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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. Star Wars should have stuck with the original 3 movies and then all the EU stuff (books, comics, etc.,) Seemed like it was more fun then. Not that I'm any kind of Star Wars fan anyways.


    @M A R T I A NI never made it too far in SF5's ranked (tapped out at Super Gold) but that is how the game be a lot of the time. I hear you on the experience; that is one of the things that keeps me from rolling the rando dice again.


    DevilJin on the old forums used to talk about the difference in mentality that playing short sets leads to, which is why 95% of online players in a given bracket play so similarly (and have maybe been there forever). They're going with what has worked so far and they're gonna keep turning the crank until they either win or die (50/50 when they die that they'll RQ).


    Part of it is just playing enough to be able to classify the different archetypes that players fall into. That helps a lot with being able to make decent reads on player tendencies in a format where you aren't likely to get much data.


    And yeah SF5 isn't a game you are really going to win on the defense. The ratio of good decisions you have to make vs mistakes you are allowed to get away with is not favorable to that play style, though at lower levels sometimes you get some more wiggle room (I feel like SF5 is actually harder in than some games in this way because doing optimal or near optimal damage is surprisingly accessible right out of the gate). You need to know when to turn the pressure on, how to do it effectively, and how anticipate opponent reactions.


    Replays will definitely help identify specifics. Plenty of people here who can provide helpful feedback.

  2. 13 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

    What's a game you wish you could experience again for the first time? 

    Chrono Trigger, no contest.


    I'm saving my 3DS with the DS cart for when I inevitably start to deteriorate mentally. Then someone can just put that in my hands and I get to experience Chrono Trigger for the first time every day for the rest of my life. 

  3. I think EC hit the nail on the head with what he said in his Rambo KC breakdown vid. A 4th tournament variation just feels like bloat to me, and it doesn't really solve the problem. Just gives you one more roll of the dice to see if you get a variation you like assuming the first 3 didn't grab ya.


    Retooling the existing variations makes some sense and would at least shake some stuff up. Since this is almost certainly the last major update the game is going to get I could see them finally popping the limiters and letting people run amok with customs. Mileena KC shouldn't be too far off so we'll know more in a bit I suppose.

  4. 4 minutes ago, KingTubb said:



    This wasn't doing it for you?? 

    I'm sure whatever producer's kid created that model was real proud of what he did, and good on his father for getting it put into the game.


    Honestly the character models are just part of the problem. The UI in that game is fucking hideous and the character designs look like they were run through a "generic mobile game character" filter. The game smacks of quick and cheap, and the DLC chars mostly highlight that from what I remember (in that they look a lot better).


    Which is all a huge goddamn waste because the netcode in that game is good (I had great experiences with the bit I played and people in general have had great things to say about it) and mechanically it had legs. If they had given that game time like they did with SF5 I legit think it could have turned a corner but instead they took it out back behind the shed. Probably because they could only afford to float one disaster of a FG launch and you can't let SF sink if you're Capcom.


    But much like the phrase "You eat with your eyes", it is also true that "you Mahvel with your eyes". A big part of the appeal of those games is that they are a visual feast. I want an MvC game to make my eye's dick explode with how cool it looks. 

  5. I think a lot of us have done the Vhozite dance, both in terms of shuffling character and trying a bunch of games this generation. I know I have at least.


    The thing with SF5 in my experience is that it is "close". Most good things in the game come with an asterisk, and there haven't been many games that can replicate the feel of a good SF game. So if you want that style of game it is probably what you're still going to come back to. And even with its jacked up netcode it has been more consistently playable than the delay based alternatives released this gen.


    Even with how much this game can piss me off it is also the one that still has an itch for me. As more and more games come around with consistently good online its easier for me to push SF5 away but whenever I watch matches and see certain exchanges I want to hook up the hitbox and start fucking around again. Hopefully SF6 makes it easier for me to then translate that into actually enjoying playing the game more often.

