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Everything posted by misterBee

  1. It's got nothing on Treasure Planet anyway. Who here remembers Titan AE? 🙂
  2. Those gifs aren't from the movie. I don't think the girl with the white hair is even in Pocahontas. She's drawn in a different style too.
  3. I hope to one day create a popular franchise, read fan theories of how things fit together, and then purposely sabotage those theories. I'll be the ultimate troll. 🤤
  4. Does any work need to be done to convert to Ruffle? Seems like Ruffle is just a flash player substitute/emulator. I assume old .swfs will work fine without modification.
  5. You mean mob mentality isn't fun? The MEGA DOWNVOTE has already started working.
  6. Cool -- I'll go through some of your streams when I find some time (this year has started off quite busy for me) and I'll PM you some suggestions!
  7. Congratulations! It's great to have someone close to you that you can rely on during fucked up times like these. As for content creation it may be helpful to have a clear plan. Going into it blind when there are so many people already doing the same thing can be really tough, so it doesn't hurt to sit back and think about how you can develop a niche for yourself. Do you have VODs? Maybe we can give some feedback to help improve things / help you grow.
  8. Win10 has changed quite a lot over the years due to all the updates. Not sure many of those links are still relevant if they were posted in 2016. Fuck. Hope you get over it soon! 🙏
  9. Is there a reason you are compiling linux kernels/distros? Just for general use there's no reason to do anything other than download a USB image and install. I haven't had to do this in a while for any of my systems, but I don't recall it requiring you to be online -- it's just in settings > apps & features. You don't need to open the Windows store at all to change this. It's a system setting. 🤷‍♂️
  10. If I'm not mistaken, don't Macs by default only allow you to install software from the Apple Store? Pretty sure you have to go into security settings to enable installing apps from other locations in MacOS as well. Apple is actually the one who did this first iirc.
  11. Mid-size titles pretty much already died off in the 360/PS3 era. The jump to HD caused development time and cost to balloon to the point that a lot of smaller studios could no longer survive. Nowadays modern games usually fall into the indie/early access or AAA camps. While some still exist, it's already nowhere near the numbers that existed during the PS2 days. So when does the gacha come out in the west? Looks like this is the guy who was doing the art for it. 🤤
  12. Nice! Amazing you were able to get your hands on one.
  13. LOL you and I will probably never agree on anything and that's ok. All I know is that Rockstar's method is doing just fine for them so clearly they're doing something right. You don't make money selling something people don't want -- if a big single player GTA was as desperately needed as some people seem to think then they would have done it.
  14. AC games are open world, but definitely have nowhere near the complexity of a GTA or Red Dead. Racing games are also nowhere near as complicated. If GTAO didn't exist GTA 6 might come sooner, but it would probably still not be out by now. Red Dead II started preliminary development in 2010, and it came out only 2 years ago. People have come to expect ALL the bells and whistles when a GTA comes out, and the work required to do something like that only increases over time.
  15. I would argue most people buying the game in 2020 are buying it for the MP alone. I'm sure almost everyone who would have bought it for the single player already did so long ago. Even if they aren't online or playing concurrently, I bet a lot of the new purchases/downloads are for people who want to play GTAO. I think it's smart to keep supporting GTA Online because it's something people clearly want, and continue to buy. Single player games simply do not have the same sales life that online/service games do. I struggle to think of any single-player, 7 year old game that continues to be purchased by this many people year after year. (Except maybe Skyrim or something) It's not 2001 anymore. The type of game people would want GTA 6 to be would require a staggering amount of work and manpower. Expecting games to release at the same cadence as years past while simultaneously being bigger, more complex, and having better graphics is unrealistic. Part of the reason they probably cling to GTAO so much is because the amount of work GTA 6 would require is insane. GTA V itself was already a massive undertaking. Cyberpunk had a team of over 500 people and was in development for many years, and it's still an unfinished mess. You can guarantee any modern GTA game will be several times larger in scope. Comparing how long it takes to make a huge open world game now vs during the PS2 or even PS3 days is a bit ridiculous.
  16. While that sucks, fact of the matter is that there are clearly MORE people who like the online, since it's still healthy after all this time. Single-player mode lovers may suffer but it seems like they're in the minority.
  17. People hating on endless GTA Online but it's actually a really great game with a ton of things to do. I spent TONS of time in that game and had a blast the whole time.
  18. Hi! I'll be more than happy to play games with you. Sent you a steam friend request (bCHAN) -- hit me up any time! 🙂
  19. @Serpent@Red Rock Candy Feel free to debate in DMs or somewhere else. No politics in the forums please. Thanks!
  20. I'd say it's funny but I can't get over the fact that they used the word "twote".
  21. Make no mistake. I'm still here. People wanted lighter moderation, so they got it...but I'm not a mod, and I'll do whatever the hell I want. Nobody is safe from me. 🙂
  22. There is an adjustable threshold that I control. After a certain amount of reports the post will be automatically hidden. The mod team and I are only here to enforce the rules. If a post isn't against the rules but enough people hate it and report it then it will disappear without our involvement. Doesn't matter if it was just a bad joke or not -- if everyone reports a post it's gonna get hidden. This is a community, and so it is expected that you guys should be able to police yourselves at least a little bit.
  23. Regardless of who is or isn't butthurt he is correct in that this is how the report/mega downvote function works. If you strongly dislike a certain post make sure to MEGA DOWNVOTE that shit. 🙂 I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has a Happy New Year!!!
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