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  1. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Dracu in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Option 3.) Black
  2. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Option 3.) Black
  3. +1
    zatalcon3 reacted to VirginDefiler in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    u shoulda never mentioned tina. now i gotta put up my fav version of this song
    which imo best version.
    its in my playlist. damn right
  4. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from J-ride in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    That shit is probably staged. That fat guy probably got paid by musk to post this shit so they can make a scene. what a fake ass media campaign to get viral. 

    Stick shift cars > Tesla's. Respect car companies that make vehicles that take time and practice not this 7 year old car. Besides, most of you have to remember that "she" can't fit in there anyway.
  5. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from VirginDefiler in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    That shit is probably staged. That fat guy probably got paid by musk to post this shit so they can make a scene. what a fake ass media campaign to get viral. 

    Stick shift cars > Tesla's. Respect car companies that make vehicles that take time and practice not this 7 year old car. Besides, most of you have to remember that "she" can't fit in there anyway.
  6. +1
  7. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from J-ride in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Maybe the rat is helping her be a chef
  8. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Damn, this chris rock vs will and jeddah storyline is terrible. The illuminati got real "vince mcmahoney post ruthless aggression era" with the writing they did on this shit. Will and Jeddah have aired their "relationship" out to the public so damn much that it became so obvious that this was a work and they had to put Chris Rock in this angle in attempts to put something new on it. 

    Chris Rock looks like a bitch in this whole storyline, why wasn't he running his mouth after Will slapped him instead he was like: "ok, I won't make fun of your wife", but at a show a year later he now takes shots? The leftists kids still root for this crap?

     A battered husband who has been mentally destroyed by his wife, slaps an old friend who was facing irrelevancy and is now relevant enough to take shots so we are all reminded that his pair of balls is on lock down by his wife. I don't know how this is going to work with out bashing into other illuminati ideals such as feminism shit. Chris Rock has had his moments, he doesn't need this. They should be focusing on pushing younger recruits like the black pink girls or something.
  9. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Chadouken in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Damn, this chris rock vs will and jeddah storyline is terrible. The illuminati got real "vince mcmahoney post ruthless aggression era" with the writing they did on this shit. Will and Jeddah have aired their "relationship" out to the public so damn much that it became so obvious that this was a work and they had to put Chris Rock in this angle in attempts to put something new on it. 

    Chris Rock looks like a bitch in this whole storyline, why wasn't he running his mouth after Will slapped him instead he was like: "ok, I won't make fun of your wife", but at a show a year later he now takes shots? The leftists kids still root for this crap?

     A battered husband who has been mentally destroyed by his wife, slaps an old friend who was facing irrelevancy and is now relevant enough to take shots so we are all reminded that his pair of balls is on lock down by his wife. I don't know how this is going to work with out bashing into other illuminati ideals such as feminism shit. Chris Rock has had his moments, he doesn't need this. They should be focusing on pushing younger recruits like the black pink girls or something.
  10. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from J-ride in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Yo. Is there a new leftist trend that is about cancelling white chocolate because of it being white washing, I came across NYU where a bunch of liberal kids are having a protest and someone was yelling about white chocolate being racist sweets? 
  11. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Hecatom in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Yo. Is there a new leftist trend that is about cancelling white chocolate because of it being white washing, I came across NYU where a bunch of liberal kids are having a protest and someone was yelling about white chocolate being racist sweets? 
  12. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Chadouken in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Yo. Is there a new leftist trend that is about cancelling white chocolate because of it being white washing, I came across NYU where a bunch of liberal kids are having a protest and someone was yelling about white chocolate being racist sweets? 
  13. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Yo. Is there a new leftist trend that is about cancelling white chocolate because of it being white washing, I came across NYU where a bunch of liberal kids are having a protest and someone was yelling about white chocolate being racist sweets? 
  14. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from HD-Man in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Ya'll notice that the Arby's logo looks like a dick? 

    Was this supposed to be a gay guy's mcdonalds or something because I don't get how anybody missed this during the branding design.
  15. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Ya'll notice that the Arby's logo looks like a dick? 

