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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. I'm pretty sure GBVS also had a 3 game thing before you could generally go online, though I think their games were against actual people. I never even did that so if they magicked rollback or something into that game tomorrow I'd still have lag time on getting online. 🙂


    Seems like a thing now, which I can kinda get. Try to curate that very first online experience (or semi-simulate it in MK11) to lessen the odds of someone's first game being a complete shitshow. Of course once you get out of the kiddie pool you get to deal with D4rkL0rd420 and his full screen teleport punches followed by teabagging and RQ'ing if you get ahead.


    The SFV experience should just be 3 matches against CPU that error out right before you are about to win.

  2. 1 hour ago, FlyingVe said:

    It doesn’t even bother me much if remakes/sequels suck, it doesn’t make the old Original game stop existing and you can always still play those (cough... Sony... cough)

    Yeah likewise. Honestly I'm more in misterBee's camp where I'm getting slowly sick of seeing the same stuff get rolled out over and over.


    What made Capcom actually amazing were all the new ideas they came up with. All of their best eras were when they were innovating. The idea of another round of sequels and remakes is.....fine but doesn't really light a fire under me.


    I don't want a new Power Stone. What I really want is another idea that hits like Power Stone did back in the day. But that has too much risk; better get started on the RE2R:Remake.

  3. Yeah I guess the way Ve puts it is closer to how I feel.


    If you could see the whiteboards at any place you'd probably see ideas/pitches/prototypes/slices for everything your heart desires. That is part and parcel of keeping the work flow going.


    After many years of watching video games news, I'm at the point of "tell me when I can buy it, thanks". Bonus points if it is actually good. A new entry/revival doesn't do anyone any good if it is shitty. 🙂 (Though in Capcom's case at least they did right by RE2/RE3).


    2 minutes ago, Jocelot said:

    You guys really think they'd announce a SF Vy that early, huh? I guess I'd figured they'd cool down a bit after the game's final season, y'know? Let it settle before announcing a whole new game. 

    This is the same company that dropped SFV while SFIV Ultra still had momentum. Or at least that is how I remember it, could be forgetting in my dotage.


    The other thing to me is that SFV has already had a helluva long tail. There isn't a great reason to sit on/pad out the release of SFVI - which theoretically is a whole new revenue boom if they don't fuck the football - just to eke out a bit more from the saggy teat of SFV. Let the final season or whatever give them the time they need to get 6 right then roll that motherfucker out.

  5. That last line in Vhozite's post is the eternal FG struggle.


    I think it is actually really easy to get people interested in FGs. There is so much variety that any taste can be filled, and it is a genre defined by "doing sick shit" so watching it naturally generates excitement. The hard part is getting past that initial hump. A lot of potential fans attrition off there and just go back to whatever they are used to (which is understandable but kind of unfortunate).


    Same thing kinda happened with my friend group. My buddy and I sort of got into Tekken but eventually he just got too frustrated and dropped it. I might actually be able to keep up with T7 if we had stuck with it (this was around T5 if I remember right).

  6. 13 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

    Y’all clown Xbox but I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for free games on Xbox live 🙂

    Just to generally comment, no hate on Xbox here. The Xbox1 was a goofy console but got there eventually and the 360 has some of my absolute fondest gaming memories outside of the SNES.


    Only reason I ended up going deep into Sony's pockets was that I lost the XBox1X in the divorce. And then I bought a PC so buying another Xbox didn't make much sense.


    From a value for money standpoint, it is real, real hard to beat Xbox + Gamepass. The main reason I'm buying a PS5 eventually is because it'll inevitably end up with some weeb games I can't get anywhere else (though with PC ports even that may finally taper off.)

  7. Why not right? More SKUs = more $$$. And if you're going to get a FG green lit, more $$$ sure is gonna help that pitch.


    My understanding always was that SFV only ended up exclusive because Sony ponied up for it. If they didn't feel like doing that this time, or hell maybe even if MS came back waggling money saying "keep it multiplat plz", no reason not to release it on everything.


    More FGs need to come out on more platforms anyways, with crossplay support. The genre is already niche enough to not have it be siloed off further.

  8. 6 hours ago, Hecatom said:

    Finally fixed my lolbox one, i had to change the hdmi port. 


    So in theory i could jump into the next ki matches. 


    The only problem would be that i am immensely ass on the game, since i have only played it like 3 times. 

    Don't let that dissuade you. 


    It has been so long since I played that I can't even hit a basic opener-linker-ender combo. Lots of mashing and drops.


    Not exactly a shark tank situation. 

  9. Technically the KI2013/KI3 thread but if someone wants to come in here and wax nostalgic about KI Gold, I'm not gonna stop 'em. Odds are I'll probably join in.


    Figured I could make a thread even if it seems like it is myself and @FlyingVeplaying for now. Theoretically we can stop shitting up the SFV thread with posts about KI, though we all know that isn't going to happen. 


    Anyone with a passing interest or who wants to try something new: join in!


    KI2013 has:


    • A huge roster with lots of playstyle variance
    • A siiiiiiick soundtrack - all the stage music is bangin
    • A F2P client on Windows/Xbox, and a less-than-full-price Steam version that comes with everything, so its a cheap (to no) buy in
    • Low system requirements - if your rig can run SFV it can definitely handle this game
    • Cross play between all versions in lobbies so we can all punch each other
    • Excellent rollback netcode so we can all punch each other with confidence that the punches will come out
    • A phenomenal resource in - gaze upon it and realize how good a FG resource site can be
    • Lightning fast rematches - no waiting for the next


    I've been away from the game long enough that I'm effectively fresh meat, and while Ve seems like a shark in this game he's still winding up. So we can enjoy all kind of learning a game together and mashing buttons. Or one of you who is a secret grandmaster at this game can tear through us like a chainsaw through a kindergarten. The matches are fast enough that it doesn't matter!


    The important thing is that we all play together. And that at least one of us plays Rash so they can loop his taunts once a session.


    episode 16 dancing GIF

  10. 5 minutes ago, FlyingVe said:

    Same.  We were both beginning to knock the rust of as we went,


     I have honestly never been able to tell any of Tusk's Doubles/linkers apart (he's hard to break). If memory serves Tusk can still pick up a combo after his giant sword swings but its a link of some kind right?


    Connection was basically flawless on my end, except for the same few tiny hiccups you mentioned. We should definitly play again, especially if other people want in we can do a real lobby. 

    You are too kind. I was leaning so hard on the shadow sword swipes just to do a goddamn combo. 😆


    Its crazy to think that at one point I could kind of walk through combos with most of the cast and reaction break heavies and mediums. Ah well. Will be fun to try to get it back.


    A couple of those rounds your Spinal started getting rolling and I was shook. Couldn't mash DP hard enough.


    Also the round that ended with Arbiter point blank dumping a clip into Tusk's face made my night.

  11. 1 minute ago, FlyingVe said:

    Okay, I'm gonna turn on the box.


    I'm not 100% sure how to invite you (since I assume you are o PC). What's your "gamertag" equivalent?

    It sorta looks like its just picking my actual gamer tag, which sorta makes sense:


    mr moondog 


    If that ends up being a pain i can try to invite you. 

  12. I didn't think Klot was likely to make the cut. No way Core Trap was.


    Those just seemed like abilities that would get screamed about and I figure the devs don't want to hear that shit. Easier to just ban it.


    The real wiener whacker are that some specific combos of moves are banned. That I didn't know about and I'd be a little salty if a combo I was excited about got clipped that way.

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