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Everything posted by DangerousJ

  1. I dont really feel like watching streams of anything. For movie reviews, if its more than 10 minutes, I zone out. That's part of the reason I lost interest in Nostalgia Critic. Almost all of his recent vids are 30 minutes, have drawn out skits that run over the course of the vid, and have an intermission. lol
  2. The guy in charge of this upcoming documentary actually does some good (imo)retrospectives on many classic films on youtube. I've been subscribed to his channel for the last few months. They're long, and even touch on the video game aspects , but I find them enjoyable. Here's the account Oliver Harper
  3. MKL: Battle of the Realms is out today. I ordered the exclusive steelbook from Best Buy which shipped today. Hopefully I'' get it in a few days. Here is a text review from (this is about the movie and the audio/video/special features) Grade: 7/10 IGN Grade: 5/10
  4. Steve was secretly happy that he was the one chosen to return the Infinity Stones.
  5. @Sonichuman, The power of jiggle physics extends onto the mortal plane.
  6. I've never been to one. I saw one in Miami in the mid 2000s,but didn't know anything about it or if it was good.
  7. Happy belated Birthday , Infernoman! It sounds like you had a good chill time!
  8. My favorite part of the S1 intro is Skywarp throwing Jazz, him landing in car mode and then launching himself at Skywarp.
  9. In October, my white girl powers are over 9000! Hell, I even saw Glade Pumpkin spice air freshener today and it took all my willpower to NOT buy it.
  10. I never used to care for Cheerios, but they have one of my favorite versions in recent years- Pumpkin! For regular all year ones, Im partial to Multigrain Cheerios.
  11. No Way Home Trailer done Spider-man TAS style!
  12. Now that Chad has finished it... The part with the 2 black brothers was gut wrenching.
  13. I'm 10% interested due to Yoko Kanno returning and I think John Cho and Bushmaster as Spike and Jet are good casting choices. I always saw Jet as black and Spike as Asian.
  14. You've come a long way, Paul Rudd... Happy 30th Anniversary Super Nintendo! (Aug 23,1991- USA release)
  15. Random rambling: If SM3 (2007) wasnt crap and the series had continued, I would have loved to see Raimi's take on Lizard. Give him a scary appearance like Todd McFarlane's take and amp up the horror elements which is Raimi's forte. Give him Martha and Billy to add pathos. One of Raimi's "flaws" was making many villains sympathetic when they werent originally in the comics(Sandman, Ock) Lizard is the most sympathetic of the classic villains and could have been done a lot better than the Marc Webb ASM take. The 2012 ASM take on Lizard was very disappointing.
  16. Im hoping they show that Splinter is playable. Im more excited for that.
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