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Everything posted by Psychoblue

  1. I'm still waiting for the non-sus anime adaptation of Rosario Vampire where Tsukune became Devilman and then it went into shojo territory with the aesthetics entering the China arc.
  2. From what I can tell, the Vampire Savior community is now less than a smoldering wreck thanks to constant beefs dividing the community. Skullgirls just seems to take L after L between the Mike Z drama and the composer going VIVA PRESIDENTE TRUMP after he already lost the election even though there should be no stake for that composer in that particular situation.
  3. Whole lotta backlog I gotta upload to make HD space. SFxT discord has been JUMPING the last few months. Strange feeling not to have to carry the torch alone anymore. There were a lot of weird copyright strikes on my videos from Capcom, but when I asked MamaDao about it she said to dispute them and Capcom will likely pull the claims off. Thanks, Based Capcpom.
  4. Sadly when I did my online locals for SFVCE during the early parts of lockdown, no one tuned in for them. SFxT has been my most consistently drawing content over than the odd SC2 and BFTG video exploding.
  5. Now that I'm a YouTube Partner, maybe I can mooch off his fans for an extra 25 cents a month.
  6. Probably, lol. Sounds like something he'd do. To be fair I did one as well but I'm also a licensed mental health professional so I probably have more insight to where things went wrong than a lot of other people in casual eSports.
  7. If your parents ever shame you for still pressing buttons, tell them that the 30+ year long struggle to get WWE wrestlers unionized is about to hit a turning point because a lower-midcard valet was forced to choose between them and video game streaming (and OnlyFans featuring a ton of video game cosplay) and now the SAG and the White House are getting involved because this was the last straw.
  8. Anyone know what this is about? Anime FGC just committing seppuku every month now.
  9. I finally got the subscriber count I needed for YouTube Partner. The application is processing now. Hoping I have good news by December. In the meantime, here's my newest SFxT CMV
  10. Those guys had language put in their contract that both sides agreed to when it was signed. All of the top and upper midcard guys get similar negotiating perks when their contracts come up due. That's why AEW being such a wreck is so aggravating, because now WWE guys look at that company ,realizing there's no saving it barring a massive corporate upheaval akin to when Jim Herd was forced out, because all of that leverage is gone .
  11. I'm sure there are dumber takes out there, but in the Saint Seiya discord where I mentioned the KOF Isekai and the recent Red Ranger Isekai and how I found amusing that the Isekai protagonist's home world is so fucked that the one he's going into with magic and stuff is "normal" in comparison, someone stated that "I saw you like het pairings so I assume you like harem anime." Could you imagine breaking that down with anime removed from the context entirely? "You wouldn't like it, it doesn't have a mass orgy" "...what?" "Well I saw you enjoyed Titanic"
  12. Now that contracts have been re-structured across the board to a point no one has to travel much and Rey confirmed with Konnan that house shows are dead so it's like 1-2 shows a week maybe for talent, maybe 3 once restrictions lift counting PPV events, I'm wondering if an ulterior motive other than to keep the talent they have satisfied (something Vince reportedly does far better than Heyman and HHH according to Ricardo) is that when it's showtime WWE can point to contracted days works and say it's within reason if there are any date limits that allow WWE to be at fault but not AEW, who have also begun limiting Indy dates of their talent and who Yang is by his own admittance a huge fan of. As a reminder, Nailz openly stating he hated Vince McMahon's guts nullified his testimony which could have been the tipping point otherwise. Yang saying something similar on a record of admissible evidence could be something the defendants pull out and then the whole thing is in jeopardy. Speaking as an admin, telling independent contractors that they need to follow certain standards to collect their checks is hardly unique to WWE. The tipping point is going to be the scope of which they can do it, which we're going into with the social media ban. Yang needs to go into this with the realization that to beat WWE on this, he will need to create upheaval with independent contractor law as a whole. That's not me justifying what WWE is doing. That's just what Yang is going to have to contend with to explain why it's bad. It's immoral and scummy as hell, but WWE isn't going to make mandates like that if they don't already have loopholes to justify it and say it's within scope.
  13. I wouldn't consider Bix anything credible for stuff like this, it's like trying to get your objective news from a Smasher. This is what I was referring to by why Andrew Yang might come into this fight unprepared. He gives off this weird aura of immaturity and gullibility for this particular case, that WWE will exploit just like they did when Nailz fucked up at the steroid trial.
  14. We'll see if this one blows up. We've heard about the bear skin rug and all of the affairs, but we never heard ANYTHING about Vince touching kids. There's different levels of scumbag. This doesn't sound like the one Vince is known to be on by even his most bitter partings.
  15. No lie at first glance with the school bus I thought Thunder Rosa was trying to get #MeToo'd like VD and Theory to continue the Wednesday Night War.
