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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. Sometimes it just takes a bit for the muscle memory to kick back in. I know I get that whenever I come back to a game after awhile. Hell I flub up my buttons in FF14 when I haven't played a job in a week.


    BB is one of those games I've always really wanted to revisit but never have. Its my favorite FS game overall but I'm not sure if I could make it through the load times again.

  2. Finally got a chance to sit down and commit some stuff to sorta-muscle memory. The button strings thing is taking some getting used to but I'm fucking it up less now.


    You know what isn't getting fucked up less? The people I play online. 😎 Between tutorials, a little bit of practice, getting rolled by Bee, and toiling in the salt mines of SFV I've been pretty well equipped to dunk on most folks the game has served me. That has been nice. Though I'm sure it'll get a lot harder whenever I start to run into more people who have a better handle on how to play the game.


    @misterBee Still running the filthy criminal? Hows online been treating you?

  3. What he said. Even with that consideration we probably had the 5th biggest UNIST thread on the internet. 😝


    Great to see the game getting its due. I am curious to hop online sometime soon and see what all the hubbub has done for the online population.

  4. Managed to play more with the closed beta. 


    Game still feels great. It is very nice to play a game where I can just kind of take the netplay for granted. In all my time playing it (granted only a couple of hours but I've played every connection given) I've never seen issues in a match - only some light stuttering at the end of a couple of rounds.


    Only really played Skarlet in matches, played Jade a little bit in the tower they had available for practice. I did end up playing a lot against another person using Jade who made me think she could be pretty fun. Jade seems more mid-to-close range whereas Skarlet is long-to-mid by nature. Theoretically Jade may be the better fit since that is the kind of char I like but I really like Skarlet's normals. Didn't spend any time with the other 3 available chars (Scorpion, Kabal, Baraka) but fought against Scorp and Baraka a decent bit. Everyone seems pretty interesting. I can see where Scorpion would be obnoxious as fuck; scrub killer extraordinaire.


    Very excited for the release. Looking forward to trying out more of the kast. Although they aren't the play style I like I've always liked Sonya and Cassie so I want to give them a spin.

  5. I think preordering any edition will get you into the closed beta next week.


    But I'm probably gonna burn my CC reward points and grab the fancy edition since it includes the season pass and this may be the first NRS game I legit play.


    I know I'm part of the problem. 

  6. I managed to luck sack into a code for the online stress test. C&P'ing my post from elsewhere but overall I've really liked what I've played of the game so far. Honeymoon phase and all that but at least it makes a good first impression. Barring something rando happening I'm definitely picking this up and putting more time into it.




    Day 1, 1 beer MK11 review:


    Game feels damn good online. Very solid connections throughout. Skarlet is a helluva lot of fun to play. Blew up a couple of people who thought I’d be a quick win with my no levels.


    I actually like the flow a lot. It does still have MK vibes though. Runaway Baraka is a pain in the ass and this char has long ranged normals (meaning I don’t know how someone like Sonya who is supposed to be close range is gonna deal). Stages feel kinda big too. Can’t tell how that is gonna go though since I barely know the mechanics. I’m just figuring shit out as I go.


    Also the players in this stress test are fucking pussies. They run faster than SF5 players. Hold your no round brown losses and learn!



    You can see ping (well it is listed as ping but it is really general connection quality, though I remember in other games they let you display straight up ping #s if you wanted to so I'd guess that will happen here too) and if the opponent is on wifi or wired before you even connect so you can bail if it is sketch. For what little it may be worth I threw myself at wifi warriors and didn’t notice any hiccups or issues (still 5 bar rating though).


    Also at least in Kasual matches you can infinitely rematch (not 100% sure if it is infinite but I played multiple people 10+ times so if there is an upper limit it is high) or go back to char select. So you can basically get a 2 person lobby going if you happen to run into someone you like playing.

