want the PSP game clearly weren't going to make them enough money to justify it anyway. Sucks that the NT player base was small, but a small player base isn't a sign that a game is bad, or designed improperly. Gundam vs Gundam is an amazing game with an English worldwide release, never strayed from its roots, and will never have a big scene in the US either -- and that's not its fault. It was designed for Asia and does super well in Asia. Getting it in the west is simply a bonus. The issue isn't that NT is an arena fighter, or an issue with the game itself -- the issue is that it was released in a market where nobody plays arena fighters anyway. Square should have saved everyone the trouble and not even released it in the US and western regions -- it was a waste of time. It simply has to be accepted that some games will ever take off in the west. It's like trying to be a soccer player in the USA -- it's just a region that will never care about that sort of game. Being a fan of JP games outside of JP makes you a second class citizen, and you probably always will be. You are victim to the whims of localization companies and publishers, and many games won't even show up in other regions. Small user bases and dead communities just come with the territory, regardless of how good the games are or aren't.
  4. With the way NA treats everything that isn't MK/SF we get what we deserve. 🙃 Everybody wants all the fighting games to arrive here but will play SFV in the end anyway.
  5. I would argue the opposite. "Damn I hate this good game, simply because it's not some OTHER game!" Ideally games should be based on their merits, not what people wish they were. Dissidia NT is a good port of a good arcade game. Nobody should care that it's not some other PSP thing from 10 years ago.
  6. People hate on Nexon but they definitely know how to globally develop, launch, and publish a game. They're way bigger and have a ton of experience and money.
  7. The biggest problem isn't Dissidia NT -- it's that western FF fans have no idea what it is. Dissidia NT is an arcade game meant to compete with Gundam vs Gundam, which is THE team-based arcade arena fighter. Unlike the PSP games, it's a proper competitive game built and made for arcades. It did very well in Japan and had lots of players every time I went to an arcade. The console version is simply the port of a popular competitive arcade game. It was never supposed to be anything like the PSP games, but people just assumed it would be -- because they had no exposure to the arcade version they just assumed it would be like the PSP games from years before. Instead of being happy that the west got a port of a game they would normally never be able to play, they instead complained that it was something it was never meant to be. It's like finally getting to play SF2 years after it was released and then wondering why it wasn't a RPG. Hate for Dissidia is based on false assumptions about what kind of game it is. If people don't like team-based arena fighters that's fine -- but it's ridiculous to hate on it because it's not the PSP games, because it was never supposed to be like those. People who bought NT expecting anything less than an arcade port simply didn't do any research.
  8. Buy silicone lubricant and spray it into the analog stick assembly. I have fixed drift on several types of controllers that way. Works better if you take apart the controller first, but if for some reason you can't, SOMETIMES you can get away with just spraying it into the analog stick from above and moving it around to make sure it gets inside.
  9. Shush your mouth Dissidia is good! Not their fault NA people don't appreciate arena fighters. Bandai Namco even game the game a proper port from arcade and neckbeards were mad it wasn't the shitty PSP games being remade. 😡 If this is KOF-inspired then you're all already dead. Unless you're Mexican. 🙇‍♂️
  10. I'm going to do some tweaks to the theme system in the coming week(s). Do any of you guys use the site's light themes? Would people be opposed to having only dark themes? I originally kept light themes for the sake of accessibility but have no idea how many people actually use them.
  11. I'm going to do some tweaks to the theme system in the coming week(s). Do any of you guys use the site's light themes? Would people be opposed to having only dark themes? I originally kept light themes for the sake of accessibility but have no idea how many people actually use them.
  12. I'm wondering why a DNF fighter is even a thing. The last time I thought about DNF I was in highschool...almost 15 years ago... Not gonna complain about having more fighting games though!
  13. I was gifted a Freeza hoodie today, and it made me think of @M A R T I A N. Running this site is ruining my mind. Merry Christmas! Also I know it's in good fun but let's not tease @hanzohattori12 too much. 'Tis the season to be nice to each other!
  14. Thank you for your suggestions. They have been added to the list for consideration.
  15. Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) seems to be a safe bet. I think people are hype about Jujutsu Kaisen atm too, but I haven't watched it. I'm a few seasons behind on anime.
  16. I don't like SFV very much either tbh. It's easily my least favorite SF, and I play almost all of them. Everyone should play Tekken/MK/Melty. 🙂
  17. Hi guys hope everyone is getting ready for a nice Christma-- Carry on.
  18. I think it's sad that he loses motivation after failing too, but man getting prom dates isn't THAT easy. I remember the struggle some of my friends had...
  19. Getting shot down is part of growing up and I salute the guy for trying 3 different times. It's scary when you're that age.
  20. People told me it was fake but I always believed. I NEED IT.
  22. @VhoziteI'm busy during the holidays but after New Year's let's play. 🙂
  23. You mean refined, enlightened taste. Long live Strive. 🙂
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