  16. Vince hires people who can capably handle the specific things they're hired for and gives them no further tasks. THat's what this Anti-Khan is doing on the media end. Then whatever they decide, he nods his head and lets them do it. That's how he's been able to manage this huge media empire while still being able to show up to run things in the Gorilla Position. That's the most maddening thing about wrestlers being independent contractors. WWE themselves have lots of employees who work at the office and manage all those extra things and reportedly they're treated about on par with other big corps. By the ones everyone knows and cares about, the wrestlers and on-screen guys, are mostly independent contractors who have their own individually negotiated deals that while while cozy for a bunch of them are still under contractor law. It just sounds like more HR headache than necessary especially at this point where the "wrestler welfare" days of guys sitting at home collecting downsides until they need house show filler are gone. Andrew Yang should focus on that. Why them but not others in the org? @bootlickers, again, not a lot of the wrestlers were doing this to the extent Zelina and Paige were. AJ Styles for sure is just gonna sit there and take it because his standing in the E is way to cozy to throw it away over this. Corbin will likely follow suit because he knows he's not gonna get anything comparable to what the E gives him. Cesaro might just walk away finally and take whatever bullshit AEW books him in for a nice paycheck and some side deals. Woods probably is going to get hired by WWE proper to spearhead this supposed WWE Twitch thing the Anti-Khan has planned, because WWE has already offered him way more freedom than most with the Kenny Omega saga. After that it'll probably just be a shrug and waiting to see where the Yang Hammer lands.
  17. Hey, Saudi is part of their shareholders too right?! And the image is important because if they look too carny it can do long-term harm that they're associated with clowns and not athletes. See, Action, Total Nonstop and how quickly those sponsors evaporated as Dixiemania got worse and worse...
  18. So apart from saying on twitter that "he better pray his best friend Trump gets re-elected," he's been on some dirt sheet podcasts admitting that he grew up a big WCW fan and absolutely hated that WWF won the Monday Night Wars, especially when the writing gradually and irrevocably declined. He's also an admitted big fan of AEW and how they treat their guys, which is probably not the best stance to take given that even if you ignore all of the lack of care taken to prevent needless injuries, the "wrestlers as employees" really only applies to a select few and not too different from how WWE has some part-timers in the office that get trotted out for the odd match. If something like "I hate Vince McMahon's guts" and derail a key testimony, I'm concerned all of those things can build up when it's showtime in court. He's going to need to convince an ideally impartial judge that he's doing this because he cares and not because he wants to stan the opposition. While he probably does care for the well-being legitimately, he's been exposing himself needlessly to outlets that can make him seem like he's not taking it as seriously as he should, as these dirt sheet podcasts hold extremely little weight and scope compared to outlets he should be going to, to make this blow up like CNN or CBS (WWE and NBC are in bed together so that probably wouldn't fly). Yang's gotta recognize that he's not going to war with the struggling WWF of 1994. He's going to war against a juggernaut of a global empire like he's going to war with a major sports league, and all of the attorneys armed to the teeth with loopholes and counter-arguments with the dotted lines signed with whatever language that allows WWE to "exploit" their independent contractors in a legally, mutually understood manner. Going to be a fun one, for sure.
  19. As we talked about before, a lot of them who favored it were being too loose. AJ Styles doesn't get reprimanded for blurting out about private company business with Heyman, because he's a major draw so he gets superstar preferential kid gloves. Jaxson Ryker was in so much "bronzing" that he looked like Urien after using VS1. Paige...yeah, we all know what happened with Maddox. Only reason she didn't get the boot is that WWE needed her to promote "her" movie. Woods has always been extremely open with WWE about his UUDD stuff so he might be able to get away with this too. I get why WWE is going with the approach of "loose lips sink ships" and it's better to just remove that option rather than continue to play favorites and overlook some over others like they had been doing, but it would be way easier if they were employees. Independent contractors still have to follow company standards just like employees, but this was just the straw that broke the camel's back for a lot of other reasons WWE guys should be employees. Right now WWE guys only have to show up a couple times a week and don't have to travel at all, as many of them live in Florida already. WWE probably figures if they're offering them that much they can return the favor and not double-dip with side hustles, but that should be the sticking point to why they should be considered employees now. The issue wasn't the amenities WWE offers, or at least the only issue. The issue was that they were employees in theory only. If WWE doesn't want them to double dip, make them employees so that restriction is validated. If not for that part I would agree with WWE that there needed to be more control over those platforms because of how many pushes got derailed because of those loose lips.
  20. with all the cuts WWE has been making now that Rey confirmed with Konnan that house shows are a thing of the past, even if the hammer drops WWE will come out of it none too worse for wear other than Andrew Yang becoming another chant at live shows like CM Punk and Randy Savage. Now that they're not stockpiling guys they have no intention of using beyond house shows, the HR list looks way more manageable. WWE guys don't even need to travel anymore, and if they get HR benefits too!? OP. But like any big company, they won't change unless they are forced to if the money is coming in. I just find it amusing that the tipping point was streaming and simping. My main concern with Yang is that he leaves himself way too open, saying impartial shit about Vince and WWE when that was what sank the steroid trial when Nailz did the same thing. He comes across as immature for someone of his stature, and he needs to come in with his social media scrubbed and his dirt sheet podcast interviews taken down if he doesn't want stuff he's said used against him and then Vince walks away a victor again..
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