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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. 1 minute ago, Mattatsu said:

    Its been so long since we played, i actually don’t remember how it was, despite playings hundreds of matches with you, lol!


    i think generally it was fine, but we’d get hiccups like 10% of the time... did we ever try with the new netcode from the beginning of this horrible year?

    There was a time there where it seemed like things were mostly fine. But I remember the last few sets - I'll call it the "Rise of Sagat Era ~ Requiem" - the desyncs would get progressively worse until at least on my end some of the matches would be quite rollback-y. Sort of the classic case of how SF5's netcode melts over time.


    I don't think we ever tried it with the "improved ""netcode"" ". That was right about when I was at the peak of my hiatus from FGs and with how inconsistent the reports were of the results it didn't really motivate me to dust the game off. 


    I should be available tonight if you want to give it a crack. I need some time to get something back into muscle memory but I'll probably have time to do that well enough that I won't be a complete flailing mess (no promises on that though).

  2. 8 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

    Took a break from work to try SFV and the netcode felt great. I played 3 casual sets, all 4 bars, and didn’t experience any lag at any point. I found all of the opponents in like 2 minutes on average, searching for PS4 only, 4-5 bar connections. One person seemed to be very local based on their flag and dojo, but one dude had a Vietnamese flag and it felt great (of course, they may not be in Vietnam of course). Every match was on The Grid, which helps, but yeah, the game felt perfectly fine... i could have just gotten lucky though.


    @KingTubb are you up for some matches tonight? Like maybe around 8 or shortly after? Im curious to try with you especially because of how shit our connection was last time we tried.


    At some point we can kick it and see how it holds up. If we can play a few sets without it turning into a desynced rollback clusterfuck we'll know they made some actual improvements. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

    I'm sure we can find someone willing to do some strange things with a fight stick. I'm surprised this hasn't been done already.. I'm not gonna google it.


    Based on the things I've stumbled across just barely scraping the surfaces of the internet, oh boy buddy you could get way more than that.


    "Where'd my GameCube controller go? 😘



  4. 2 hours ago, KingTubb said:

    Ok, so I'm thinking of either playing Kollector, Noob, or Sheeva. Jacqui looks kinda cool too.


    Mind you this is totally by looks and what I could tell by their trailers. 


    Should I avoid any of these purely based on me never playing MK before? 

    As Mattatsu said those chars are a decent spread. So far as I know there are high and low tiers in this game but it is a little more compressed and so long as you aren't playing any of the characters in the basement you should be fine, especially for where we are at. The only char I know is hurting for sure is Shao Khan due to the continuing efforts of @EvilCanadianto right the wrongs.


    I came to the game the same way you are and honestly I'd just say pick a character you think is neat and go with it to start. Sort of shitty advice but MK is different enough from other 2D games that there is a certain amount of core learning that needs to happen regardless of character, and you may not really appreciate differences between them until you get some time in. Not that it would take a lot of time.

  5. Just now, KingTubb said:


    I guess, but is she running a blue light special? Not trying to be mean, but there's a lot of women on OnlyFans that I would say are literally the pokemon evolution of this chick. 


    Fuck... Racist yesterday, sexist today. Ya boy ain't gonna make it out of 2020

    Different strokes for different folks.




    Taste is a factor. Maybe folks really dig her look. Maybe they found her first. Or yeah maybe her prices just can't be beat! (that one I didn't intend)


    Or maybe there are a lot of thirsty dudes out there with enough disposable income and lotion to fund multiple Pokemon themed OnlyFans ladies.


    Having been an 18-25 year old male with disposable income, might be something to that.

  6. 14 hours ago, Mattatsu said:

    Cassie’s FB seems buggy


    Just saw this. 


    Cassie's FB kinda sucks. Actually a good bit of her kinda sucks: her FB has a really irritating travel time and angle that makes it weird to hit with, and her Crushing Blows are by and large gimmicky. That is all offset by her really good suite of normals, which is what I mostly like using so it sort of balances out. And maybe the other things will get better the more I use her, though some of those Crushing Blows are just for the lulz.

  7. The language in that patch doesn't give me a lot of faith, especially when coupled with how Capcom has handled stuff like this in the past with this damn game. 


    But anything that improves the online experience is welcome. One of the things that I always found frustrating is that the online can be close enough for you to see how good it could be, but not implemented well to do that the way you want.


    Did they ever release any of those new characters? I fell off of things right about the time they revealed that last pack of "please keep playing we're working on SF6 we swear" chars.

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