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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. 3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    If I didn't give it to my cousin for college, I would have given my old laptop. It had i7 4810MQ, 24GB  of RAM, and a 8GB Geforce GTX880M. It can run all modern games.  My cousin doesn't really game. He's going to use it for school and his music. It's really overkill for what he needs but it was cheaper to replace the primary HDD in that than to buy him a new one for graduation.

    I gave my previous laptop to @PussyStuffer when he was in a pinch. I'll keep you in mind when I replace this one, but that probably won't be for a few years. I have custom deal now that's basically a portable desktop. I have i7 7700K and Geforce 1080. Given the ridiculous RAM and GPU prices. I should be good for quite sometime.

    Appreciate the thought man.


    Part of it is that my house is a console peasant house in general, so my wife uses them too. I used to always have a PC around (even pseudo built my last one) but I honestly didn't end up using it for much so when it aged out I effectively replaced it with my phone and tablet.


    I do want to start looking at laptops again. I've always been more partial to a tower but I don't really have the space for it, and for what I need and would actually use it for that would probably be fine. Plus its always fun to look. 😉

  2. Yeah. 🚫💻🚫 


    I had one for a long time but it aged out and I never bothered to replace it. There are days where I really debate buying a new one to have access to the PC communities of the games I play (which seems to be where the more dedicated players are?), PC specific FGs, and the random PC games that I think are neat. But then I'd have to buy a PC and re-buy everything I want to play and I always find something else to spend that 💰 on.


    I'll definitely add this to the anime pile on Friday.

  3. I mostly go digital for games but I feel more comfortable about that for now because you actually download it and have access to it whenever you want. I definitely see the value in having the physical copy (and I do it sometimes when its a cool special edition or whatever).


    As time has gone on I've come to dislike streaming shows and movies that I really like. I think its a fine way to discover shows and movies that I probably wouldn't have otherwise - just like the good 'ol days of turning on HBO and watching whatever the hell was on - but if its something I really like and want to revisit I buy the physical copy.


    As MillionX and DangerousJ said it really sucks when something you like rotates out. I also personally like knowing that when I sit down to revisit something I really enjoy I don't need to worry about hiccups in the connection, the service being down, whatever. I can just toss the disc in and let it ride.

  4. Yeah this is an updated version coming to PC and PS4 on Friday I think. 


    I remember seeing the PC release and thinking it looked fun but they never ported that one so I never got hands on. 


    I'm planning on grabbing this on PS4 when it goes live. 🙇‍♂️

  5. In fine tradition the SFV thread usually ends up being the sort of FG general thread, and we have threads for most of the other prominent games, but I figured there may be a use for a thread that is this section's version of general discussion to collect all the random one off FG related things that come up.


    Worse comes to worse this can just become a fan art or anime general thread. 😉 


    Speaking of anime, the thing that made me think of this thread in the first place: @misterBee any interest in Koihime Enbu RyoRaiRai (jesus that title?) I've never played Koihime Enbu but its coming out soon for $20 so I figured why the hell not, provided it continues to get decent player feedback.

  6. Yeah the thing I sort of clicked onto awhile ago is that any of the "get x wins in Ranked/Casual" is that its just a matter of how much you want to throw yourself at online in order to get it. Even if you're at a point where you aren't winning consistently, eventually some wins will come along and you can hit the total. I just managed to get lucky and have a good weekend of play (which is doubly good because I'm not sure when I'll be able to take another crack at Ranked).


    Gold is definitely one of those walls. Its weird to me because it's not like players at that level are doing anything really fancy, they just have what they do super-duper down pat so if you don't recognize what they're doing and deal with it appropriately it goes bad. What I did find is that if you can get to Ultra Silver and camp there for awhile you can get a lot of match experience that is still really relevant into Gold (which probably isn't super surprising as there are always plenty of players that live on the bubble).


    Of course doing that involves playing more SFV so advisee beware. 😉 

  7. The CPT “bonus” mission this month ended up being perfectly timed: gave me a good excuse to dip back into Ranked and see how things would go.


    Ended the weekend near 800 LP up and 10K FM richer, finally with a foothold in Gold. I’ve been able to win sets pretty steadily against Golds and I’ve done well against the few Super Golds I’ve run into. Biggest thing is paying attention to what the opponent is doing and reacting the right way; working from memory the sets I lost were due to either being too slow to really grok what the other guy’s approach was, or being too slow to come up with a good way to counter it (doing that consistently is gonna take more matches and experience I think).


    Biggest thing for me right now is enjoying that the practice I’ve put in is paying off, and that these matches are giving me more stuff to work on. Always more things to note down or take to training mode. And there are still so many things with Laura specifically I can work on and try to work into games. I’m trying hard to not focus on wins or losses and just look at each match as a way to apply and learn. So far it is working out and helps when I run into the inevitable fucking loons online.


    Laura Note #1: I won all the Laura mirror sets I played this weekend. As I told my wife over dinner, I am the current Laura champion of my living room.


