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Posts posted by CESTUS III

  1. 4 hours ago, Mattatsu said:

    That feels lazy, lol. Anyways, thanks!

    Reality is i even doubt legit Capcom Japan bothered confirm it as canon explanation (specially considering they still use "Vega" for him), seems classic Capcom USA bullshit with japs being like "well yeah whatever do as you want"bizzarre passive shit of SF2 days lol


    But i would be honest, the M thing itself does'nt bother me much, idk how is around the world but here "M." before name as abbreviation for Maestro (Master) is kinda common for martial arts context

    At that point is more strange they sticked with the whole name at all, considering we don't know shit about Bison's nationality (and i think they already changed mind about it LOL) but an english-speaking one seem unlikely


    Keeping with that kind of strange shit Ken Masters have no fucking reason to have "Masters" english surname considering he's born/raised in Japan and his father is 100% jap 🤣

    Guess is one more "gift" by SF american team lol



  2. 2 hours ago, sKreetFighteZ said:

    yeah. i didn't actually realized they retconned urien's appearance i assumed that they bothed shared the same skin color and hair color but i think the tan color is somewhat nice. 


    yeah. urien's arcade ending shows that. i was concerned about their skin colours. 

    Considering they're greek (or anyway somewhere in mediterranean area) the tan as original skin colour could have been good base for both brothers


    But apparently -at least in the picture we got- Gill used to be much more pale... but tbh it can work given they dropped also a book on his hand

    Taji 🕹️🤬 on Twitter: "Young Urien and Young Gill." / Twitter


    may be nice way to show probably Urien was much more active kid passing lot time outside under the sun, while Gill was more a scholar type of kid


    I can buy it, after all as italian in winter i'm just as pale as Gill in this pic and in summer i'm darker than Urien color there... mediterranean skin is just like that lol

  3. See, it's tastes

    Personally as much i had fun playing SF3, i consider it's art style the highest peak of entire series and i liked most of newcomers, can't shake the feel cast was small and as visual variety cheap inflated by sprite recycle


    Cast wise i think USF4 may be the cast that gone overall closest to my taste (even if i hated some SF4 picks and loved some SFV ones)


  4. 51 minutes ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

    Personally, I'm okay with Chun-li's father being dead and gone. She's already closed that chapter on her life. No need  to reopen it again, unless it would give her character some more depth. But I honestly don't see any potential character growth or development with her father coming back and her chasing ghosts when she already has kids to take care of and protect.

    Tbh i just hope he stay dead regardless what potential he can have for her, SF already have too soft relationship with death


    Want villains to be a credible threat, and SF already been weak many times at that tbh


  5. 1 hour ago, Sonero said:


    A lot of people have selfish stances, they just pretend they don't. I have 0 issues with you wanting this as a consumer. It's just that for the long term playability of the game, one more patch to boost power levels is fine. Turning the game into weird gibberish is a loss to the people who would play it consistently long term.


    Kind of how the people who want a balance patch to 3S the most are the ones who play it the least.  People are straight out lying about how much they'd play any one game if they were catered to. But if you are actively playing something, it's only fair to ask for what you like.

    Yeah some stances are just opposite despite product being the same, guess it's inevitable speaking about something that cater to very different audiences


    Easy example that come to mind is cast size

    If you ask me that just love SF character designs, want to see as many martial arts/nations represented, as much variety as possible and on general have like 5-6 "main" (lol) while playing bit on the side also everybody else... giant cast is best


    If you ask pro/serious competitive player who's going to study frams matchups and shit, he wish cast stop grow as soon he have his old main in the pocket lol


    I dream a SF with 100 char he dream one with 10, guess we should be both happy we get middle way lol 😄

  6. 4 minutes ago, Sonero said:

    I don't like the game but I also don't want them to shit all over it. Having companies shit all over the last version of the game kinda sucks. If you play this game actively for funsies, then how you feel is just as valid as competitive players.


    But you know, they finally have this game in a place where SF5 players can feel they aren't mouth breathers and you want them to toss all that out.


    Yeah sure, fuck it, throw sprinkles on the game.


    yeah if you ask me i have only to offer pretty selfish stance, wich basically you can sum up in make me hyped to download the last patch and try all new flashy shit 😄 


    Essentially capcom can make me happy with SF4's omega mode style gimmick (wich gave me lot fun back then), but iirc we already know we will get nothing like that for V, just a patch... so my best hope is them going wild with the patch lol

  7. 18 minutes ago, sKreetFighteZ said:

    that may be his skin, im not entirely sure but i found the whole "blonde fighter v" meme is actually quite funny 😭, but i do see some yellow so yeah. even i wouldn't have known a small detail like that. 

    nah definitely intentional, different color from skin parts and used multiple animations in that specific  point of the neck


    In the electricity shocked one it's even possible see it go crazy in classic comical electroshock way




    Somewhere else, fun thing despite being obviously NOT canon stuff (it's a joke group pic where they pretend SF3 cast it's fake like some sort of movie cast with costumes and wigs), they thought to use a blond man for "unmasked Q", so guess it's bit more confirmation they was aware of that hair detail lol



  8. 1 hour ago, sKreetFighteZ said:

    Oh lord not another blonde man....

