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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. Yeah I can definitely see that. Part of what helped my Nash salt, other than S2 *RIP*, was learning more about the char. 


    Also when I say gimmicky I'm more talking about lower level Nash players, such that exist. At that level it is a lot of Moonsaults, "random" jumps, and dashes. Or maybe its just that way the whole way up, I dunno.

  2. 8 hours ago, FlyingVe said:

    I haven't played this game in forever.


    What the fuck are Sakura's normals.



    I've likewise always had trouble with a well played Nash. If I'm remembering right the few times Vhozite and I played with Nash in there I got Nash washed. I think its a general character match up problem but playing online you run into Nashes rarely now (or at least did when I was still at it) and a lot of them are gimmicky as fuck.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Sonero said:

    What can cook stuff into waffles too. I do strawberries/ blueberries in mine.

    For sure. However the best use of a waffle is to shotgun as much syrup/jam/butter into your system in a deliciously efficient manner as you can. I personally like the cake-yness of pancakes but fuck if I'd turn down a waffle.


    If you're making novelty breakfast shapes waffles take the (pan) cake though.

    1 minute ago, KingTubb said:

    But why aren't we talking about crepes? Crepes are pretty damn good 

    Because none of us live in a fucking palace.


    But please tell us how nice it is to have your servants feed you breakfast your highness. 👑

  4. 9 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

    And we need to answer the real breakfast questions. What's better french toast, waffles, or pancakes? 

    Pancakes but because you can cheat and cook other stuff into them. 


    White chocolate chip pancakes are one of the most transcendental breakfast experiences I've ever had.


    Also as someone who grew up with grandparents where my meals were either potatoes or cheeseburgers (had a very happy fat childhood) if you can get the cook right on 'em sliced hash brown style potatoes are fantastic. However I've pretty much never found someone who cooked them as well as my grandma so I go with home fries when given the choice. Really I just want potatoes.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

    I think MKX may have been a bit better on HB as there’s more D,B,F inputs, which were goofy as hell and had to be inputted pretty quickly and I couldn’t get too consistent with on pad, but I think MK11 only has one move with those inputs in the whole game.

    The one thing I did discover playing Skarlet is that HB is nice for any attack you want to direct like her blood tongue. That can be a lot of D, B, F or D, B, U and it is pretty easy to clack that out.

  6. Yeah the hitbox money is the best I've ever spent on a game peripheral. 


    Despite lots of practice on a traditional stick I for the life of me couldn't really get QCFx2 to be consistent. Hit box made that massively easier for me which was a godsend with SF5. I like it a little less with MK11 (I think this is the one game I've played in recent memory that is probably best on pad) but it still works well enough.


    Plus the computer nerd in me loves the *clackity* *clackity* it makes in use. Like I'm some deadly stenographer. 

  7. 1 minute ago, KingTubb said:

    My hitbox is such a hefty boy that if I managed that, I wouldn't even be mad. I'd walk around like a Big Dick Danny for a day and a half.


    So you, Frames, and I all play on a hitbox, huh? We gonna have to have a good ol fashioned tech swap meet at some point

    If its anything like last election I think I might have the power. 4 years ago I walked around in a rage haze for a week. But enough about shit I can't change.


    Sadly I don't have any sexy box tech (giggity). I love and respect the hell out of stick maestros (giggity) but I don't have any knack for it myself. I'm the guy that funds other people making them. Mattatsu is correct, still rockin' the modded Obsidian. It solved the main problem I had with the hitbox in that the original model is fucking hideous. The Obsidian is just a real pretty stick box (giggity) so having a hitbox top to it is *chef's kiss*.

  8. 1 minute ago, Mattatsu said:

    Off-topic, but i’m taking Friday off as a scheduled day off (need to or i lose it), but i don’t see the point as i’m tracking to work 40 hours by the end of thursday anyway, and may even have to work on friday or the weekend.

    That is a pretty weird situation, esp with the use or lose. And damn yeah man that is a busy week. 😬

  9. 4 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

    Rambo has a dope ass judo hip toss. If that's his normal throw, I'm gonna main day one. 


    Oh, btw I'm done with RE7 so I'm ready to get whooped on again. Whenever you wanna play let me know,

    Same to you @Mattatsu

    Yeah Rambo looks pretty sick. EC's breakdown got me kinda hyped for him. Though I'll probably just stick with my (dirty) pair of chars.


