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Everything posted by misterBee

  1. 11/22/20: Members can now delete posts
  2. Play my Kano and I'll show you what fun is. 🙃
  3. Are we still playing Xrd? Did I miss the games?! =[
  4. If you are interested in writing articles let me know. I'll create forum sections for guides/articles, and then maybe move them to a wiki if we get enough of them. Dayaan has already wrote some excellent 3S Ken guides:
  5. Why did they add so much chromatic aberration to that video? It's killing me.
  6. I'm going to need a 2 slot solution anyway -- my current case won't be happy with a 2.5 slot card. I was thinking of moving to the new Cooler Master NR200P, but it's been almost constantly out of stock since it released. Somebody made a really nice custom build in one recently:
  7. Oh my god...what have you done? Do you KNOW how much Angel gets triggered by the F word?! I'm going to hide until this is all over.
  8. No need to get defensive. I was referring to the people I've seen online who were unhappy with the game for the reasons I mentioned. I didn't say ALL of them were that way, and I had no plans to call you 'right wing' either. Seems to me like you're dragging around some baggage from conversations with other people.
  9. I was a bit bummed out by his DoT abilities. They don't seem to hurt that much -- I would much rather go for a command grab mix up instead of building slow flame/poison damage.
  10. I took the time and tried out all the different abilities for Kano...and the preset variations are pretty much the best for me anyway. 🙃 It seems like my game plan has pretty much not changed.
  11. Almost nobody has. Extremely limited quantities. I didn't even bother trying.
  12. People who say no to chip kills are wusses. I said it. 😎
  13. He's got a laptop though. Naked PS4 streaming is ghetto! Friends don't let friends half-ass stream!!!
  14. I didn't feel the game felt forced at all. I've always seen the series as being about deeply flawed people making poor choices in a world where violence can be both sudden and random. I disagree that it was poorly written and think the exact opposite -- it was organic and natural, but the direction it takes is one that a lot of people were not happy with/not comfortable with. I think the game took central characters and showed them in an ugly and uncomfortable way, which some people were not ready to accept. Too many games focus on making you happy by reinforcing what you already believe or making you do things you agree with. The Last of Us 2 does neither and I think some just could not handle that. It's a depressing game filled with poor outcomes, but honestly I don't know what people were expecting. Bad things are gonna happen and you're gonna hate it -- but that's also what makes for good drama. But we can agree to disagree on this. It's true people people sending death threats are in the minority, but why do they exist at all? They are an acute symptom of a larger problem -- people simply do not like what they aren't familiar with, and when confronted with a change some people freak out. I'm just tired of seeing gamers complain constantly over the years. Every SF game needs to be SF2 but slightly tweaked, Strive isn't really GG, Yakuza can't be a RPG, stop making new FF games and just make FF7 Remake, etc. Even if they sometimes fail spectacularly, big changes have often proven to be successful -- and yet the idea that what you grew up with is the only way for things to be still persists. I think it's a real drag for anyone who ever wants to try making something new. Imagine wanting to try new things/be creative and having an army of people constantly you to rehash what has already been done. Even worse, when random people seem to think they know what your intentions are for adding things to a game better than you do yourself.
  15. Nobody is getting their hands on the new cards until next year. New GPUs might as well not exist.
  16. @Idunoif you want to embed a video just paste the youtube URL. You don't need to use embed code.
  17. It's a site-wide setting. What did you have in mind? It is set to 25 posts per page at the moment.
  18. Isn't that huge system really janky and mostly put together by a single person? I wouldn't be surprised if they totally redo it for a future SF6.
  19. There isn't anything inherently wrong with trying to change things. When I was growing up the word 'gay' was thrown around as an insult, or used to describe something lame/stupid/bad. Nowadays people don't that anymore because honestly it wasn't very cool. In the 1950s there were lots of phrases and terms used to describe black people that definitely wouldn't fly anymore. There was even a conversation here recently about Sean Connery, who said some pretty messed up stuff about hitting women that was somewhat acceptable at the time he was interviewed but definitely would not fly today. Basically, times change. Outrage about 'political correctness' in video games seems dumb to me. Culture isn't static, and changes all the time. 20 years ago they probably could not have made Spider-Man: Miles Morales because the main character wasn't Wonderbread white, but in 2020 it's fine and I think a lot of people like that character. Black Panther was a big hit when it came out a few years ago, but it would have been unthinkable to do such a thing until very recently. Was Black Panther some dumb 'politically correct' film? Of course not. Why is it ok to branch out in other forms of media, but games have to be stuck in the 1990s? Capcom trying to modernize and create things in line with 2020 and the modern era shouldn't be seen as a bad thing. I think it's great, and it's nice that they're trying to approach things in a different way. People like to shit on a lot of Japanese games for being too pervy or too 'anime', but when they try to do something differently all of a sudden they're being 'politically correct' and it's bad. I don't know why gamers are so obsessed with keeping everything the same and freak out the minute something that doesn't fit what they already know shows up. A lot of people who hated on Last of Us 2 were basically just mad that they didn't get to play a white guy this time around, and tried to mask it with all sorts of dumb arguments about what was 'realistic' or how 'politics' were ruining their games. It's all just code for 'I want things to be the same way they always were and change scares me.' The same game with a male protagonist would have been hailed as a masterpiece, but throw in some LGBT and all of a sudden people are sending death threats. Western comics are dying because they are stuck catering to the same 30-40+ year old demographic, who never want things to change. Can't have new characters, can't do anything original with the story, can't change from the status quo -- because otherwise the old men will be upset that what they grew up with will be too different. New readers don't read Marvel/DC because they're not interested in the same boring stuff that has been repeated forever. Media that doesn't keep up with the times will eventually get left behind. Twitter often goes overboard but trying to pay attention to the era you're in when you make games is perfectly fine. This isn't 'making games for Twitter', this is making games for 2020 and beyond.
  20. I just use the kissing faces. 😗 😙 If that's not good enough I'll look into it.
  21. They're probably adding it to the emulated arcade version. There is no native PC port.
  22. No, this is just ArcSys realizing that good net code means good things for them. Japanese devs finally seeing the light. 😭
  23. There is a special input leniency option that gives you a bigger input buffer -- you can choose to turn it off. I think there is also a negative edge option that you can disable. Turning both of those off should make inputs tighter and get rid of the issue.
  24. I just found out I can censor out adult GIPHY results. Should I make the GIF button more family-friendly? 🤔
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