    Laura Note #2: Props to JinFu for getting Laura into top 8 at Viennality and to Shakz for getting her into top 3 at Sonic Boom, even with the Cammy assist. 🇧🇷  


    Laura Note #3: Week 1 of Gloria costume complete. I agree with Trife on SRK1 that the alt colors mostly suck, but the black version is pretty nice, and maybe some of them will look better in person.


    Also I owe misterBee anime games. I did manage to also fire up UNIEL on Sunday but just for practice right now. Still feel like I haven't settled on a character in that game but for the good reason of the cast is mostly very interesting.

  8. 55 minutes ago, misterBee said:

    So you're ready to challenge me in GG? =D

    Oh yeah. I have a OHK combo with May that is sub-optimal and I only hit around 70% of the time. I'm signing up for Rev 2 at EVO. 😎


    I do like May though. In general I think with this game I think I just need to try more chars. I feel like the first couple of characters that appealed to me visually don't mesh with me mechanically so some experimentation is warranted.

  9. 1 hour ago, misterBee said:

    I'm pouting right now. Just wanted to let you all know. 😢

    If it makes you feel any better anime is alive, well, and appreciated around these parts. 👹


    42 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    That's not the reason I dislike Tekken. Virtua Fighter has probably the longest movesets per character in the genre. I'm complete ass at the game and I still love it. I've never cared for Tekken's gameplay. Depth and high barrier of entry have nothing to do with it. 

    Well thankfully Virtua Fighter is still alive and well...


    In DoA.


    Assuming that crossover stuff continues in 6. I hope it does since VF seems dead as fuck.

  10. It seems like the unfortunate monkey's paw effect of getting this game but them putting it together via wishes and gumption. With projects like this the single player stuff is always the first thing to get cut/trimmed way the hell down (see: SFV launching with shitty Survival mode and 45 seconds of Story mode as single player content).


    Hopefully with some additional time they can add more QoL stuff like that and the characters they've mentioned wanting to add.

  11. Savage.


    If only there was a game where we could resolve this Tekken against Street Fighter argument. Something like a cross over game. Maybe even one from each company so you can really see how each set of characters play using the mechanics of each series.


    Ah well, they'd never be crazy enough to try something like that. Plus they'd probably fuck it up with DLC anyways.

  12. 5 hours ago, misterBee said:

    Pick a game.  Any anime game.  Use whatever big-boobed chars you like.  I probably play the game already.  I WILL CRUSH YOU.


    Translation: I'll play BB with you too if you want. 🙃

    Goddammit man I already don't have enough time to keep up with all the games I've bought and you want me to buy one more?


    If it CF or whatever the "final" version of it is goes on sale again on PSN I may pick it up. I always bounced off the BB games but maybe I could find a char to get me stuck in this time.



    1 hour ago, ZioSerpe said:

    Laura's LP bolt is -2

    Yang is nothing like Bullet



    One's a rushdown the other is a grappler

    The reason Bullet ain't gonna make it is because I don't see how they can implement her drive in a BBtag

    LP Bolt is -2 on block, +2 on hit. Similar to the chair situation though I have no clue what the actual #s are; just seems to be + enough that Kanji can still pressure after. However he has a harder lot in life than she does in this game due to the increased mobility and universal DP system.


    The thing with Bullet and Yang is that they feel similarly designed from an aesthetic and gimmick standpoint to me (exploded fire big boobie lady), but that is probably just coincidence and the big boobs.


    I think they could make any character work in this system with enough fudging of mechanics. Biggest knock against Bullet or anyone else at this point is that the DLC leaks seem to be all but officially confirmed so anyone not in that list isn't coming until they do another round. If they do though I'll be pulling for Bullet as well (giggity).


    Also weeb marvel made it to page 2. 🎆

  13. 39 minutes ago, misterBee said:

    You'll never beat me if you keep playing the wrong game.  🙂

    Leave me my foolish toil. 😛


    Like I said the other day, sort of a sunk cost fallacy with time and energy at this point. Also helps keep me motivated which is something.


    And for how whack SFV's design can be it has gotten me to think more critically and train smarter in a way that I'm not sure I would have done had I really thrown myself at any other game. 


    So even if I'm not specifically practicing stuff in UNIEL or Cross Tag, I'm still building valuable skills for when I snap/SFV support ends and I go full 🇯🇵


    Also back off me man I played Cross Tag for like an hour yesterday I even posted about it


    29 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    @GetTheTables plays Tekken?

    If I had a time machine and could go back the 10 years or so I'd need to make up in order to feel like I could at all keep up in that game, maybe. But considering I still feel like I'm getting a handle on SFV (by all accounts the baby game for baby scrubs in terms of difficult to play) I'm content to just watch Josie bounce and high kick from afar.

  14. Yeah I think that is accurate, especially in a game with this many characters and thus other, better/more fun options. He has the same problems he did in P4A IMO: he does good damage when he can get to it but getting there is a pain in the ass and given the structure of the game I don't feel like his archetype's pros pay off relative to it's cons.


