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Everything posted by J-ride

  1. Every story about Prince is so fucking outlandish. He was definitely on another planet. My favorite story was that skit on Chapelle's show where Prince schooled everybody in basketball ACTUALLY happened IRL.
  2. White people can cook, but not the British! Worst food I had in Europe by far.
  3. She's a blonde with fangs. I've never seen a more honest woman.
  4. When your woman has been giving you attitude all week and the blue chew kicks in!
  5. These people showed an incredible amount of restraint when they finally got ahold of the driver.
  6. I think Karenism seems to be strongly tied to Gen-X and the lack of women getting punched in the West. I've had women act like they want to start shit with me a few times even though I am nearly a foot taller and 75lbs heavier. Female privilege has them walking around completely delusional. I'm just slightly above average size and I could beat the shit out of nearly any woman without breaking a sweat.
  7. IMO it's about balance. I've known a bunch of miserable married guys who work their asses off and don't even get sex from their wives. Women have just been indoctrinated into being adversarial for no reason. This woman is definitely going hard in the paint to keep her man away from side chicks lol.
  8. I keep reading this article and I can't see what crime was committed? #FATHER-OF-THE-YEAR #GIVE-HIM-A-MEDAL
  9. I'm personally pretty skeptical of transgenderism and the medical treatments that are "helping." IMO it's way too polluted by fanatical ideologues to have any legitimate claims. I work at a research hospital and I can find endpoint data on all the other medical procedures but for some reason there isn't a whole lot of data at my institution about the survival rates of post op transgenders. It just seems awfully convenient for "THE MESSAGE." 🤔
  10. A girl's attitude is pretty big deal for me, I married the woman I did because she keeps the house peaceful and doesn't start fights over petty bullshit. I don't expect a girl to look like a model, but I just find women who are out of shape to be unattractive because they are most likely lazy. I'm also in decent shape for my age, so it's not like I don't take care of myself.
  11. Women should be free to choose for themselves, but not like that! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
  12. I actually hate the Aristocrats. It's one of the worst Disney films. It has not aged well.
  13. Yeah IMO the worst ones are the couples who have a dual social media account. I sent a flirty message to one of my friends who has one and when his wife responded back about how she was a married woman I told her my message was for her husband. 😂 I've lost several long term friends due to their relationships and I call my best friend's wife THE WARDEN because of how often she won't let him do anything.
  14. Watched Jon Wick 4, it was a wild ride. Cane is my favorite Wick antagonist. I will not say anything else until other people have seen it.
  15. I have a nearly 3 year old son and I plan on raising him under stoic principles. My biggest gripe today is women are constantly asking for men to be more sensitive and then punishing them for listening to them. I saw a young dude cry at work and the women who previously preached about men needing to show their emotions were the first ones in line making fun of him. The cognitive dissonance is MADDENING.
  16. I grew up in a ultra traditional household and was taught to be a perfect gentleman. This really hurt me a ton when it came to dating which is why I refuse to raise my son the same way. In general I usually never assume romantic interest from women unless they just really throw themselves out there. Even then, I swear half the time they will instantly retract if you show even the slight bit of interest back and then act like you are the bad guy. I usually assume women are just seeking attention and that they aren't into me about 95% of the time.
  17. @Hecatom I saw Brotherhood of the Wolf in the theater, it was AWESOME because we were the only people in the theater. It's really slept on. Going to see John Wick tomorrow night...
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