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Everything posted by Serpent

  1. Eh it's not, but they do own Whatsapp and they're demanding to link Whatsapp to Facebook now. When they purchased Whatsapp, they insisted they would not do this, of course they lied. One reason they may be doing that is younger users typically try to avoid FB, and that's a reason why they also purchased Instagram and a bunch of other companies, mostly to force young people under the FB umbrella. FB is still doing really well, especially because practically everyone over 35 is on it, and especially Boomers are absolutely addicted to it. I doubt that will change, but apparently these companies feel like they NEED younger users or they will die. It probably won't die unfortunately though, not anytime soon. Still I can hope.
  2. I've been waiting for Facebook to die since pretty much soon after its public rollout. I hope it finally dies now. I personally think it's done so much irreparable harm to society, and to see an entire generation grow up with it and see how they've suffered for it, I think it's way beyond time that it was destroyed. Amazing people are jumping onto Telegram, or Signal. I don't really need either but it's way better for younger people that do.
  3. I think those issues are part of its charm. People complain about self insert OP main chars, but the way around that is give them flaws and quirks that a reader/author may not like themselves. Otherwise it can just be very bland and boring. Video games have the advantage of silent protags, and I think more video games should absolutely take advantage of that, as it lets the reader role play and gives you much more room to work with. But for anything else, you kind of need to make strong characters who have hooks. They can be smart, but they also need to often be stupid and weird and cringe. I remember when reading MT, I'd be disgusted with the MC many times. But that was the point. You get to see him grow and experience the world around him and also it makes his moments shine as a result. I don't know how much they can really do with the anime however. Realistically it's a hell of a lot of content, and much of the start of it is prologue and setup. I think also what made is to so good is out of the LNs and WNs I've read, this author is by far, by far the most talented of them all. The only other WN writer I've read that actually has that brilliant control of his characters and setting is Atelier Tanaka, and I think he mostly does it as satire, but it's too subtle for so many readers to pick up on. The whole thing is like an isekai deconstruction, which obviously is different from actually doing a more serious work like MT was, way back in 2012. MT basically spawned/popularized the isekai genre and the common tropes, even if it wasn't first, similar to how WOW popularized MMOs and spawned the industry's popularity.
  4. I played A2 with friends and did do well against my friend group, as well as XvSF I'd go to different arcades, but I wasn't really world beater at them. Also arcade culture was wonky back then, people hated if you threw. I didn't start really getting competitive until CvS1, and didn't really get good until CvS2, which I was pretty strong at, as well as KOF98 for a couple of years. I played some GGX and 3S around then too, mostly in college. 3S we didn't really play all that much, and the dude that was really good at that game usually just stuck to that. When I'd head to CTF, apparently he was a big name because when he'd pop by and greet me the animosity from the 3s players would just evaporate and they'd usually just give me round 2 to win. I pretty much only played that while waiting for my turn at CvS2. When 3s guy would challenge me to CvS2 I'd beat him but he'd do stuff like hit my start button and just laugh. CTF 3s crew could be suuuuuper hostile though back then. You could feel the intensity.
  5. I actually don't even know what game you're talking about. NFL playoffs was over the weekend, and I don't know any other kickoff based game lol, especially one that would have a huge game on Monday night.
  6. Sometimes I wonder how OG SRK and the FGC would have been if there were competent admin and mods back then too. Obviously in retrospect there isn't one positive or admirable quality to being toxic behind a keyboard, but we had this whole culture of trolling, flaming and being crass and low class, immature little shits. I'd suspect that the FGC would have been the first true e-sport, and instead of FPS and MOBA it would be FGs that were seen as the elite VG competition. SF was extremely popular and was there before, the SF2 era didn't have the tech in place but it had arcades and dominated culture at the time. Many of us grew up in the arcade era and then were ready to embrace e-sports in our young adult years, but instead the community was run by human trash and attracted and promoted trash behavior, which of course would obviously repel decent people and corporate sponsors. Most intelligent and mature people just bail on the stupidity and toxic BS, what remains is the truly stupid and the foolish who put up with it and take on those qualities too. FGC was heavily driven by such trash, stupid personalities, most of whom never amounted to anything. Well just a thought (experiment). I'm glad we have some ground rules and modding here now. If anything it would be even better if we could run that toxicity off quicker somehow, there's that report button I guess but I haven't been using it. Maybe we all should for the obvious troll BS.
