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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. Yeah I ran into the same thing. I think its actually that the recovery of the sword normals eats the buffer, so if you start the QCF motion too early you'll just get Tusk doing a can-can instead of whatever strength of Immortal Spirit you were going for. Its most pronounced on cr.MP out of the ones I've tried. I'm so going to beef those up mid-match.


    And: you are too kind. I did mean linker. 🙂


    My muscle memory wants me to do the opposite motions with P and Ks. So I keep trying QCF+P and QCB+K. Too much SF over the years. Its not too bad if I don't switch up linkers mid sequence but I feel like that is an easy bad habit to avoid if I just get used to switching back and forth. Unfortunately that results in a lot of QCF+P/QCB+K into nothing. 


    I can start calling that the Chesapeake Reset. Just wait, I'll take the title at CB2021 with one of those.

  2. Yeah the damage ender is the easy go-to esp when you have the ender level built up. 


    But my thinking is that sometimes it is good to just bank a shorter sequence to get damage on the board and in those situations the stagger ender seems like a good choice since it lets you segue right back into another round. 


    He also has a hard KD ender but fuck if I know what to really do around that. I think I found a good meaty button that links out to a combo (cl.HK, cl.MP xx starter) so that's something I guess.


    Spent some time practicing the link into slide from the MP buttons. The HP is free kinda whatever, the MP's seem a little more finicky. Either the timing is tight or I just suck but once I started to get to the extended hitting areas of the MPs I couldn't get the slide to connect. Both shadow moves also whiff from that far out. So my thinking is that I need to play a little tighter with those buttons, which would kind of make sense as it makes the deflect windows more "live". And even "tighter" still gives him plenty of reach.


    Another thing about this game that I think I knew but I forgot is how extremely lenient it is with getting you into a combo. Like if you hit with a starter and throw an autodouble in after, the game will very often just snap you over into range to get rolling. Didn't really realize that. It makes his Skull Splitters better in neutral than I thought; if they clip the opponent from any range you can go right into a sequence. It looks fuckin' weird but hey I'll take it.


    Trying to get the linkers into muscle memory but I still fuck 'em up. Just gotta keep hammering on it. Also remembered Skewer and learned that he can do dumb DP juggles so that is fun.

  3. 3 hours ago, FlyingVe said:



     I messed around in training mode, and it looks like run canceled into slide links off of all of your stagger slashes (MP, HP) at all ranges.

    Thanks for checking that, I'll have to add that to the list to practice. Bunch of stuff I need to work on. Next big thing on my list is to rotate enders; I always go for damage (in fairness that just feels real good).


    When I get some time I want to poke around and see if I can find any video examples. I don’t remember seeing very much Tusk play at all so I don't have any cheat answers to semi common scenarios. 

  4. 15 hours ago, FlyingVe said:

    You were playing a lot better and tusk hits like a truck.


    I don’t have much experience against tusk but it seems kind of easy to play around his normals, I don’t know if there’s an easy solution on tusks end? A lot of my strat was just waiting for one to whiff, and even on block the status quo stayed the same (except in the corner)? Maybe more run mixups?


    Also, spinal offense is pure nonsense, don’t get to tiled by his offense. He ‘s also a character I arguably know the best.


    Edit: Can Tusk convert off the long distance sword hits? EX shoulder maybe? Kind of like how Jago converts fireballs with EX wind kick?

    Yeah the Spinal stuff didn't bother me overmuch. Like its some shenanigans but that is just how some characters be. I chalk most of that stuff up to unfamiliarity and try not to let it get to me too much.


    What was honestly a lot more frustrating were things that I sort of knew would bug me with Tusk. The natural offsets to his big buttons - being shitty up close, sorta jank AA game - are really irritating to play around because it feels like they come up a lot. Also aided by a fair bit of user error: I still fuck up DP motions on the hitbox regularly (hence why I snapped that one game and just kept doing light DP) , I can't seem to consistently get wake up timing defensively, and I don't have good muscle memory for his linkers so I tend to do the same stuff over and over. 


    Those problems can be fixed with time though. Not a lot to do about the gaps in his game, and from what little research I've been able to do on Tusk the consensus seems to be that he is just that linear. He does have some stuff you can try to shenanigan with off his command dash but its all either unsafe or very reactable so not terribly exciting. Most people who were familiar with fighting him said exactly what you did: if you just block him out and are more patient, things get a lot harder for the Tusk player. 


    The only two ways I know of to convert off of sword hits are 1) in Instinct you can cancel them so you can go nuts (along with a lot of other nutty stuff that I frankly can't really wrap my head around), and 2) st.HP has such a long stagger that you can link stuff after it. Might be able to get shadow shoulder, would have to try it.


    I think even in a perfect world Tusk would sort of slowly drive me crazy. He feels like a bizzarro version of Menat, if that makes sense.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

    Is Rousey’s voice acting really that bad? I’ve played a decent amount of 11 and Sonya’s lines have never jumped out as bad to me. In fact I don’t even remember what she even sounds like. Or is that the point? 

