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Everything posted by RegH81

  1. So I went up in a hot air balloon with Impa. She tells me to paraglider down. I look down. I don't have the paraglider yet. As I ponder how I'm supposed to get down, I accidentally slip and fall. The balloon is magically back on the ground and Impa is next to a very dead Link.
  2. So much fun from TOTK comes from seeing the crazy contraptions you come up with work.
  3. I'm off the Great Sky Island and my "Ooooo, what's that over there syndrome" is in full effect. Regarding one encounter I had on Hyrule. I was going to take out some Bokoblins when all of a sudden
  4. Spent about 7 hours playing the game last night after work. It was so freaking nice to finally be able to sit down and have some quality time. Thus far, I've only fought mooks and I'm still on the Great Sky Island. I ran across what I thought would be a stationary foe, so I fired off an arrow into it's eye, thinking it would just stay put while I picked it off. Dude transformed and was like "You in the find out phase now, MF!"
  5. Sonic Team: Makes a mechanic that let's players create rings and take down enemies defenses as well as solve puzzles. Nintendo: Makes a crafting system that let's players do all sorts of inventive things. Gamers: LOL PENIS! Nintendo & Sonic Team:
  6. At a friend's urging, I finally started FINAL FANTASY II: The Zodiac Age. I picked it up for Switch with some of the cash I got for unemployment back in 2020. I've heard the soundtrack but seeing it matched with the visual style really helps the game stick out in my mind more. I'm super surprised to see 3 different versions of the soundtrack. Since FFXII was originally a PS2, could the system not handle Hitoshi Sakimoto going ham or something?
  7. Yo, we STILL can't pet dogs in Tears of the Kingdom?!?!?
  8. I... I didn't know I could steal anything from him.
  9. Holy balls of fire. I finished FINAL FANTASY IV Pixel Remaster last night. Despite being in my early 80s on levels, Zeromus had the smoke in spades. Not even Kain was safe. In the end, all I had was Cecil. I thought about bringing a party member back to life but I knew Zeromus would just kill them again. So I figured, I would just whale on him with Cecil. Zeromus kept casting Meteor... and missing. Dude got that Dashie aim because he missed me every single time. To my surprise, my "Attack, attack, attack and hope he dies soon" strat worked. I was LOLing at Cecil being the only one in my party left alive and he took out the ultimate evil of FFIV. Zeromus, I guess your hate wasn't strong enough.
  10. I opened up my package from Amazon and there she is. My beautiful, lovely, sweet, sweet baby. We'll have our time together in a few days. Oh, yes, we will.
  11. The production values of this 8-bit Mega Man 7 OST are top notch. The presentation is super clean as well.
  12. Me knowing some people are already playing this game via digital copies, plus the fact that I work all weekend:
  13. I had to stop watching Jim Sterling vids because they harp on about the same points ad infinitum. It became ad exasperating chore to watch those vids, so I just cut them out all together. When I heard about Kotaku getting all pissy about getting snubbed for TOTK, I just knew Jim was gonna do a Jimqisition on it and true for form, he performed, just as expected. Jim is so anti corporation obsessed that he can't even realize that when a game site effs up, no matter how much you dislike the game company, there will be consequences. Kotaku is sleeping in that crappy bed that they made. I have friends in a chat group that watched Jim's video and agreed with them. I'm thinking "Say WHAT?"
  14. For as much flack as I give Edward in FINAL FANTASY IV (dude is pretty much the reason I hate the Bard class), he put in work on my playthrough of Pixel Remaster. His Sing command confused enemies and he was dishing out some good damage. He would still get picked last in a game of doge ball but if I had to take a bullet for Edward or Revali... well... both them MFs are gonna die. But I will at least be slightly remorseful for Edward kicking the bucket. Anyhoo, I'm hanging out with the Dwarves and Cid is about to prove what a BAMF he is.
  15. I was in Walmart today and picked up a Transformers the Movie Starscream re-issue. There's just something so charming about the 1980s Transformers designs. They lack the articulation of today's figures and they look stiff as a board. But dang it, I go nuts whenever I get the chance to pick one up! This makes my second ever Starscream figure. Target is right next to my Walmart and they had Buzzworthy Bumblebee Origin Autobot Jazz. They had several of these bad boys in stock, so I got one for me and one to give to my nephew for his birthday.
  16. My copy of Splatoon 3 decided to work for a change. Not once did I get a softward error crash. And something crazy strange happened when I was playing last night. I... I actually had fun playing on the Spawning Grounds. The weapon rotation was... GOOD. Like, really freaking good! No matter what weapon I had in any given wave I was golden. We even killed Cohozuna with nearly 30 seconds left on the clock!
  17. One time I paid for Shadow's services when I was Sabin and headed back to Nashe. During the first random battle I got into, no cap, that MF was like... And I'm like... To this day I am STILL salty about that ish.
  18. Uggggghhhhh, MY WALLET HURTS. On the other hand...
  19. FINAL FANTASY III Pixel Remaster is donezo! Had my Dragoon jump spam and my Ninja spam shuryukens. My two Sages cast Holy and Flare between recovering. That beam Cloud of Darkness kept spamming made me remember why I hated her/it in the DS version. Thing did so much damage. in PR, I was in the early 80s for my levels and I could afford to get hit by it a few times before casting curaga. And with that, my revenge is complete.
  20. I think something is up with my physical copy of Splatoon 3. Lately, 9/10 times whenever I try to get into some Salmon Run or Turf War matches, I get the software error and the game crashes. No other physical Switch game has closed down on me this frequently. I've tried various troubleshooting methods to remedy this, but no luck. I'm amazed I was able to get into two Splatfest Turf War matches last night.
  21. Apparently Auto Battle makes it SO EASY to farm for job points in FINAL FANTASY III Pixel Remaster. Just have everyone with a job class defend for 5 turns with Auto Battle on, win the fight and you'll get job levels up. Every. Single. Battle. I wish I knew this when I first started my game. As it is, I'm at end game now. I got the the Sage and Ninja classes last night and maxed those suckers out to level 99 as well as the Dragoon Class. Chisai, Zun-Zun, Luigi and Poyo are in the mid 60s for their levels but I plan to hang around the Forbidden Land and grind for more levels. I WILL take my revenge for the absolute VIOLATION I suffered from the Cloud of Darkness in the DS remake.
  22. Finished vol. 1 of ATOM: The Beginning. Pretty cool series. Finally finished watching Neon Genesisn Evangeleon. I haven't seen that series in over a decade. I watched the Netflix redub. I'm sure there are those in the "The changed it, now it sucks" camp, but I really wasn't bothered by the new dub. And I forgot just how whacked out the final two episodes are.
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