  7. Agreed. I'm sure the celeb presence will do them well but I wish it was on a brand new char. Pretty much seeing her face and hearing her voice is weird and is a strange call for a PR move.


    Granted I'm sure they'll just make her an alternate timeline Sonya or something like that. Still weird.

  8. Up until they redid the online in MKX their online was buttcheeks so you were right to avoid the online. Played a little bit of Injustice 1 and MKX online and they were both really inconsistent (I remember MKX being the worst of the two). 


    I've heard very good things about the updated MKX netcode and Injustice 2 seemed to be solid as well. I'm assuming they will carry this on through with MK11. Though I think 95% of the NRS player base does the same thing you do so its funny they care about the online at all (especially when Capcom seems to be fine with the two hamsters it has been running since SFV launch).

  9. This is gonna be the last NRS game I try. I keep getting suckered into buying these and then if I'm lucky I play the single player (which admittedly is pretty good most of the time). Mechanically this seems like the best MK for me since like MK2.


    I'm sure they'll fuck it up with crossover DLC but I'm willing to give it a shot.

  10. On 12/28/2018 at 4:03 PM, Darc_Requiem said:

    So what are everyone's thoughts on the Season 4 Balance patch so far?

    I agree with the general sentiments that it is the best rounded patch Capcom has put out for this game. They went a little over and under in some places, but no one really got torpedoed or shot full of HGH, and whatever outliers there are they can hopefully correct with the inevitable pre-CPT season patch.


    Laura seems like she is still mostly the same character and I may be over that kind of play style so I'm officially sleeping around until I find someone to settle on for S4. Kolin and Birdie are still in the general running but the current top of my dance card is G. Played a shitload of matches with him yesterday against Will and honestly probably did about as well with him day 0 as I have done in the past with my Laura.


    I don't think its a power curve thing (though G definitely feels like he hits higher highs than she does) but more of a comfort thing. G has actual reach, great damage output, and can get huge rewards off his command grab which makes it feel more worth going for even if it is way slower than any other in the game (which makes me feel better about using it and getting blown up for it than with say Laura where you're risking a fat combo to the face for like 190 damage, 200 stun, and mediocre oki).


    Looking forward to campaigning for a bit. Gotta learn a lot of new muscle memory.

  11. Managed to get back to my Xbox One for the first thing that has gotten me excited to fire it up in forever: the DMC5 demo.


    Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan that is cool. If the full game ends up this extrapolated out it is going to be an awesome return to form for the series. I never thought anything would top DMC3 but this seems like it has a legit shot.


    Back to counting the days until 3/8/19.

  12. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. SF5 already has fake-ass roman cancels and Kage brought in some legit air combos.


    One thing I've found funny is that for as much as people come back to SF because "its SF" and it does have a particular way it plays, a not-insignificant chunk of the player base would also love to see the game get, effectively, anime'd up. Longer combos, more juggles, flashier supers, other zany stuff. And yet none of these fuckers will touch UNIST with a 10 foot body pillow. 😠


    @Darc_Requiem Two quick follow ups about Laura since you are the only other person I know that is in the zip code of giving a fuck 😉:


    1) They definitely buffed the range on VT2's grab. It used to be crazy short range - either as short as her regular throw or maybe a little worse - but now it is right around the same range as LK Sunset. With that she could probably legit grab someone out of a pressure string, though only if they were close range. Thankfully SF5 has the stubby normals.


    2) You can indeed cross cut HP Bolt now. The timing on it is tricky and it doesn't work as well as a DP for the obvious reasons, but it's definitely doable. Not sure how worthwhile it is over dash under/jump back but I'll leave that to the actual good players to figure out.


    Bonus discord tech: some folks are experimenting with using the ability to VSkill cancel the second hit of TC into Avante/Equiva for set ups (VSkill back, clap/EX clap, do x, y, z) or another way to get cross unders in VT1. May see some interesting shenanigans as the year rolls on if they don't kill it in 4.5.

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