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Posts posted by DangerousJ

  1. The site is looking good. 


    Is there a way to go straight to the first unread post in a thread automatically?


    For the saloon thread,I usually click the last page and manually scroll down to the last post.

    On the Vanilla SRK setup before the change to Discourse , it would take me straight to the new content by clicking the thread title. I really liked that.

  2. Speculation:


    Terry Crews may be playing Jesse Aaronson aka Bedlam.

    His costume is similar  and in this screenshot on the right you can see the code name.




    2) The Asian girl with purple hair looks like psylocke, but It may turn out to be Surge.

    (She was using electricity based power in the trailer)


    3) In the airplane cargo hold, you can see a guy with a helmet similar to Shatterstar.


    It seems this X-force is cherry picking characters from different runs.


  3. For those watch youtube frequently..What sort of videos/creators do you watch the most of?


    For me..


    Transformers Toy reviews - Too numerous to list


    Toy Galaxy - They are mostly focused on Marvel Legends and Star Wars, though they do TF reviews too.

    They have some well researched videos on obscure toylines like Sectaurs, MUSCLE etc. Theyre funny and informative which I like. 


    ASMR videos - Like Million, this is mostly for the cute girls, and second for the relaxing aspects. A lot of it is pretty odd, but sometimes if I can't sleep , I watch some and it does help.

    Plus, sometimes its just good entertainment if they're acting as a comic/superhero character.


    Cinemassacre - This is the Angry video Games Nerd account. Though it also focuses on movie reviews, and other miscellaneous video game stuff. This is one of the earliest youtube accounts I subscribed to. The 1989 TMNT video brought me to this account. (You can just WALK over it?)


    Gameranx- a video game channel that I've subscribed to recently. They do news videos and give impressions on newly released games.  They update everyday and its kind of a straightforward but informative channel imo.


    devilLeon7 - If you want to see lots of Yakuza video game clips or walkthroughs, this guy is your man.


    Chris Stuckmann - A movie reviewer. He reviews both new and old movies and some TV shows. Hes pretty articulate and has a calm, analytical style. He has no problems pointing out flaws for the most part. 


    Andre/Black Nerd Comedy - A retro fanboy/movie critic.  He has a good balance of being funny and informative imo. He likes TMNT, Power Rangers, and Nintendo a lot. 


    Epic Meal Time - Its crazy to see what stuff they come up with, though it seems more subdued now.


    Nerdy Nummies - Another cooking show. She does a lot of stuff related to comics/games/novels that's pretty cute. I  never have made any of these since its seems pretty time intensive and half of the effort is almost equal to an arts and crafts project.






    Humza Productions - A London based Pakistani comedian that does comedy videos. This is more funny if you're Indian/Asian. Details an Asian trying to reconcile his London life with traditional culture.

  4. Site's getting better and better, especially the reaction tool.


    Injustice 2 has the TMNT , so Im probably going to get it.


    Here are the trailers recut to the various theme songs


    Injustice  2  - 1987 TMNT



    Injustice TMNT 2003




    Injustice TMNT 2012



  5. On 3/18/2018 at 5:24 PM, misterBee said:

    Wait what? Why does the middle one have a human face?!


    Generally the Pretenders were metal shells with organic "flesh" on the outside and a smaller simple transformer on the inside. the Autobots were mostly patterned on humans wearing clunky armor. You could see their eyes but nothing else. This Metalhawk character was exclusive to Japan. For whatever reason, he was sculpted to show a full on face.

    Most of the Decepticons (except Starscream) were designed to look like scary monsters (and looked cooler imo).

  6. You've come a long way, Metalhawk....



    Background left: 1988 MH inner robot,

    Background center: 1988 MH outer shell

    Backgound right: 2017 Metalhawk exclusive boxset toy (remold of 2017 Triggerhappy toy)

    Foreground center: 2018 POTP Metalhawk "Prime Master"




  7. Million-X,

    You should subscribe to that youtube channel, ToyGalaxy,.

    They mostly talk about Marvel/Star Wars, but they generally do informative videos on obscure toys.


    Part of the reason I buy Transformers Generations line is that outside of my G2 Megatron, all my TF/TMNT/toybiz x-men/Spawn figures were damaged during two hurricanes and the few that werent were sold off quickly when we moved from St. Thomas to Florida.


    I had about 40 TF from G1, though most were from 1986-1990. The only 84/85 figures I had were Twin Twist(the jump starter) and a second hand, with no accessories Jetfire in bad shape. That was given from our landlord and was still awesome to get.


    The earliest figures I remember getting were 1986 characters: Dead End (the burgundy Porsche stunticon), Brawl (olive green tank Combaticon), and Swindle (the orange jeep Combaticon). Swindle was one of the most entertaining characters in the show so I guess thats why I favor Decepticon characters now.


