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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. Falke is great. If I had more time to put into Sf5 chars she would get it. As is I have a hard enough time keeping up with Laura and anime. 


    Speaking of Laura, the Gloria costume rocks. Have 3-4 colors I like for it too which is nice for variety. I also don't feel bad about forgetting the costume code for it because it is super lame.


    Got some games in today. Overall felt great even if the record doesn't show it (though thanks to rank differentials I ended up a game up in LP). Some things are starting to click which is really satisfying when it happens.

  2. 1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Hopefully they aren't any missions that require ranked this weekend. I'm going to end up on someone's blacklist otherwise.

    I think you timed it perfectly. They usually don't follow up Ranked with Ranked missions so at worst it may be something like "win 10 casual matches".


    I legit have that concern sometimes which is why I rarely play SF5 online when my wife is home. She usually streams stuff while she is relaxing and while some games can handle that the extra load is usually too much for SF5's server hamsters. 

  3. Good stuff. If you weren't have a world away you and @misterBee could throw down BBCF as I remember him saying that was him jam for a bit.


    I completely forgot they added Susanoo. I only remember some of the other newer chars because they have tig ol bitties and some of them are rumor slated for Cross Tag.

  4. In fairness, Octopath seems very good. I played the demo and bought the full retail release but I'm waiting until we go on our long vacation before I crack that open (I think; I still may bring it along on the EVO trip).


    I still owe you online sets from the last time I flaked forever ago. I have some time this weekend that I was gonna spend playing so if you want to get sets in feel free to drop a line.

  5. I can definitely see the virtue of using VT1 like that. It creates a fuckload of space.


    For air fireball if they aren't TK'ing it you can dash under but you either need to read it or be able to react (I cannot do this second thing). I find at this level Akumas are usually decently predicable with air fireballs so if you've interacted with them a bit you can get a sense if they are gonna go for it. 


    Akuma's air fireball is one of the reasons I used to enjoy playing Mika in that fight. EX Wingless handles all the jump options. Laura's HP Bolt can work vs air fireball but it is a really narrow window where the hit throw animation will trigger and get her through the fireball, and where it will trade (actually doesn't lose too often if you do it sort of late). 

  6. Anyone with a high walk speed makes the corner way worse for sure.


    It can be easier to manage slower characters because they can't close in and throw you or bait you as easily, but the Akumas and Cammys of the world can easily dance at the edge of effective poke range for counter pokes, then skate in for a throw if you start blocking or whiff something big. With Laura I feel like if I back off I have a helluva time getting back in to threaten the throw just because she is a ponderous Bonita.

  7. The corner in this game can be a motherfucker, especially depending on your character's tools (Laura mostly just has to hold the fort and sneak out when she can).


    What makes it seem even worse than it may otherwise be is that a lot of people online have their offensive game plan down pat (so long as nothing deviates from that plan) so if you fall into whatever rhythm they have going you can end up in the corner quick and they very likely have a follow up or two planned that will be sort of tricksy and if you aren't ready for it *pop* *stars* *dead*.

  8. I hear you about Karin. My record against that character is fuckin' terribo, probably due to the combination of me not knowing the character well enough, I think it being not a great match up for Laura, and due to every other Karin player online being crazier than a shithouse Ken.


    Akuma is thankfully a character I have a lot of experience against so I at least feel comfortable in that fight. Which is good because the Akumas are legion online.

  9. I hear ya B. This game can be terrible for blood pressure. If I run into particularly aggressive, nutty player I need a break, win or lose. One Mika and I need a drink.


    ProTip for anyone else out there possibly looking to convert a stock Qanba Obsidian: so far as I can tell the ball top and stick shaft are all one piece. So if you were say, looking to detach that ball top to use on a quick release shaft, you will be sorely disappointed. 🙂

  10. As promised, here is a big 'ol :tldr: post to enjoy over coffee. 😁




    Got a chance to play for a few hours over the weekend. Definitely slow to re-acclimate after not having played for a week or so and even when I did get back into the groove I never really was able to focus in on the game for whatever reason. Not sure if I didn't get enough coffee or what but this game is not kind when your eyes start to glaze over during matches. As much as it is shaving years off their lives I understand why some pros are pounding Red Bull in between rounds.


