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Everything posted by DangerousJ

  1. Tales from a Scrub: Things I've seen recently in Women's bios that are hot: Mustard > Mayo (white girl. Shocking!) I believe in Science, not conspiracies I love to cook and clean (Maybe a bot lol)
  2. You've come a long way, Tracks.... From left.... 2021 Kingdom 1985 G1 2011 Reveal the Shield
  3. One minor character who had a cool power that seemed practical rather than combat friendly was the acolyte Milan. Electropathy: He has the ability to psionically transfer mental impulses into cognitive electromagnetic imagery. These images were commonly filtered through imaging devices (T.V.'s, view screens or monitors). This extended to an ability to communicate directly with computers. If I had that power, I could make some side money as a Youtuber. I have these great ideas for skits, but it would cost too much money to get actors/costumes etc lol.
  4. NIGGA YOU GAY FRIDAYS! I like how the score wants us to feel sympathetic, but I'm just laughing my ass off. Also, the guy looks like he was rendered on PS3.
  5. Jim Gordon likes Dominican chocha now? Interesting.
  6. You've come a long way, Sharkticon... Left 2016 Titans Return Right 2021 Studio Series '86
  7. I'm not getting it either. I heard the 4k disc is based on the widescreen version which cuts off bits vertically. I'm used to the Fullscreen version. Also, while I have a 4k tv, I only have a 1080p bd player. (10 years goes fast) I won't go 4k until the player dies. It's the movie I've bought 4 times in 3 formats. 1998. Canadian VHS First time I saw the movie. 2000 Rhino DVD 2006 Sony 20th anniversary 2016 BD Steel book Besides the sound mix, I would like a new commentary track. Nelson Shin didn't really gel with Flint and Susan. Maybe one with Flint by himself or with some other surviving G1 voice actors.
  8. "The Transformers: The Movie 35th Anniversary | Fathom Events" Transformers the Movie is getting a 2 day Theatrical Showing on Sept 26 and Sept 28 in the USA courtesy of Fathom Events! The times will be 7 pm . They had one in 2018 which wasn't on an anniversary date but if this one isn't too far, I'll go again lol
  9. This is an ...interesting promotional pic for a new Ghostbusters toy...
  10. Million, some vids on your favorite comedy topic courtesy of my peeps.... I think I posted this one before (These two are actually married in real life.)
  11. You guys seem to be overly upset that a ginger character is "turned" into black , but most redheads in Hollywood are people wearing wigs or dying their hair. See Christina Hendricks or Scar Jo. Is there really outrage from everyday gingers that they are losing representation to black folks?
  12. Megashock- where black people are against increased black representation in media
  13. Awesome. Everything is perfect now. Thanks Misterbee Senpai!
  14. I cleared cache on my phone and no change. What's funny was my desktop browser was fine originally,but when I cleared cache on that ,the problem started there too.
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