  7. Messenging is just going to be whatever people you know use. For most people it was Facebook Messenger. So privacy didn't matter too much if you wanted to talk to them, and Facebook was never about privacy. I just use SMS or Discord. The only people I talk to on SMS are obviously people I know in real life and am closer to. Discord is for everyone else and any closer people that use it (my siblings use it). The older I get the less I care about interacting with most people. I'm not accessible to most people and I like it that way. I'm reaching middle age and have realized most people are stupid. Carlin said it and I guess I tried to take it as a joke and argue it, but he was right and I've accepted it. I have little to no interest in meeting "new people", which is what you'd need a popular message service for. Ironically, Facebook is mostly used by old farts, even older than me. Facebook tries to buy anything younger people use, and they really should have been stopped for anti-trust reasons.
  8. Romo talking about taking the deep pass on that checkdown, but the WR was blanketed. I think I get why Romo threw so many INTs trying to win games. I mean I knew it already, that he'd try to do too much, but he practically admitted it there. Gunslinger in the same mold as Favre, and I do respect it, but wish more people would get what it means to go down swinging versus just checking down and losing, which a lot of the "better" QBs just do.
  9. What is this terrible, terrible commentary team? Wow someone actually streamed this terrible commentary team over the Nantz and Romo one? Glad I switched streams. Wow. Hmm. But Romo is CBS. But this game is NFC. Does CBS get the NFC games now? I haven't been watching as much, this is just weird. I knew there were 2 extra WC games this weekend but this is just odd.
  10. I get the feeling Chiefs and Pack will destroy whoever gets matched with them next week.
  11. I know you said the internet, but honestly a good cookbook just has everything, including techniques and substitutions. I am a big fan of Bittman's "How to Cook Everything". I really think that's all anyone needs. I don't know what edition they're up to now, but I keep one near my kitchen at all times. I don't refer to it much but it's always there if I need something or may have forgotten something. It's still relevant today as in the past.
  12. TBH, that army of simps they get attention from really are obnoxious. Imagine being a woman and constantly having simps rolling up on you, pretending they're being nice and then calling you a whore when you won't sleep with them for it. And the fact that no matter what the media says and your girlfriends claim, realistically you all know even the average geek can physically overpower you, even if you work out as hard as you can. I think most regular young dudes get it twisted. It's not women that are pulling this BS, it's these simps that are constantly rolling up, not only on women, but on other dudes, being little bitches and insulting everyone they can under the guise of having women's approval. SRK is getting older, when some of you start having daughters I think you'll understand, and your dislike will shift a bit.
  13. I vaguely remember really liking Geese' stage in CvS, as well as his music.
  14. Yeah I figured that out too about myself. It's a maturation process. It's also why I don't really argue online anymore, I kind of just realized how stupid it is to do so. Now tbh, a lot of it was from friends that would egg me on to troll who I no longer am friends with, but a lot of it was also immaturity and just mostly on SRK at the time. There's so much stupid on the internet in general though, because it's a lot of dumb angry young men, and it just kind of feeds into each other. The vast majority of young men are obnoxious, although especially white men, since they realize they have immense privilege. That's only gotten worse the last few years obviously. I actually would have preferred to be a kind person throughout, but most dickholes take that as a sign of weakness and try to trample over you, if you then fight back they all start screaming what a jerk you are and will try to gang up on you. Better to deter them by showing force from the get go and giving the impression that you'll fuck them up if they look at you sideways and mock them if they ask you for a favor. And I didn't even mention girls. Young women are the absolute worst human beings of all. They encourage men to be complete pricks and assert dominance over each other. Most of my absolute worst behavior was because of some dumb random bitch that I won't have even had sex with, and even if I had, I'd cringe about it today. I don't want people to get it twisted, but there really need to be controls on young people, especially young women. Can't just have young people acting out on their own, they're much too stupid and their brains too undeveloped for that to work well. Schools obviously do not work either. I can kind of get why Plato thought young people should be basically taken away from their homes and trained by the State in facilities to make them decent human beings. But then you can't really trust the State either, so there's really no good solution, as great as Socrates mind is, I don't think he hit it there.