  6. World of Horror looks rad. I've seen a couple of vids about it, love the influences. I'm also a big fan of Puppet Combo games. They are really cheap looking but they have just the right feel. Like if a cheap 70s horror movie got turned into a PS1 game.


    Don't have any spooky games lined up - still barreling through FF14, on Shadowbringers which is at least pretty Berserk-ish so there is some definite horror going on - but in the spirit of the season I'll crack open some of the Junji Ito I've been collecting and re-read some favorites. Been looking for an excuse to dive into Uzumaki again.


    Thinking about it, you may have inspired me to fire up RE2R again.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

    edit: so yeah, a bunch of excuses as to why i flip mains so much, lol. I do think SFV is fairly unique in this case though. I don’t stray too far from my mains in the other games mentioned.

    Had to break balls a bit. Took me more effort to dig back for that quote than it was probably worth. 😁


    Its definitely an SF5 thing. Remember how much Akhos would bounce around chars? That wasn't necessarily uncertainty; outside of a rare few characters in this game most characters feel like they're missing something. It is really easy to "grass is greener" yourself in this game. "The character I'm playing now doesn't have X, but this char does. Lemme play them. Ah shit, this new char doesn't do Y for shit. Well that 3rd character does Y well.....fuck they suck at Z." Due to the jacked up engine and design ethos of this game you're gonna run into character gaps, and usually not in a "fun" way.


    For a lot of chars in this game you just have to settle. Much like other things in life, find the char/chars where the good outweighs the bad then just roll with it. Finding that "perfect" char in this game just feels like chasing your own tail.

  8. Also @DayaanI saw your college post the other day and wanted to add another $0.02 to the pile. Late due to being easily distracted this weekend. Getting officially older does that.


    You seem like you have your shit together so I wouldn't worry over much about the actual effort of college itself. In my experience college is mostly about - and most valuable - in that it mimics life in these ways: no one is going to bail you out or push you to do things you need to do, and a lot of it is learning about how to deal with people.


    The people I've known who have had the most issues with college are the folks who were the least likely to self-motivate or focus. The college gets paid regardless of if you actually do the work or not, so unless you get a prof that is really invested you are probably going to be mostly left to your own work ethic. That can be a blessing or a curse, depending on how you operate.


    Likewise, college is probably the first time you really get to experience the phenomenon of how much the person asking for the work makes a difference with how you approach the work. Understanding your professors and what they want out of you can make a big difference in how good or bad a time you have in a given course. There is still some objectivity to the work itself but the better you get a read on what your prof wants the easier of a time in general you will have. Part of that is you will feel confident about how the work you are producing will likely be evaluated, and part of it is also you'll be able to gauge just how much work needs to go into any given class.


    The actual work itself in college can be specifically difficult but very broadly it mostly comes down to how badly you want it and how good you are at managing yourself. If you say focused, read the room, and pace yourself you'll do just fine.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Reticently said:

    Imagine how bad WASP cooking in America must have been for a hundred years for anybody to even think candy corn was a treat in comparison:

    I think this is apt. Traditional WASP cooking is categorized by its complete lack of seasoning and flavor. When everything you eat tastes like cardboard you need something with the pure corn syrup shock factor of candy corn just to remind you that flavor as a concept exists.


    My ex-wife's extended family provided side dishes for Thanksgiving one year. I've never had bad mac and cheese before in my life; never even thought it could happen. Learned a valuable lesson that day.

  10. 10 hours ago, Mattatsu said:

    Decided to play Sagat in SFV for a bit, and made a jumpy Ken ragequit at the end of the first round on our second fight. That made my day.


    Glad you had fun playing Sagat. Always feels good when you can outplay someone to where they literally lose it. Especially with zoning in this game.


    I had something set aside for this moment though.....where the hell did I put it.....aha!


    On 10/17/2020 at 11:01 AM, Mattatsu said:

    I can get there with Chun too. I just need to put work in and stop being a bitch.



