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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. so there was apparently a stampede over in korea on halloween. why...are peeps celebrating halloween in korea tho? isnt that an american holiday..smh. remind me to just stay home every oct 31st from now on.
  2. thats just worse. nothin more dangerous than friendly fire + stormtrooper aim. smdh.
  3. youre kidding?!?!? dice game? i know they would pretend to play dice in their vids...specifically the nature boy vid. but dyin in a dice game where youre a millionaire is just plain stupid.
  4. just like old school resident evil n silent hill. but new
  5. i want dante to fall in love with bayo. then bayo says i'll marry u only if u beat me, therefore bayo final boss. keep in mind she is also your playable character in alternate chapters. 20 chapter game. and then right before he beats her... vergil cockblocks and says "nooooo! my bro doesnt like girls, hes still a virgin. he has to stay that way." then dante go back goes back to fighting vergil in hell, but thats in the credits roll after u beat the game cut scene. lol
  6. all i really want, hope for, is a dmc bayo crossover action game. god to have dante and bayo fighting together would be the hypest shit ever. can something like that ever happen? think about dante and bayo fighting demons AND angels.
  7. ever seen a watch like this? called a concentric watch. damn thats cool. a watch with no face, just the arms swinging around. cool
  8. salted caramel black licorice ginger drops damn reticently's likes and mine are similar to each other. i'll switch out the ginger for c howards violets candy
  9. hes referring to that when elon officially bought twatter that the n-word blew up in usage overnight on the platform. and hes implying advertizers got nervous and leaving but idk how peeps know twatter is losing advertiser sponsorship in just 24 hours.
  10. u focus on her too much as the cause of his downfall. candice owens didnt do this. she didnt make this dude nutty. keep in mind his history. he grabbed the mike from 2 different artists at awards. taylor swift and beck. cuz he thought he could punk them. he would never do that to ice cube or someone that doesnt take shit. then he started calling himself God/ Yeezus. white lives matter t shirts and he lost a billion in a month. and since day 1 he has never, imo, made any coherent sense in interviews. he was a weird bibble babbling narcissistic dude that somehow someway had a following of fans. fans that were deaf dumb and blind to his mental illness for almost what..20 years. tbh i dont understand how people didnt wake up to his weirdo ways sooner. cuz i been sayin he was crazy since the taylor swift incident. at 1st i thought publicity stunt but then i thought."nah, when u grab mikes outta peeps hand at awards ceremonies. hollywood/media powers that be will end you" cuz u look unstable. and corporate entertainment dont like unstable. they forgive alot but not crazy. edit: oh yea and the whole "bush hates black people" jive nonsense. might i add...his fanbase "ye is just playin 4D chess" bullshit defense. which just makes me think his fanbase is just was nutty as he is to not see he has never ever acted sane since day 1 of his career. who gave this dude their money? smh. and his fashion sense was actual insanity. remember his fashion shows? his garbage bag suit idea??? bruh. like this dude. yunno who he reminds me of? peter sellers in the movie Being There. in that movie, washington dc mistakes a dude whos mentally retarded and think hes a genius and nominate him for president. its one of the realest movies ever made. well. kanye west IS the dude from being there film. he is the luckiest dude ever. everyone mistook him for a genius, when he was stupid the whole time.
  11. bro this cant b for real. this dude just wont stop. he insists on imploding. btw giselle divorced tom brady today. meh.
  12. swiss army is cool to let their soldiers have long hair like that dude.
  13. this is why people cant have nice things like museums. this isnt the first asshole damaging museum stuff recently btw. there was another assholes doing something like this a week ago. yea these geniuses.
  14. i remember matt mcmuscles wanting to longplay dante's inferno, and the other super best friends play(woolie n pat) sayin "nooooooo" to him and him getting salty over it. then sometime after they broke up. but they didnt break up cuz of that. they broke up cuz matt started hanging with the 4th member of sbfp liam, breaking away from woolie n pat. hatin on pat cuz pat's fiance's friends were like republican conserv and he got his panties in a bunch over it. everytime i think of that game i think of the sbfp break up. which still sucks. pat moved to british colombia, so the possibility of sbfp ever coming back together, that dream is over.
  15. kanye west's donda academy aka his school. is proof that nigga crazy get this. it costs 15k in tuition. parents haveta sign a nda. u get bible studies parkour classes and u do it all in uniforms designed by balenciaga. dat nigga cray
  16. i'll never understand why anyone would want to buy twitter/facebook/instagram when they dont really generate an income. they dont offer a commodity to trade other tha info.
  17. if he had gone to Vans, it couldve been worse they like their dangerous stunts over there
  18. tbh im surprised he didnt implode sooner. he never makes rational sense in interviews, cuz hes crazy. so i expected his downfall sooner rather than later. what i never understood is why most peeps didnt find his craziness offputting sooner. and its not just tjmaxx. hopefully he disappears forever now, and we dont have to have our eyes burdened anymore with his ugly designs.
  19. youtube rcommendations understand me better than my own family n friends. cuz this game was recommended by yt and i like what i see, u shoot a big ass machine gun..and u got magic powers. sold.
  20. so now adidas finally recognized that kanye is crazy, what we have known for a decade of us having to hear his incoherant bs? well done dumbasses for being 10 years late to the game.
  21. i always thought of kanye as just another bjork if u remember her. interesting good artist but crazy as a loon. like her. im glad i never got into any of his music. ecept for that golddigger song he did with jamie foxx. and assholes need to stop swearing to themselves theyre multi-talented cuz his clothes/fashion sense is terrrrrible. hes no rihanna. cuz her fashion designs are actually good. his is bummy af. stop giving that douche money, i swear.
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