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Everything posted by misterBee

  1. If you are trying to fix a bad character by compensating with low-life damage scaling you're already doing it wrong. There are a huge number of ways you can choose to balance a fighting game, and guts is low on the list in terms of effectiveness. It does provide some comeback potential, but by and large it's mostly there for the psychological impact. Why do you want to add another layer of defense modifiers when you can just properly tweak base defense and attack properties in the first place? The little bit of added control isn't worth the added complexity and layering of mechanics that don't need to be there. In exchange for making the game a little bit easier for you to 'tweak', you have also made it much more complicated for new players. I've been playing Guilty Gear for years and even I don't like having to think about the guts rating for various characters. Guts for balancing purposes is like a shitty band-aid, and as a comeback factor it's mostly mediocre.
  2. On one hand the weakening of guts makes the game seem less scrub friendly, which is the opposite of what ArcSys claims they are trying to do. On the other hand, weakening and/or removal of guts truly simplifies the game, since hidden damage scaling based on life isn't exactly intuitive or easy to understand for new players anyway. I haven't been paying attention to Strive's implementation of guts but one could argue they should just remove it altogether. Nothing simplifies a game and makes it easier to understand than stripping away superfluous mechanics. You would sacrifice the psychological benefits of guts in favor of making the game simpler and more accessible from a gameplay standpoint.
  3. Guts doesn't have anything to do with balance or giving devs 'control of the game'. Both guts and weighted life bars (where the life bar appears to drain slower when you have less health) are largely just there to make scrubs feel better when they are getting abused. This creates the illusion that they still have a chance. It prolongs matches a little bit and makes the losing player feel like they aren't dying as fast. You might argue guts can function as a comeback mechanic, but in fast-paced anime games guts isn't going to save you most of the time anyway. It's a minor annoyance for good players, who will take it into account and choose optimal combo routes.
  4. I've never seen anyone be more wrong in their life. I have friends all over the world and messaging apps/social media are the main way I am able to keep up with them. I also use social media to show off my work/projects. Gonna hard disagree here. You're already dead.
  5. Oh are we talking about shmups again? Let's talk about Cotton Reboot. ❤️ I can't wait for them to remake the later titles so that my stupidly expensive copy of Cotton 2 is finally worthless. 🙃
  6. I'm not home this weekend. I was just telling someone that I think things are starting to cool off and you are all getting along... 😑 Some notes based on what I skimmed through: Vega isn't a bad guy, but I'm not really sure what he's contributing sometimes because his posts are usually so far removed from what everyone is talking about. I don't always have time to dissect everything he posts and wonder what he is contributing to the forum. @Angel and @DoctaMariodisagree and that's fine - but neither of you guys needed to directly insult the other like that. Let's just take a day to cool off about it all. If anyone here is ever personally attacked for any reason, the solution is to be the better person, walk away, and let me or staff know. DoctaMario had every right to say he didn't like LordVega's temp ban, and Angel has every right to pursue his unnaturally strong hatred of Naruto and furries. Both of you are free to despise each other. All I ask is that you don't directly insult each other. This rule applies to everyone here, including mods. I don't need to be reading about small dick nrg and sandy vaginas. plz. Eveyone needs to be cool. Super cool. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze in Batman and Robin cool. I am watching the game tmw with my family. Both of you need to make up. NOW KISS. I'm out. See you guys on Monday. PS: Naruto is fine. Sakura should have been in a love triangle with Naruto and Hinata. I once got hit in the head by a Narutard cosplayer who was waving his weapon around in line at NY Comic Con.
  7. The netcode is standard delay-based stuff. I wouldn't necessarily call it 'one of the best out there' though. It's just average. I don't have a ton of problems playing with other people on the east coast. That being said you can definitely feel it when you try to play someone from California. It's not great, and is definitely worse than rollback. Game is good and is doing well in Japan I think. The license isn't as popular in NA and most Americans have shit internet so it's no surprise it didn't do well when the pandemic hit.
  8. It needs to be one of the nicer ones though. Don't buy the cheapest ones they make.
  9. lol swapping thread names would be pointless. The issue is that people are using a thread called 'The SFV Thread' for general discussion. Which actual thread is using the title is irrelevant. I've made my peace with it. I can't stop you wild animals.
  10. We have a FGG thread but nobody uses it. 😢
  11. It's a third party clone but since it works on both new and old TVs I'm guessing the old Samsung remotes will also work with newer TVs. Shame I sold that set and no longer have the remote. I'd definitely give it a try.
  12. LOL that's just the remote Samsung used for their older TVs. I bought a Samsung set that had this exact remote in 2012 or so. Neat to see that the older ones work with newer sets too.
  13. Of course there are sub-genres. This is a slice of life anime. It's supposed to be slow, and animation quality isn't really the point. Anime varies just as much in tone and visual style as anything else. All anime isn't the same just like all movies, music, and games aren't the same. Saying all anime is insipid and slow/poorly drawn because of stuff like this is like saying all movies are over-dramatic and stupid because you didn't like seeing that one chick flick that one time. 🤣 If you want to take things further, think about how much anime probably exists and compare it to how many live-action films exist. There is probably a way higher proportion and quantity of horrible movies than there is of horrible anime. I've seen both Vampire Hunter D adaptations. The first one has aged very poorly, and the second one is peak 90s art style and tone. Neither holds a candle to the original novels though. ❤️ If you ever want to give anime a try you could say what kind of things you like and maybe someone could recommend you something cool.
  14. It's real. They spend half the episode playing SFV, and there's a bunch of in-game footage too LOL.
  15. I was chilling and watching anime when this travesty happened: Half the episode is them playing SFV, complete with gameplay footage. My day is ruined. Worst anime of all time. Considering that lady is also a people-eating monster it's safe to say the RE8 team just wanted to put hentai monsters in their game.
  16. @M A R T I A NI looked through your file attachments and there are no lewds in there. You may have deleted them by accident.
  17. He wants TRASHY, not HORRIBLE. smh I've been quite enjoying Deca-Dence. What a breath of fresh air.
  18. It's Rosario x Vampire. Don't even think about it -- it's trash. 🙃
  19. One day I'd like to just wall-mount my TV. I'd have so much more space on top of my TV cabinet.
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