    My parents could never find the original G1 Optimus Prime ,but I got the Powermaster 1988 version and loved it.

    The only G1 toys I have now are reissues I've bought in the last 8 years - G1 Soundwave, Predacons, and Insecticons.


    I probably have about 85 TF's after collecting in the last 11.5 years.

    Though with the current line havng dinobots,terrorocons, rodimus Prime, I see myself slowing down a bit.


    The main figures I want are new versions of Ratchet/Ironhide, Scorponok, and maybe some odds and ends like Needlenose/Spinister,

  8. I just saw the Tomb Raider(2018) film.




    Alicia’s performance in terms of acting/physicality was pretty spot on.


    Action sequences reflect the crazy setpieces of the 2013 reboot game well.


    cute post-credit scene




    While it is an adaptation of the 2013 reboot game, a lot of the characters from the game are not there, and the macguffin is different than the game. It’s very “loose”


    The main villain is very bland and has a thin characterization. In the game, he was a lot more theatrical and creepy. They should have stuck with that imo.


    The first hour is a bit slow. Most of the action scenes are in the climax.


    For some reason, there were no animals in the film. A signifcant part of Lara’s journey was fending for herself against wild animals and the elements and foraging for supplies. also, the first kill of Lara should have been given more dramatic weight.


    Overall: If you like the reboot game and its premise, you will probably like this movie.

    I have only played the reboot games and not the original games or the Angelina Jolie films so I cant really discuss the merits of this vs the Jolie films.


    If you like the reboot games, 7/10

    If you have no ties to the franchise, 6/10.

  9. As a newbie to the Yakuza series who played Yakuza 0 as his first game last year, I feel that it is a successor to Shenmue and Streets of Rage with intriguing characters.

    The goofy and heartfelt side missions are sometimes even better than the main mission.


    I beat Y0 and Kiwami, but I want to wait for Kiwami 2 before doing Y6.

    I hope they do some physical ports of Y3,4,5 to PS4 so that I can see the whole Kiryu saga unfold chronologically.


    One other thing about both seasons of Jess is that I think 9-10 episodes/season would "flow" smoother. It feels like it builds to a point , then we're in a holding pattern for a few episodes and then it progresses.


    Also, while this is a street level show, I wish there were some longer and better choreographed fights. There were mostly shoves/pushes , jumps, and 1 explosion. I think the longest fight is against the prison guy Dale and even then it was brief.

    I don't want Jess to be DD 2.0, but since this is not a special effects heavy program, I think they could do more to liven it up a little.

  11. I just watched Jess S2.


    It was decent, but fell flat in someways without Killgrave or Luke Cage.

    The attempt to delve into her past and have the plot revolve around that was a nice idea.

    I’ve never read any of her comics, but the twist that happens 1/2 way shocked me.

    That character and Jess’s complicated relationship in the last 7 episodes was interesting to watch.


    However, The character of Trish almost comes off as a villain more than the above character.

    She was extremely unlikeable and I had little sympathy for her.

    I was more sympathetic with Jeri Hogarth until the penultimate episode.

    Malcom was my favorite character this season(probably he was more assertive)


    Pryce Cheng AKA Daboog (but not fat or bald) felt like a wasted opportunity.

    Oscar and his son trying to be a surrogate family for Jess was a nice contrast to all her craziness,but it seemed like Oscar was more a plot device (and DICK device wink)


    I just hope that the fallout between Trish and Jess at the end isnt just swept under the rug in the next season. That happens a lot in CW shows, where there will be a big brouhaha and then 2 episodes everyone’s sunshine and rainbows.


    I loled at how Jess lectured Malcolm that getting pussy is no better than drugs.

    BEYOTCH, youre drunk 24/7 and fucking random boytoys in bars and down the hall after they fix your toilet/print illegal govt documents. You little hypocrite!


    My favorite episode was 7 since there was a lot of backstory/flashbacks.

    It was great to see REDACTEDagain in episode 10. It shows you how compelling that person was.


    Overall: 7/10

    (We need a compelling antagonist and some more likeable characters)


    The second to last ranked MCU Netflix Season. (Iron Fist is 6.5/10 )

  12. On 3/9/2018 at 10:43 PM, Hawkingbird said:

    I watched the entire season. It's not as good as the first season. It moves at a much slower pace than the first season, there very little character development for Jessica and it doesn't have a real villain.


    Is Luke in any of the episodes?

  13. For those who have smartphones, how often do you get a new one?



    I got my first one, Motorola Droid X ,in 2010 and then changed to Samsung Galaxy S5 in 2014 when it started gltching.


    MY S5 is having screen problems and Im thinking of getting the Samsung Galaxy S9 plus, which will make it 4 years exactly



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