    Ended the session slightly down - 18-21 for games and 8-9 for sets - but I was at least able to end on a good note. I still need to go back and watch some replays for analysis, but just going off of what I remember and was thinking at the time:

    • I still need to work on how I handle myself on defense. I clam up a little too often which leads to me eating too much "fake" pressure. Part of that is playing more and learning when I can press and when I can't, part of it is also getting over my reticence to hit buttons in the scramble. Start off the game hitting too many buttons, then transition to not hitting enough buttons, now gotta find the middle ground.
    • Need to work on using the right pokes. I feel like I'm a bit better about recognizing spaces where my buttons aren't going to work. But I need to use st.LK and st.HP more, and more importantly I need to work more on buffering st.LK into Bolt for counter-poking  and st.HP into Avante or EX Clap to make that button more of a mix up. Right now I tend to auto-pilot too much with that button which leads to fewer conversions and me fucking up CC hits.
    • Need to work on Avante/dashes after AA'ing for mix ups. Right now its almost always st.MP into walk up something which is way too honest (at least I have command grab for that mix up but a cross under is better for positioning as well).
    • Need to use command grabs a bit more in general. I'm conservative with them which is an okay starting point but I need to use them a bit more often. Even if the oki sucks compared to Mika it is still better oki than her normal throw (so far as I know anyways).
    • I'm definitely still weak to players that are really aggressive. Defensive issues and Laura not having any options other than the core options make it so that I can get steamrolled more than I like. Current plan is to try and learn more about what I can do when (jab, backdash, walk out) and not be quite so scared on defense (which seems to be what unga players flourish on).
    • I am free as fuck to overheads. There are like two in the game that I can consistently react to. Need to practice this a lot more. I've practiced reacting to Urien's overhead target combo which actually came up and saved me a bit but I need to be better about handling overheads in general.
    • I am also bad about pressuring too often or too predictably. -2 move > EX reversal works on me like every time. Its always a guess, but I've run into some people that do it pretty consistently and I need to be better about recognizing that a) it is a thing, and b) to then bait that periodically.
    • Need more match up experience. I keep murdering Akumas because I've fought him a fair bit, but if a Dhalsim or a Karin shows up I lose to really basic stuff.  Nothing to do about that but play more.
    • Overall I need to continue to work on playing grounded and feeling comfortable there. I could definitely tell that I was feeling nervous about playing the ground game in the beginning which lead to me giving up damage and positioning with bad jumps and ground movement. I feel like I'm bad at the ground game (and Laura's little arms don't help) which makes me do the normal stuff that avoids it, which doesn't make me any better at the ground game, so I feel like I'm bad at it, etc, etc. Just gotta tough it out and get comfortable on the ground and hitting buttons. Most of my successful games were due to recognizing and shifting to that. 

    I want to try to get in more games in the week and half or so leading up to EVO. Not that I think I'll do great there or anything; I'd just rather go in practiced than not. 😄 Plus all that experience helps keep me moving forward towards Platinum. I'm definitely not going to make my original goal of Plat by EVO but that is fine - I figured that wasn't likely - so I'm going to readjust and try to get Plat by my birthday in late October. Keep on plugging along in Ranked when I can.



  11. 2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    @GetTheTables  Idom almost pulled it off. The fact that he isn't sponsored is a crime. He has no business doing that well in the Guile matchup. I really wish he would have got sponsored last season. I think he would have snagged a premiere.

    Yeah Idom seems like one of those players that is super good and if he could just travel more and get more XP at this level of competition he would be one of those people who you'd routinely see in top 8 or at least knocking on the door. And with the right character/player spread I could totally see him taking a premiere.


    Good weekend for Laura's all around between him, Shakz, and Paulo. 🇧🇷 


    I even got a chance to play for awhile myself. I have a :tldr: post all mentally ready for tomorrow. 😉

  12. @The_Weasel If its any consolation everyone has really hit and miss experiences with SF5. I think its the witch's brew of a shitload of different connection types being thrown into a pool and SF5's not-great netcode trying to make sense of it. Some days I think its a miracle any of us can play.

