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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. Cost of the modern era. Pretty don't come cheap.


    I agree though, the sizes of these games is a motherfucker. The newest consoles bring that to a head. Even now I've had to do some purges on the PS4 Pro and that thing has like 850 GB available. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, FlyingVe said:

    I wouldn’t worry about it, I only went through the characters I used to play enough to remind myself which moves were which.


    If it helps, those are spinal, thunder, and arbiter.


    Edit: I probably won’t actually be free until a bit later in the evening.

    I used to main Thunder and there is definitely some muscle memory there. Spinal was my KI1/2 dude but I didn't play him much in this game. I never played after Arbiter was added though I have seen a decent bit of match footage with him. Rat-tat-tat.


    I'm taking this as an excuse to try out more of the characters that I always wanted to play. That may or may not go terribly.  😀  I want to learn Maya but I think the way she is built melts my brain too much.


    Lemme know what time. I've been sleeping kinda like shit so I may not make it much past 10 tonight but from 6 on I can probably make it work with a little heads up. If it doesn't work out tomorrow is about the same in terms of availability.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

    I wonder if I'll feel the same way in times to come. I feel like I've lived a fulfilling, studious and active life, but doesn't everyone at this age? I think I have yet to see how this world works and for now I'm just looking forward to developing my philosophies about life - something that I think I've talked about for the 3rd time in 3 days. I hope it comes to a naturally happy conclusion, and, if not, a healthy cope at least.

    Yeah for all I revel in my middle age being young is great too. Its all different parts of the cycle and what you make out of them.


    I think the thing that is satisfying to me right now is having the experience and perspective to refine the things I defined in my teens/20s, and be able to look at things with a different perspective I may not have been able to internalize well at that age.


    You sound like you're on the right track. Just keep doing what you're doing and it'll work out just fine.


    Also fun fact when my brain scanned your post I saw "3rd" and immediately thought you were talking about 3rd Strike. That is probably a good association to have.

  4. 8 minutes ago, FlyingVe said:

    That said, in my experience so far, life only gets better.

    Seconded. I'll take the slightly thinning hair and random aches and pains as a trade off for being really stable and knowing what I want. 


    Only now do I appreciate the phrase "youth is wasted on the young". Its not a slam against young people its "goddammit I wish I could have all the stuff and knowledge I have now but that 18 year old body, I'd be unstoppable".

  5. Depends on how deep you wanna go.


    Pinhead is close to the surface.

    Tall Man is a choice (great movies, weirder FG char).

    Pumpkinhead is a neat monster.

    Maniac Cop gets you that sweet rap song on the soundtrack.


    Horror movies are kind of boundless that way due to how fandom works.


    For action movie chars there is only one place they can go now. The ur-Stallone action character:


    Marion Cobretti

  6. Wasn't there a datamine awhile ago that had entries for Daegon and his brother? Whatever their names were.


    I'd be on board with deep cut goofy pulls like that. The general MK11 resdesigns are interesting so I'd always be up for seeing whomever else could pass through the filter.


    If MK wants to do more stunt casting they have a lot of random shit they could still draw on. However they also probably don't want to tap out too much; gotta have some ideas left for MK12.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

    Seems like I don't have a choice. It also appears as though the enrollment confirmation process is harder and more expensive than the damn application process. The time to never catch a break begins now. It's good that I have that work ethic built, so I'm comfortable, but you can also be comfortable in an attack chopper before battle, so it is what it is.

    Sounds like a last minute swerve? That definitely happens with this kind of stuff, sorry it seems like it came out of left field. Especially with the expensive bit.

  8. That's your first life test. 


    Now no one is going to push you or really care about what you are doing. Its all up on you to set your own path and walk it.


    My recommendation is to set standards and keep to them. Work on building your own schedules and regimens. The next howevermany years are going to be a lot of that so building good habits now will pay off later.


    Also even though it can feel heavy at times this is still "young person fun time" so get out there and do enough dumb shit to get some good stories but not enough that you end up in prison.

  9. 41 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

    Test came back negative, so I'm hoping to get back to work tomorrow. And I've got old man hands at 28, there's no way I could physically support a pro-fighting game career. 


    Seriously, I'm gonna have lobster claws by 35😩


    But I'm going to try to boot up and lab today as much as possible, cause I have jack shit to do at home. Really hoping Rambo gels with me. Sheeva is cool, but the fact that she doesn't have a real command grab irks me. 

    Look man if I can still keep at this at 38 after a decade of typing and carpal tunnel, you can at least be a low tier Twitch personality. I believe. 


    Rambo definitely looks sweet. Especially with the variations being opened up you should be able to find something with him.


    I only bought the KP because I'm a tool. I'm probably not getting off the Cassie/Skarlet train anytime soon.


    Also the character select screen is lopsided right? Can we get one more char to balance that thing out? The lack of symmetry makes my eye twitch. 

  10. My very rough understanding is yeah that is how it works. There are very few things that can actually link together in MK11 so far as I know - the only one I know of off the top of my head is Cassie's MB orb zap into B+1, 3 - so most of it is just putting your opponent in situations where they can't do anything. 


    Like if you are +13 your opponent's options for how to wiggle are pretty constrained.


    I'm an MK noob though. And not even the cool wraith kind.

  11. See what you need to do is be more of a basic bitch like I am and say "hey what if I could just take these good moves without shitty poo garbage as other slots?"


    Being able to just...take Low Shot on Cassie with whatever the fuck I want feels soooooo good.


    I'll maybe need some iterations on Skarlet though. 

  12. That was always going to be kind of the Monkey's Paw aspect of this update. Custom variations, but you know they had to tweak the stuff that just sat there unchanged and unused the whole time. I've been waiting for the patch to drop before I really started fucking around with things. I should be able to fire it up tonight for at least a bit and see how my gurls feel.

  13. @KingTubbThankfully GG is a super chill game where it is really easy to pick up on things mid match. Just hop on in and bed some mans. 🙃


    It actually isn't that bad once you're in it to be fair. I've also forgotten about everything I knew about Rev 2 so I need to soft reset that game. 


    KI is an even harder reset. Lo and behold not playing that game for like 4 years makes you lose all your muscle memory. Also I can't quite settle on a char, which was a "problem" the first time around too. That is more an embarrassment of riches with the chars in that game though. 

  14. @Mattatsuet all, I'd be up for firing up Rev 2 again. GG still calls to me. If we want to try getting something together for the weekend I can give that a shot depending on how things shake out.


    @FlyingVeTonight is 50/50 for KI. Literally waiting to hear back about plans, my favorite thing. If things don't work out I should be around.


    Also for anyone looking for KI resources this is one of the most thorough websites put together for any game:



    Another way to think about combos in KI is that they are a combination of combos and a mix up scenario. It can be a weird adjustment because we are so used to combos being "I do a thing" time, but its closer to an extended pressure sequence that has mounting damage potential. 


    I personally really like the interaction because it can really reward you for paying attention to your opponent's tendencies. Landing a counter breaker is one of the most satisfying things in any FG ever.

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