    Well, you can check it yourself 😄

    It's just few pixels, but in multiple animations you can see they gave him bit of yellow hair sneaking out of back/bottom of the mask going down


    "blocking high" (click on the word will make it appear) animation show it easy to spot, but you can see it as recurring thing in plenty of other animations



  9. 28 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Depends on the game. Up until SFV. Ryu was at least 178cm (5'10). He's 175cm in SFV but I wouldn't call him a manlet because he weighs more than Kyo, Iori, and even Terry.

    Apparently he was 5cm taller in SF1 then lost height

    5'11" (180 cm) (SFI)[9]
    5'9" (175 cm)


    Also lost 8kg after SF1, then got 17kg boost after SF4 lol

    168 lbs (76 kg) (SFI)[9]
    150 lbs (68 kg) (SFII, SFA, SFIV)[1][2][3]
    187 lbs (85 kg) (SFV)


    As said few pages ago Capcom making these stats is one of the few things i wish i could fix of SF canon lol (

    SF team dropping canon numbers



    But yes, if we stick to SFV (wich tbh have most realistic stats) Ryu is built ike a fucking tank next to KoF jpop crowd


    Respect to Terry though, miss good old FF/AoF SNK style

  10. 3 hours ago, BootyWarrior said:

    Ryu's a manlet so he'll look embarrassing next to Kyo, Iori, K', Shun'ei and Terry. If he had a beard he'd look less of a wimp next to them.

    Now that you mention it not only he roided up Kyo, but Ryu is definitely standing on a brick too lmao


    Idk angthing about that Shun'ei crap, but Ryu is i think 6-7 cm shorter than Kyo/Iori/Terry indeed

  11. 1 hour ago, Scotia said:
    • Urien being bronze with white hair is just a retcon to make him stand out more and not be another blonde white guy. Hardly ruins the series' narrative.
    • It's not that hard to believe SF3 Kolin can fight really.
    • Don't see how Gill's actions are any different than in SF3 other than him interacting with the wider world of SF which was a given when they decided to bring him back.
    • Sean having a sister has been a thing since New Generation fact files. 

    Not going to really bother going into the rest of your post, but just like every other attempt I've seen to justify why SF3 should be retconned/rewritten I still so no reason why it should actually happen other than just a personal 'I want it to' thing. None of the 'changes' you listed affect the lore of the series in any meaningful way and is a drop in the ocean compared to the other things they've directly tied SF5 and SF3 together with. 

    And i don't disagree with any of these, you misunderstood my position lol


    Did'nt said they were going to revolution everything or erase SF3 story as we know it, would make not much sense either 


    I'm saying considering how much time passed since SF3 release i doubt they will just ignore SF3 events and jump over them, i find more realistic at some point they will just go through these events (changing/adding bit of stuff here and there as they already did) while telling new stuff 


    Because on one side developers seem more willing to tell their own new shit opening new paths, but on other hand at some point SF3 arc is going to get reached and i doubt they will just skip it

  12. 2 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

    With Luke being intro'd we're not getting a reboot of any kind.


    I'd expect an SF6 that's a retake on SF3...and I don't mean storyline-wise. They're going to try to do a 'next generation' SF again like what MK did with MKX

    Yes,but with reboot i don't mean a SF chapter used to replicate SF3, i mean that they will gradually reintroduce SF3ers and rewrite their events as they please, while Luke, G and others will bring completely new stuff 


    After all we are already seen some changes, see Urien canon look, Kolin being now a fighter, Gill actions and behaviour, Sean getting a main cast sister etc


    In this context with reboot i mean that for what concern SF3ers they will -hopefully- go through SF3 timeline events and change them as they please, all whild moving on with new stuff 


    It's not like they're ignoring SF3ers existence to make them disappear, at least Gill and Alex are still portrayed as pretty relevant

  13. 31 minutes ago, Pair of Rooks said:

    Why would Cody have a Castlevania reference?  A modernish 'vania reference at that.


    Like, are these refs you post real or just internet fun? 

    "Real" in the sense that they put tons of these in SFV and -i hope- i'm guessing them right for internet fun, only thing we can do unless Capcom give us official complete list of cameos/reference they did... wich would be awesome, because many times they gone take cool stuff


    Sometimes they're clear as sun (due visual or theme) sometimes can only guess, i count some -hopefully small- % or error as part of the thing 😄


    For what's worth i try to stick to stuff i feel kinda sure, so hope that % to stay low lol


    In that case i mostly followed color scheme

    Btw the fact G have not only 1 but 2 colors from fucking Doraemon or Ed having a color from a japanese baseball team (both hinted by Capcom site), should sideline any Cody Castlevania problem lol, they just gone crazy with this shit 😂


    Worst ones are those that they half ass done with errors, example "SF1 Ryu" have completely wrong headband and gloves, but still on the site they listed it as SF1 Ryu (wich effectively is even used in SF1 Arcade mode) 





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