    I'm east coast US (MD) but I've had okay connections in SF5 over distance (playing people in central states and Canada) so if you want to play at any point feel free to hit me up. 


    I'd also be up for Rev 2 but unfortunately I am a console peasant and Rev 2 doesn't have PC/PS crossplay.
  13. Thread revive!


    GGs @misterBee, that was a fun chunk of UNIEL! The more I play this game the more I like it.


    For the characters I haven't played before:


    - Merkava seems fun. He's pretty weird, but Dhalsim weird while still having some rushdown stuff. I mainly want to play him because his super is mega-Kermit-arms and it cracks me the fuck up every time I see it. 


    - Wagner is a fucking beast. I've seen what she can do in capable hands, and even picking her up totally fresh she feels really accessible and effective. I sort of hate her because playing against her feels so oppressive but I can't deny that she is also super fun.


     - Vatista seems solid, at least compared to Hilda. Where I couldn't figure out shit with Hilda and just got murdered, Vatista was clearly also a zoner but was more accessible. Also for the life of me I couldn't figure out more than two moves with her.


     - Linne seemed straightforward. Surprisingly good normals considering her little stabby dagger. Characters like her and Hyde usually don't appeal to me because they're often pretty straightforward (the Ryus and Kens of the world) but they are fun to use. Didn't to much more than mash with her but it was entertaining enough that I'd do it again.


    I want to continue working on this game and trying out characters. I also want to continue to refine what I can with Nanase and Mika; my one combo I do with Nanase is okay but I can do better, and I really need to come up with something better with Mika when I get hits in.


    Very much looking forward to playing more. Others should join us in the EXes. 😎

  14. So I finally managed to sit down and get in some online matches with this game. Connections were good throughout and overall I had fun. Stuck with Kanji/Es just because that is what I've used the most of and it worked surprisingly well (not that it was amazing or anything but I figured it would be straight booty). Even ran into two other people using Kanji.


    The one anecdote I came out of it with was from the first guy I played against. We played 3 or so sets and it was pretty fun. I figured we were decently matched so we could play for a bit and I could work on actually doing combos in matches. After the 3rd set he bails and starts messaging me in game. "Why spam DP? You are good player so why resort to that."


    If you keep jumping and attacking me non-stop, of course I'm gonna DP out of it. Bait and punish! He seemed to be done at that point so I moved on. But damn man, if you can't deal with DPs this is not gonna be the game for you.


    The last guy I played was really fun. He was running Team OTP: Naoto and Kanji and he had combos, burst baits, and good punishes. And thankfully he hung around for a good number of sets so I got to see more of that kind of play. He didn't have a problem with DPs. 😉 

  15. 13 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    This is the point where we find out one of three things. Either....


    • His wife is a caterer


    • He and his wife run a world class restaurant.


    Get your tools ready @misterBee 😉

    Ha, I don't know about all that, but I do handle all the cooking in the house and I do know a few pretty good dishes. 👨‍🍳


    @misterBee Thanks for that link. I don't mind paying a bit for a pre-built so long as it isn't a big gouge and I'm happy with the final product. I also don't totally mind putting a PC together myself but its been about forever since I've done that and I don't have as much free time as I used to so at this point I'd probably fork over the extra cash just to make sure I didn't have a bunch of PC parts sitting around for a couple of months. 😉 


    Definitely going to be a while before I can invest in anything but I can at least start looking and getting ideas. I've also been out of the game so long that I don't really know what a good set of general PC specs are nowadays.

  16. 12 hours ago, misterBee said:

    This is the case I use for both my rigs:



    Nice! Thanks for letting me know about that. 


    I'm so out of touch with PC builds that I always think of a big 'ol tower when it comes to building a PC. Since most of my gaming happens in the living room now I'm not gonna be able to get away with setting up a tower there. Something with that kind of form factor would work I think.

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