    That is kind of the point. 😉


    I think it was just bad stunt casting for how Sonya fit into MK11s story mode. Her character had some fairly significant moments that were made markedly shittier due to Rousey's deadass line delivery. 


    That was the main thing that bugged me in terms of her performance. Don't really care about it in terms of the face modeling or match stuff.

  6. Yeah I have a similar issue with RAAM. He just feels too tubby, though I know its the archetype. Likewise of course Aganos handles like a bus but while I'm not a pixie player I'm not a fan of big bodies either.


    Can't hate on YOLO EX punch. My Tusk plan right now is "sword buttons" and "something something Conquest ender and hope for the best".

  7. I'll work on keeping my energy levels up to try to play tomorrow evening. Thursday off makes it an easier proposition.


    Aganos is too much of a chunky monkey for me. Though he has very arguably the coolest character quirk in this game, and shadow "fuck you" punching someone through a wall is one of the best single hits in all of FGs.

  8. Its a weird thing that. NRS is pushing realism with their aesthetics, and honestly doing a pretty damn good job of it. I don't see that changing anytime soon if for no other reason than they seem to be really invested in it. Sort of how all ArcSys games now share that same look; once you've put the money into that kind of visual engine, you want to get a return on it.


    MK is theoretically very exciting because they could take another storyline in any number of directions. Imagine a game set entirely from the Outworld perspective from the start, rather than having it kind of grow in that direction. Or go God of War lite and lean into pantheon bullshittery. Or make up some completely new thing - the world is already full of portals and plot macguffins so you can kind of do whatever you want.


    In reality we are probably going to get the same stuff rinsed and repeated again in higher fidelity because fandom. But it is certainly a fun thing to kick around.

  9. Good to see Chris Lambert still getting work.


    Given the storyline of this game and how it builds on the previous 2, it wouldn't surprise me if NRS wasn't looking to cap off this cycle of MK. Let whatever comes next rock for a bit (has to be Injustice 3 right?) and then when MK comes back, let it be another revision/revitalization of the series.


    If they have balls they'll go back to digitized actors. Just imagine shitty Halloween quality costumes being realized in glorious 4K.

  10. When I was more into this years ago I was able to make a combo sandwich with pretty much the whole cast. The biggest thing IMO is getting used to the autodouble rhythm and ideally mixing between all the different strengths on the fly. That is the part I'm still trying to get back.


    After that for me its muscle memory on linkers. Tusk fucks me up because he has the opposite of what my hands want to do: I naturally want to do QCF+P, QCB+K but he reverses that. That may or may not be a common thing so finding chars that match whatever your hands want to do for linkers can also make it a lot easier at first. I'll probably still punt Tusk combos months from now but I can already mostly fumble through an Orchid combo.


    The Steam <-> Xbox crossplay is nice but definitely janky. I've legit considered repurchasing on Steam just for ease of set up. Also while the rematch time in the lobbies isn't awful it is way nicer in player matches to just be able to rapid fire those games.


    Also, forgot to add: my next KI day will probably be tomorrow if anyone is around.

  11. I've messed around with RAAM a tiny bit. The analogy I've seen is USF4 Gief which means I'd probably hate him 98% of the time but that 2% would be sweet. 


    And yeah with Maya if I just played her normally she would probably be pretty easy to get a handle on to start. I just got sucked into manuals with her daggers and that is cool, but also not really what I need to muck with right now when I still fail to finish my plate on CB combos.


    I think it'll be Orchid next though. The grenade is a neat thing to mess around with and yeah that air throw can be fun. Also cats. 😼

  12. Yeah my thought is that just like anything else, rollback implementation can be a sliding scale. 


    KI is on the upper end of that scale, but as Ve said it was designed totally with that in mind. And the way that game works, if it had any kind of consistent delay/hiccups it would completely fall the fuck apart. 


    Strive was very clearly pivoted to rollback during development (based on that delicious delay netcode beta) but that doesn't mean that it won't be a solid implementation. Just may not be quite as remarkable as some of the "built into the bones" exemplars. But if we're talking the difference here between A+ and A, for example, that's still great for the player base overall.

  13. Yeah I'm not gonna lie I cheated and used the fancy moving graphs on Ki.infil to start making choices. 🙂


    I think my list is Kim, Orchid, and Maya. Orchid seems boring but the most accessible. Kim is kind of in the middle. Maya's daggers I'm sure would confuzzle the fuck out of me but the stuff she can do when she gets rolling looks so sick. Also her stage music is probably my favorite. I've always heard good things about Rash but even despite my history with Battletoads I never really messed around with him.


    Also in the completely opposite direction I still want to fuck around with RAAM. He's not my style but he is kinda dumb in a fun way, up to and including him being a guest char choice at all.

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