  11. 14 minutes ago, KingTubb said:



    Geez Louise looks like we got an A24 fan over here 

    Jimmy Fallon Lol GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

    Don't blame you. A24 seems to put out tons of quality stuff 

    Probably wouldn't help if I said I also really enjoyed "The Lighthouse" eh?


    I was huge into slashers when I was younger. As I've gotten older I've sort of lost my love of em, so the more artsy fartsy ones are creeping to the fore. Still love horror movies in general though. 

  12. 9 hours ago, Mattatsu said:

    No, but i really wanted to, but forgot. So that will definitely be watched. Thanks!

    +1 vote for Hereditary. That movie is amazing.


    I actually liked that director's follow up even more (Midsommar) but it's not quite the same thing. Hereditary is the easier recommend and the better Halloween movie.


    If you haven't seen "The Witch" I thought that was a fun little horror ish flick. Also seasonally appropriate.


    I feel like I've watched a bunch of horror movies recently but most of them are ones I'd recommend with caveats. Also for Halloween you want a certain feel to a movie.


    Like "Lake Mungo" was really good, but not quite a Halloween movie despite it being a ghost story.


    When in doubt just serve up a double batch of Hellraiser 1 + 2. Then immediately stop or move to something else.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

    @GetTheTables yeah Laura's still my most played and best character by far.


    I started messing around with the rest of the cast a little but haven't found one to really click yet. 


    Balrog is probably the closest I've tried to laura as far as pressure and having a command grab with vt2. 


    Sagat was fun and does some really good damage but he feels kneecapped because fireballs are easy for most people to shit on.

    Gotta figure out who to try next.


    Yeah man I hear ya. If you are happy with your char and/or don't have another character really calling to you, no reason to go through all the hassle of switching. Main reason I did is because I know my tendencies don't fit Laura well.


    Sagat mains have my utmost respect. This game is not kind to him. When I see someone hit a last minute DP to punish a jump over a low shot, I always smile a little. But fuck if I'd go through all the work to live that life.


    Depends on what you want out of a char. There are enough in the game that if Laura isn't it, you should be able to find it. Though there is also the chance that char exists in this game but has kind of a crummy implementation. 

  14. 13 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

    @GetTheTables battle costume is my favorite too, you're a man of good taste. Even though picking bonita already proved that.


    PS- I swear last time I played you, you were using G. You still playing him?

    Nah G is really fun but he wasn't quite what I wanted. I feel like the ideal G player is someone with a strong neutral who is a savage gorilla motherfucker at heart. One of the reasons I think Smug plays him so well.


    Poison is legit one of my fav chars - FF1 is a deeply sentimental game for me - so when she showed up I knew I was gonna give her a shot unless she was absolute trash. And thankfully she turned out pretty good.


    Kolin is actually my low key favorite at least mechanically. I love her buttons, VT2 is exactly as bullshit as you want a VT to be, and winning a round with EX H counter generates a feeling akin to religious bliss.


    But she isn't Poison so I have a hard time switching. Last time I played with everyone I was legit going to just run Poison a few times for funsies but then I just never wanted to switch off of her.


    You still giving people the electric snatch? (Yes I know how that reads, no I'm not changing it).

  15. 3 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:


    Damn right I do. Playing Laura is probably the only time someone has commented on me playing a video game like I was watching porn lol.

    I wish the cpt track suit was a option then since it's not as revealing.

    Yeah the tracksuit came along way too late to save me from the side eye.


    Didn't help that my favorite Laura outfit is the Battle one. 


    sweating james mcavoy GIF

  16. Yeah I can definitely see her coming back. I'd actually really like to see her in another game's system just to see what they would do with her.


    Now is a great time to dust off Laura. Best spot she has been at in quite a while (S2 probably?) If I played more I'd definitely iDom it up and play Poison on point with Laura around to gorilla some match ups. And also sometimes you just wanna flatten a motherfucker.

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