    That said I'm still gonna fuck around with him more out of pure fondness and P4A nostalgia. Eventually I can see dropping him due to "fuck this" and when that time comes hopefully the full DLC cast will be out and I can pick from the lot.


    I sort of have the issue that I never liked BB character designs that much (purely aesthetically) so the biggest % of the cast doesn't call out to me. However I am a sucker for anime titty monsters and thankfully BB still delivers on that front. 😉 

  15. That's true but that is also sort of the usual tier list stuff. Its like saying that Jin does xyz better. On the general scale Hakumen seems pretty good, if not in that upper crust.


    Managed to finally get some time to just sit and dick around with the game yesterday. Its fun to mess around with combos, of course, and I kind of dig how they have the training mode menus set up. Its not what I'm used to (which at this point is mostly SFV with some UNIEL training time) but it has all the functions I've wanted when I've gone to look for them, usually easily accessible. 


    At first I thought Es/Kanji didn't really work together as a pair but I think generally they'd be fine. For Kanji I've been testing Chair on hit. It seems to work like Laura's LP Bolt in that it leaves him in front of the opponent on +frames (I'm not sure how much but it seems to be enough for even his slow ass normal to CH if they mash on response). Maybe my testing was fucked up but if I'm right that is pretty neat.


    Also messed around with some new chars, only superficially though. Yang seems pretty rad and is also a pretty compelling argument as to why you may not get Bullet in this game; they're not the exact same, but they're certainly design cousins. Tried out Hakumen as well though I've always liked the idea of that character more than actually playing him. Might be different in this game.

  16. @Darc_Requiem Your Dunkin Donuts sponsored  :tldr:  for the week. Because misterBee asked so nicely I made sure this one wouldn't bring down the servers.


    Yesterday was weird. Wife called saying that the dog walker couldn't get to our house because there was a gas leak in the neighborhood and people were being evacuated. She was understandably really concerned about our pets. Thankfully I have some flexibility at work so I was able to head home and by the time I got there everything was fine and the critters were okay. 


    That left me with an afternoon to train the dog and play SFV (so I guess training me and the dog). Training games went well; really well in some places. I also managed to luck into getting a person in the battle lounge I set up that a) was better than me, b) was using characters I wanted to get more experience against, and most critically c) didn't bounce after a set or change characters fucking constantly. The connection was kind of rollbacky but it was still playable so I was happy to take what I could get.


    I'm trying to work on stuff like mid-match movement, spacing, uses more backdashes, and being less predictable. Things I can only practice in matches, but that has the knock on effect of also giving me more experience versus characters as they come along. Which is good because I still have plenty of gaps - outside of the shotos, Cammy, and maybe Kolin and Guile, I feel like I'm jazz performing my way through too many match ups. Like with Guile the match up sucks but at least I feel like I know it at least at a basic level at this point which goes a long way to making it more mentally bearable and manageable.


    More specifically I know I need more Bison experience - I feel like I do well enough against bad Bisons but once they have a good-ish game plan I don't know how to handle them well - and I damn sure need more Ibuki experience. Ibuki in particular is a pain in the ass to gain match up knowledge against because when I'm playing against someone who is really on point with her the matches go pretty damn quick and I don't feel like I get much time to learn. Which I'm fine with; just need someone to be willing to kick my ass for a good number of games back to back until I figure more stuff out.


    Cody is pretty cool. I actually really like the way he is put together in general. I wouldn't have thought that he would be the kind of character I'd like but I dig the space control he has while also being able to shit out some damage and pressure when he wants to. If I had room in my lizard brain for more muscle memory than Laura I'd definitely give him time. 


    Online Codys have been more disappointing than I expected. I've been expecting plenty of unga and VSkill madness but all I've run into is some half assed zoning, Zonk "neutral" (not even EX), and unconfirmed Ruffian kicks into death. I'm looking forward to when the online crazies step their game up.

  17. 3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    I mentioned this at SRK1. Marlowe has a motor in the back of her Honda.

    Cody knows how to staff an office.




    Edit: Also I got the Cannon Spike costume with the free loot box they gave. Is that supposed to happen? Still not playing Cammy tho nice try Ono 👺

  18. I'd be fine with that. I have anime in muh veins. 🇯🇵


    But if SFV taught me anything it is that the name "Street Fighter" can still have a lot of pull, even when people don't really like the game attached to it. 


    To put it another way, if their CPT has been this successful so far with SFV as it's draw, imagine what they could do with a game that people actually liked. 🙂


    The questions to me are: can modern Capcom actually make that game, and even if they can is the whole eSports push going to eventually turn against them as it pushes the pro league further and further away from the community that they're trying to tap into to generate enthusiasm and $$$.


    We've got another 2 years before we see how they play it.

  19. Yeah with the way Capcom has been running CPT and with how successful it has been for them I don't imagine we'll see another year without a SF something coming out. Whether it is a new season for SFV or the launch of SFVI, they'll want to keep up the momentum they have built.



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