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Everything posted by DangerousJ

  1. I didnt know wolverine could transform into a T-rex. Someone must be asleep at the switch at Sony.
  2. SNK seems to be taking presentation tips from Namco with the DJ audio/etc. Im pretty excited for rollback too (and Shermie too) SNK showing Capcom how to do things right.
  3. So this milk crate thing is done mostly by blacks? I searched youtube and it seems that way. I blame Souljaboy. I know there's no rational reason, but I just do.
  4. We've had 2 villains who were motivated by Stark and he's made a handful of appearances with spideys MCU tenure. I kinda want Iron Man's influence to decrease going forward. My gut tells me after spider verse success Sony pushed Marvel into going this multiverse route. While I'm glad at seeing some of the Raimi incarnations again, I was kinda interested in seeing Scorpion or other unseen villain to round out this trilogy. In my ideal setup, Holland continues for another trilogy set in college, I'd have liked to see Ock, Goblin,Lizard with new designs/actors and then do a Sinister six film then.
  5. If you are going to a restaurant or small food business and you are NOT pressed for time, are you more likely to go inside and order or get drive thru? Ive never been a big drive thru guy. I dont like eating in the car unless absolutely necessary. I usually have a water bottle in my cupholder. I eat breakfast/dinner 90% at home so its a sort of change to eat outside regardless of whether its a tea place or a full restaurant.
  6. I thought I was the only this happened to. Sometimes when there is new post, I see it 3 times. But when I evitably refresh/reload, I only see it once. It happens for other peoples' posts as well as mine.
  7. So has this replaced Black Lightning as the best overall CW show?
  8. Goddamnit Ferrero Rocher, stop showing YouTube ads right after I eat my cucumber slices lunch lol
  9. Black Weddings are always fun.. aka ... TIME TO MAKE THE BOOTY GO WHACK!
  10. Kuai Liang trains against Smoke. (MKL: Battle of the Realms clip)
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