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Everything posted by GetTheTables

  1. I might still watch it if it was animated as well as Bloodlust. Goddamn is that a good looking movie.
  2. I see you mofos playing Ultra. 👀 The little PS4 symbol is gonna be weird for a bit.
  3. I feel like with Necalli they sort of tried to make SF5s Ryu. But it didn't work because Ryu is already there being Ryu and the design ended up not making him play like the savage mofo he is. I'm with you and a lot of other folks in that I'd like to see most if not all of the 5 newcomers get another shot in another game. 5 is just "off" enough that I don't think it does any of them justice.
  4. My favorite game titles are the ones that make me sound like a maniac when I say them out loud. All of my close friends are gamers but even they give me the side eye when I start spouting anime shit. And these are guys that watch actual anime.
  5. EC is just low key leaking the name of the franchise reboot happening after MK11 Ultimate. Has that inside line with Boon.
  6. The thing I'll say about execution is that isn't necessarily a deal breaker, so long as the other factors line up. Like with Karin I don't like the look of her or most of her stuff so I wasn't going to be motivated to grind her (heh). Menat was more engaging and I had no problem devoting the time to VT1 stuff (what did her in was actually playing her in matches).
  7. As an old Krillin fan, I'm all for more destructo disc acton wherever I can get it. But it would have been fine to slice them up, *bam*, done. Don't need to powerwash a motherfucker to super-death then put their eyeballs in a water globe because "hey guys I'm the water ninja did you see all my water I like water". Agreed. Its missing the spirit of the old games - hey guys look at this dumb thing, just try to count all the ribcages. The Brutalities kinda sorta get back there and are mercifully shorter. I want them to punch all the way through the ceiling in this new paradigm come MK12 and have someone have a fatality Cask of Amontillado style where they slowly wall the opponent up in a cell and wait for them to starve to death. It takes so long you have to tap directions during it just so you don't DC due a stale connection.
  8. I think the medium definitely made it different. There was only so much they could do with those sprites so even if they had a really grim idea - Kung Lao's "split" fatality in MK2 - it was only ever going to be so visceral. I'm not some pearl-clutching-teetotaler either. I'm down for some dark shit. But as I get older I'm less excited about the prospect of grim, malicious murder in my dumb fightgames. Also, biggest offender: it adds even more "sit here and watch" to a game that is already lousy with it. After a match where you may have had to sit through two Fatal Blow animations, however many throw animations, and the intro/outros/between rounds, sitting through another 15-20 second movie just to see someone's idea of a creative way to ice a motherfucker is the last thing I want to do. Just get me back in the game!
  9. 1) Damn the shade they throw in that intro dialogue. "Reptile and Ermac aren't coming back, enjoy Rambo folks!" 2) With that quote attached to the vid I'm deeply disappointed he doesn't whip out a purple motorcycle at any point during the match. 3) Yeah that fatality is kinda goofy. But there are only so many ideas you can throw out there. I honestly prefer the goofy ones over the ones that are a little too grim.
  10. Same boat. It only dawned on me recently that the this hitbox is good for the PS4 but after that? It'd be nice if is supported natively though if it isn't I figure there will be a Brooks converter or something.
  11. Double posting just to say: actually quite the opposite. That one round where you did like 15 L Butt Slams back to back was so effective and overwhelming I thought the game was going to break.
  12. Current SF5 Netcode Review by GetTheTables Webster's dictionary defines netcode as: "that thing what lets us punch each other over the internet". After playing 10-15 matches yesterday with Capcom's most recent patch tweaking that netcode, I wanted to give impressions for anyone curious. For reference I'm playing out of northern MD, and I have pretty good internet (the test I just ran clocked at 450 down/250 up). Games against Darc: All rock solid. Not super surprising as we've played before with good connections, and from what I remember he isn't too terribly far from where I am. Games against Tubb: 95% rock solid. Which is pretty good from here to where he is at if it is indeed Ohio. There was one hiccup in a later game but I'm going to chalk that up to him downloading the latest Pokeprincxss/Digitalprincxss release in the background. Games against Mattatsu: Really...consistent? I'm not sure how to describe this. The games were very playable, but there were a lot of little rollbacks happening on my side, mostly with whatever Sagat was doing at the time. None of them were really big - nothing near the infamous Cody v. Ibuki clip - nor affected the game play, but it was really noticeable. We've played a lot of SF5 over the years and it has slowly gotten worse, so this was a marked improvement. It seemed like instead of it running well for a bit then just throwing up, it was spreading that out over the whole match. The thing that still bugs me is that in every other game we've played, the connections have been really good (including games like Rev 2 and T7 which aren't known for fantastic netcode). So while this is an improvement over what we had before, it still feels like something is fundamentally busted with SF5's netcode implementation. Final Thoughts: this update is more of "smoothing out the curve" than any noteworthy changes. If you had a good connection to someone before, seems like it'll still be good. If you had a bad connection before, will probably still be bad. However it does seem like the rollbacks are less spiky and more prevalent throughout the match, so you'll know right away if it is going to be a thing and can sort of adjust to it depending on how bad it is. Versus before where things would run fine for a little bit and then everyone becomes VT1 Bison. It is a small improvement over how things were before, but if the online in this game drove you nuts or if you consistently had bad connections with people I don't think that is going to change.
  13. I'm enough of a "special snowflake" player that I usually shy away from popular characters because I like seeing more variety. However I'm also with Vhozite in that playing low tier characters usually feels bad, so if a character is really in the dumpster or has prevalent agonizing match ups I'm likely to keep looking. Its like 60/40 form vs function. FGs have always been primarily about how cool shit looks for me so I start with that and go from there.
  14. GGs all. I had to cut it off. I kept "one more"ing but if I don't go to bed soon tomorrow is gonna hurt. Thoughts in the morning.
  15. Ohhhhhhhhh shit @Mattatsuwith the router kick 🤣
  16. It was all I could do to fend off the berserker barrage. I haven't played someone that wild in a long time. Gets the blood moving. Hell last time we played i think I was still playing Laura?
  17. @Darc_RequiemYou're gonna give me a heart attack bro 🤣
  18. JFC didn't need that as my first match back, lol
  19. Also I'm drawing the line in the sand right here and now: Starting in 2021, any FG dev team that puts out a game without a lobby option that let's everyone just duke it out like God intended will face decimation. And the survivors will have to wear the bones of the sacrificed as a reminder to never again sin so harshly.
  20. One bar for KingTubb, 2 bars for Mattatsu. Alright netcode, do your worst.
  21. Upside of the 3 updates is it gave me a little time to knock the rust off. Downside is that there is still a lot left on this old frame. So long as I don't mash out a Cassie string I'm calling it good.
  22. Damn but do I hate the weird way this game updates. @MattatsuI should be available in another couple of mins. Its almost done downloading the in client update.
  23. Sorry man just got this now. Gimme a few to warm the game up then I'll be good to go.
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