    Was this supposed to be a gay guy's mcdonalds or something because I don't get how anybody missed this during the branding design.
  16. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from MillionX in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Ya'll notice that the Arby's logo looks like a dick? 

    Was this supposed to be a gay guy's mcdonalds or something because I don't get how anybody missed this during the branding design.
  17. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from VirginDefiler in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Ya'll notice that the Arby's logo looks like a dick? 

    Was this supposed to be a gay guy's mcdonalds or something because I don't get how anybody missed this during the branding design.
  18. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from MillionX in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Anyone remember commercials like this?  I wish they would do stuff like this again once in ahile. 
  19. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    What is the big deal about a tesla? How can you just buy a tesla because it drives itself and not feel like a complete bitch? Being only capable of driving an automatic is weak as fuck as it is, why become weaker by buying a car that is so fucking expensive all because it drives itself? 
    This is some illuminati leftist shit. They are trying to make our world lazier and also lacking in discipline to try to learn something so that they can easily make us believe shit and buy it. 
  20. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    What is the big deal about a tesla? How can you just buy a tesla because it drives itself and not feel like a complete bitch? Being only capable of driving an automatic is weak as fuck as it is, why become weaker by buying a car that is so fucking expensive all because it drives itself? 
    This is some illuminati leftist shit. They are trying to make our world lazier and also lacking in discipline to try to learn something so that they can easily make us believe shit and buy it. 
  21. +1
    zatalcon3 reacted to J-ride in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    In my opinion Tesla fanboys are similar to Apple in which the people who buy them are borderline zealots in their devotion to the company.  For the price point of a Tesla you can buy a fully loaded Acura or Lexus.
    Electric cars have a long way to go before I will consider buying one.
  22. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Chadouken in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    What is the big deal about a tesla? How can you just buy a tesla because it drives itself and not feel like a complete bitch? Being only capable of driving an automatic is weak as fuck as it is, why become weaker by buying a car that is so fucking expensive all because it drives itself? 
    This is some illuminati leftist shit. They are trying to make our world lazier and also lacking in discipline to try to learn something so that they can easily make us believe shit and buy it. 
  23. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Hecatom in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    How many of you stopped playing a certain fighter because the top players were all ugly? I stopped playing marvel mainly because of the top players being fat and ugly or just ugly. It felt as if the game's fan base consisted of middle aged virgins.

    Justin wong for example is one of the best marvel players of all time, however he is so damn ugly. Everytime he was on screen I just couldn't stop see a fat ugly middle aged asian virgin. A huge part of me hoped he would quit video games and just focus on proper grooming.
    FChamp is ugly too. I remember one upupdowndown show in where sasha and bayley where playing marvel and they had to step aside because one of their coaches was fchamp. It was so cringe. 

    How many of ya'll felt this way?
  24. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    How many of you stopped playing a certain fighter because the top players were all ugly? I stopped playing marvel mainly because of the top players being fat and ugly or just ugly. It felt as if the game's fan base consisted of middle aged virgins.

    Justin wong for example is one of the best marvel players of all time, however he is so damn ugly. Everytime he was on screen I just couldn't stop see a fat ugly middle aged asian virgin. A huge part of me hoped he would quit video games and just focus on proper grooming.
    FChamp is ugly too. I remember one upupdowndown show in where sasha and bayley where playing marvel and they had to step aside because one of their coaches was fchamp. It was so cringe. 

    How many of ya'll felt this way?
  25. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from MillionX in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    How many of you stopped playing a certain fighter because the top players were all ugly? I stopped playing marvel mainly because of the top players being fat and ugly or just ugly. It felt as if the game's fan base consisted of middle aged virgins.

    Justin wong for example is one of the best marvel players of all time, however he is so damn ugly. Everytime he was on screen I just couldn't stop see a fat ugly middle aged asian virgin. A huge part of me hoped he would quit video games and just focus on proper grooming.
    FChamp is ugly too. I remember one upupdowndown show in where sasha and bayley where playing marvel and they had to step aside because one of their coaches was fchamp. It was so cringe. 

    How many of ya'll felt this way?
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