    Sounds good man. Weds work as a target day? Have stuff to do today and tomorrow and that'll give me time to fire up training time.


    Playing MK11 will help keep me from firing up SF5. I keep seeing everyone get games in and its like being a recovering heroin addict and walking into a room where everyone has already shot up and is in deep. You see all the fun and kinda want to get back in but forget about all the times you had to take it up the ass just to get there.

  10. 14 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

    I really wish throws weren't so over animated and looooong.

    This is just The NRS Way. I think I first noticed it in Injustice 1 but they've been all about the really cinematic throws. I appreciate the thought and effort but yeah it'd be nice for all of them to be half as long.


    Upside is the longer animations give you more time to do stuff you wouldn't normally do in a match. Check the meter state, timer, life bars, get a drink, make dinner. Useful stuff. 😝

  11. That is another big one ya. 


    Some of the most useful advice I came across in my studying was stuff talking about how to watch a game (SFV specifically but the ideas transfer around). Years of playing other kinds of games trains us to look at our chars but there is so much else going on in FGs that it pays to train screen awareness.


    Watching your opponent, keeping your eye on meters, being mindful of the round timer and relative life. Takes time to just get used to doing that during a match and it makes a significant difference. Also kind of helps with adapting to your opponent because you are already looking at them so you kind of can't help but notice what they're doing.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

    A lot of people online are like that. Not playing the exact same way necessarily, but they have their one flowchart strategy that they either can’t or won’t deviate from too much. They’re playing their character and running their game while not really paying attention to you. 


    This is a key point. 


    When I was trying to figure out how to get better, a lot of the advice I kept coming across was about actually paying attention to your opponent and not just flowcharting/assuming everything. They do this for a lot of reasons (Bison in SFV is the kind of char I could start a new account with and have my cat just roll around on the hitbox during matches and probably make it to Gold) but for the most part these kinds of players aren't going to change.


    Which can be fine. Not everyone is playing to be the next CFN phenom (concept not the player). But that approach to the game is hyper limiting and honestly a lot less fun than really engaging. The absolute most fun I've ever had in FGs is when you feel the push and pull of each of you adjusting on the fly. It was one of the things that made playing against Akhos such a good time even though I'd end an evening 2 - 40 and want to die.


    Cold hard reality is though that most folks just want to play their fight games on the internet and are gonna do what they are gonna do. Playing around that is gonna be a component to any game. One of the reasons randos can get a little exhausting.

  13. 1 minute ago, KingTubb said:

    Imma be honest, I had never heard of Cool World. Looks like its about brad pitt falling in love with a cartoon or something. How come nobody talks about how this movie predicted millions of men's experience with the internet??

    I think the Alternate Ending review mentioned this but it is basically a whole movie based on the idea of "everyone wanted to fuck Jessica Rabbit right? what if we made a movie about doing that?"


    It is a great skeleton in Brad Pitt's closet. Also maybe Kim Basigner though her closet is already pretty stuffed.


    It is an interesting thing to revisit because of how deranged and shitty it is.

  14. 6 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

    I don't know what any of this means and feel like a dork as a result 🤷‍♀️

    Actually the fact that you didn't get any of that means that you are less of a dork than I am. So go tell your wife you were better than someone today.


    I'm not sure if it would be a reverse Cool World but I think so? Been awhile since I watched that movie. And I'm keeping it that way.

  15. It feels kinda reductive but you can only play the game in front of you. You can maybe argue developer intent/design - older games couldn't have been built with online play in mind whereas current gen ones arguably should ne - but if a version of a game doesn't really exist for people to play then its kinda moot.


    Doesn't even need to be online vs offline, look at release client SF5 and its high input lag. That was a real pain in the ass and everyone knew that it should be better, that there was stuff you were way more likely to get away with due to the 6-8 frames of lag. But everyone just kind of had to live with that reality until circumstances changed. EX Dolphin Dives for days motherfuckers!


    I think its definitely more painful having known the alternative and having it taken away temporarily. But can't do shit about that right now unfortunately so best we can all do is treat this like a wacky remix edition period and have what fun with it we can. Hopefully as more games get designed with rollback in mind or get it ported it becomes less of a problem.

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