  15. I had one like this, I think I know the general one you got. I currently use a Secret Lab gaming chair, and it's pretty much the best chair I've ever owned. The best I've sat in are Steelcase and Herman Miller ones at work, but they cost thousands and while they're good they're not THAT good. I think for regular people, $300 or so for a Secret Lab is the best they can get. I wouldn't call it a meme at all. Prior to that I'd buy Amazon Basics chairs every couple of years. They're okay but certainly aren't as solidly built as others. What's annoying about office chairs is there's really cheap and really expensive, and no real grades in between. The racing chairs try to be that middle ground, but we'd probably all be better off if Steelcase and Herman Miller had realistic prices instead of absurd price gouging. There's no way that tech is worth THAT much. They should cost as much as the racing chairs do.
  16. I heard of this chick. Wasn't she whining that no man wants her? I'm surprised people just let her go on that. I would just link her to r/incels or something whenever she tweets if I was on twitter.
  17. I thought they claimed they were already restricting misinformation and most of these right wingers moved off to parler or some shit.
  18. Honestly unless it's a really complex one, which is rare, you're better off just using something like turbotax. The one thing Trump did right was increase the standard deduction and cut out most of the general deductions. You should use a CPA for your business, and probably as a contractor too. But if you're just regular employee, it really doesn't matter much. I think for 2020, considering COVID, they should increase the standard deduction even more, get it to around $15-20k. And maybe keep it going forward that way. IMO nobody that makes under say $40k should be paying taxes anyway.
  19. The internet is such a strange place. Everyone makes six figures, until a stimulus is available, then suddenly everyone gets the full stimulus amount (which means they make under $75k or whatever the cutoff is this time).
  20. $8 is a lot. The most I ever tip is $6 or so, and that's because of COVID and if it's a longer distance (but usually they don't do that long of a distance anyway). $3-4 is more the norm. Honestly less than 10% usually since you already pay delivery fee and service fee, and the driver isn't even who made the food.
  21. Man people were so angry about that, his daughter complained up a storm. I thought it was hilarious though too.
  22. S is some BS. Unless you do a lot of gaming, for a lot of people, Linux Mint (or some other Linux flavor) does work better than Win10. Especially Win10S.
  23. I'm not an expert, but I think Nosferatu are the worst, because when I played Masquerades and did the little quiz thing I got them, and they pretty much break the damn game.
  24. Knowing Vince, won't he be pissed someone advertised another org?
  25. Yeah AE is just too far back now. Also it's an issue for AEW, I really don't see how they can have a 61 year old Sting do much of anything. Cool entrance, good promo guy, but how is he going to advance stories? At this point the old guys really should only come back for Rumbles as surprise appearances, lose, and then that's it. But without a crowd this year even that kind of doesn't work. Carlito is like 41 or something, for a wrestler, that can still be the very end of their prime. They can still go for a few more years and be entertaining, albeit they really can't be the "top guy" or anything like that. Not that wrestling should just have one "top guy" like they like to. AE was fun because like a dozen guys could get hot and win the title and be the guy. Same way the UFC LHW division was rocking when nobody could hold the damn title because everyone was such a killer. Albeit I still think Rampage won that AEW does a good job of having the legends manage younger guys, I think that's a great way to do it. WWE doesn't really do that, but maybe they should think of doing that. Even if you want the older guys to wrestle sometimes, it still works better giving them a faction and some younger less known guys that can bump around and get built weekly. Like why not pair Cedric and Ricochet with a legend and let them work their way up that way? Olmos is pretty much just getting over standing around AJ every week. He does almost nothing but the audience knows him now and takes him more seriously than Cedric and Ricochet.
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