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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. For sure. I mean they basically released an entire Xrd update that was: "Here's Johnny, look at how big his dick is. I SAID LOOK AT IT."


    I can't imagine I-No wouldn't be popular (gameplay wise may be a weird shift to Strive but who's to say at this point). Given what we've seen so far for the female characters I'd be tempted to pick her up just to stare at her idle animation.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Volt said:

    Against all odds.


    Come to think of it, what's the final roster again? I wanna see how many reps each game got.

    I thought there was still one spot left. They teased Anji with the Giovana trailer. Assuming with his reveal we'll get the last slot.


    Somehow bring Kliff back...

  3. 3 minutes ago, misterBee said:

    No no no.  Once you get over the hurdle you will see the light.


    It's worth the extra effort!

    Oh I'm pretty well converted. Jumped FF14 over to PC and haven't looked back. On PS4 its mostly about the games I have backlogged (which is a lot).


    Now that I have this thing I can get into an upgrade cycle again and hopefully not hit that hard up front cost. Main thing that kept me out for so long.

  4. 17 minutes ago, misterBee said:

    Yeah something really isn't right.


    @GetTheTablesif you wanna troubleshoot over Discord some time let me know.

    Thanks man if I'm feeling punchy I may try to crack into it again this weekend.

    14 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    @GetTheTablesWhat version does your driver say, you should be on 456.71 if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, that's why my laptop and Nvidia's site says. It's a pain in the ass at times, but you may want to get GeForce Experience. It'll notify of the latest drive updates. Though, unlike AMD's software, it requires a log in from some reason.


    Same driver. Actually just got that update today. Pretty sure I restarted after.


    It wouldn't fully shock me if there wasn't some graphics driver fuckery somewhere. I had an issue with the ethernet right when I got this comp where when playing anything online it would periodically just DC for brief periods. Finally sorted it out by uninstalling and reinstalling drivers there too.


    It was a fine reminder of why I stuck to consoles for so long. 😉

  5. 16 minutes ago, misterBee said:

    Yes that system is more than enough to run that game no problem.


    Post screenshot of your current graphics settings.

    Rage uninstalled earlier. 😁


    In game I tried running it at every resolution that wasn't super wonky, windowed and full screen. Graphics settings there all set to "medium".


    In the nVidia console I tried changing the power settings to max performance and I hard set the display to the GPU (even though I know it can't be using the on board graphics).


    Some of that tweaking pulled the FPS up - probably closer to 50 but I didn't have anything monitoring - but only disabling Vsync actually got the game to run at full 60.


    Which of course results in screen tearing. Theoretically I could live with that if that was my only option or whatever but that just seemed crazy to me and with the PS4 version already on deck I just tapped out at that point.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    When the last time you've done a clean video drive install. I got a weird issue year or so ago with my laptop with SFV where it was running at 30fps. After running DDU and doing a clean install it went away.

    Never. System is pretty new - just got it in July - but it has had some weird issues so it could be something like that. 


    I ended up just refunding the damn thing but if I feel punchy and want to try again with the base game I may do a clean video driver install.

    10 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

    32 GB of RAM? You making deep fake porn of Halle Berry?

    Someone has to do it. Darc is just doing the good lord's work. 🙏

    5 minutes ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

    I got Kolin.

    🤘 I still love Kolin. With your Cammy XP you should be a frosty terror with her.

  7. 1 minute ago, KingTubb said:

    Don't you know? There's a Korea only manga that you can only read with a decoder ring you could win at a japan only pachinko machine where this is the exact plot. 


    Heihachi just screams "PPPPAAAAIINN KILLLLERRAAAAAAOOOOO" the whole time. Also, it's canon 

    Yeah I am familiar with that manwa. I actually created the first fan translation for it but it was rejected when I kept trying to call it the "Electric OH-GOD-YES Wind Fist". I thought it germane to the theming of the story but editorial were pussies about it.

  8. 1 hour ago, Volt said:

    Showoff. 🤷‍♂️


    It's definitely the game trying to use your CPU instead of your graphics card.


    Go to Nvidia Control Panel and set SFV for maximum performance.

    So you have no way of knowing this, but I've been reading that same advice all morning. Some even with very handy diagrams of where to find it. And I keep going back to my nVidia panel and seeing this:




    Which right now is the same as telling me  "just tweak the samoflange". 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Volt said:

    It's not using your graphics card. Fix it in Nvidia's Control Panel/whatever the AMD equivalent is.


    What are your specs again?

    Its running on the nVidia. If it wasn't it wouldn't even display with how I have things hooked up.


    Specs are:

     - i7 9700K

     - GeForce RTX 2070 Super

     - 16 GB RAM


    Not running this thing on my Chromebook. 😉  I don't think power is the issue, it seems more like the fiddly settings you have to jump through to get SF5 to run at 60FPS sometimes. Like I said if I kill V-sync at the GeForce level the game runs at 60 (or at least close enough) but looks fuggin awful. Trying to find the middle ground.


    3 minutes ago, FlyingVe said:

    Yeah every fighting game gets that way after a while. It makes it impossible to ever really have a handle on what’s coming at you. It’s part of why I burn out on games as their roster gets huge.


    An option is to go the arksys route and homogenize the frames more. But really, I just think this is they way now.

    Yeah I think this is sort of the inevitable end state of most FGs that are going to go the multi-character pass route for extended revenue (which as of right now is all of them). Even if you launch with a relatively modest roster (10-15, I think SF5 was 16?) it doesn't take too many 5-6 character batches before the game bloats up to near Vs level character options. 

  11. So like a damn fool I decided to grab the PC version of SF5. 


    I completely forgot that the game runs like shit out of the box. Goddamn thing is underwater. Anyone have a straightforward guide to having it not run at slow-mo 30/40 FPS?


    Turning off Vsync fixes the problem but then screen tears so goddamn bad it threatens to cut my eyes. Windowed mode helps a bit but its still chugging. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

    How do you deal with Alex EX stomp? Its plus on block, fast as shit, and recovers almost the second he touches the ground

    Pull the cable out.


    Honestly I'm happy enough if I block it. If I feel like they're gonna be real stompy NJs can work alright to at least not be there. I feel like half the battle with that move is just trying to mitigate the "get in" factor. I haven't really played a char with an EX reversal so if its blocked just gotta hold it or maybe backdash.

  13. Here is a vid that helped me a lot when I was trying to wrap my head around SF (specifically 5). You hear and read a lot about footsies: what it is, what it isn't, how to do it, etc.  This is one of the most accessible definitions I found that also illustrates why it can be a very simple concept to explain but is actually very complex to implement in matches.


    It touches on the mental aspects of footsies and player interaction that are important to FGs in general. And in sort of a second hand way shows how you can really leverage training mode to experiment with and practice things that aren't just combos.



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