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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. 1 hour ago, Reticently said:

    You know, this isn't the first time we've all heard about godlike netcode in a pre-release limited beta.


    Let's see if it all melts down under the load of post launch like most other games have.

    I think this is a very good point and it is definitely worth tempering expectations. 


    However the initial results are at least really solid. People immediately started testing long distance connections and they seem to be holding up. 


    Absolutely worth putting an asterisk next to it until everyone gets a chance to bang on it in the wild (giggity)  but as Jocelot said it seems to have better bones than SFVs beta (and no crossplay at launch which has been a confounding connection factor for SFV).


    If this game didn't have rollback I wouldn't even consider buying it. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

    I’ll likely buy Strive too, though, i don't doubt i’ll swap soon and start asking for games in Samsho, MVCi, or whatever the fuck i feel like playing.


    my biggest issue seems to be time. I get pumped for a game, go all in, and then a week later hit a rough period at work where i cant touch a game for a few days amd then when i do have the time, the motivation isnt the same and i look into something else... I’m like this with everything though, amd why i could never join a band with my bass guitar - one week I’m transcribing Ray Brown’s walking bassline in some jazz tune, the next week I’m trying to play the zelda nes theme note for note, and the week after that, i’m blasting Tool.

    Hell yea \m/


    I hear you on that. Sometimes priorities shift for a bit. What I find helps if you do want to stay consistent with something is just have confidence that you enjoyed the thing you maybe lost momentum on and just pick it up and start rolling again. If its something you really enjoy, you'll get back into the groove pretty quickly. The hard part is not letting the desire for novelty/excitement be the main driving factor all of the time. In my experience that leads to a lot of jumping around which can be frustrating, or weirdly lots of ennui when you end up with times where I don't feel like anything jumps out at me and I just sit there and watch YT for a couple of hours.


    Like I'm making myself pick up the paintbrush again this weekend. Holidays and other projects stalled me out on that hard but I know I need to and want to get back to it. Once I get going it'll be more self motivating. 


    We need to play Strive once it drops. Xrd was fun.

  3. 4 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

    See, I'm trying to pour everything into strive. Actually "git gud" at a game. 


    SFV does nothing for me. That game ain't getting any more money out of me. I've only spent $15 on the game anyways 

    You did a lot better than I. Though I can't talk too much shit; I've put plenty of time into SF5 and enjoyed more than enough of it. Even though the bones of the game still piss me off it has made for some great gaming sessions with people from here and olde SRK.


    I'm definitely going to try to lean into Strive as well. Always nice to get into a game on the ground floor. Trying to rebalance my hobby time to open up FG time again (ideally I want to get back to KI2013 as well).

  4. Yeah I heard/saw a lot of good results with the +R netcode which is something. Though from all I've heard Strive is it's own thing so no guarantees. 


    Likewise, no crossplay at launch and although they've mentioned that it may be forthcoming I'm definitely not holding my breath. And of course SF5 showed that crossplay can be a monkey's paw wish, though I think its better to have the option than not even if it is fuckin jank. 

  5. Beauty of how things work now is if you just keep your eyes open you'll be drowning in tech once Strive releases. Shit I saw a May combo compilation video this morning and the beta isn't technically out yet. Tech fiends will always provide.


    What's the platform distribution looking like around here? I'm debating PS4 for raw convenience but I sure wouldn't mind throwing this at my PC either as it'll run better there.

  6. 3 hours ago, Pair of Rooks said:

    I'm still stuck on finding a main in Strive.   Ky seems obvious but boring in a "just Ryu" kind of way. 


    I don't do freaks like Faust, Naggo and Milia seem difficult, Leo is a perfect storm of no. 


    Maybe the new Ramlethal?  I feel I know more about her than the rest of the cast cause of you guys, and it seems like most her playerbase is getting freed up due to the redesign. 



    I'm gonna use the redesign as a good reason to try her again. Tried Ram in Xrd but she wasn't my type of character. She seems like she may be more of a midfield brawler which is always my preferred starting place.


    If she doesn't work out, maybe May? Gonna need to watch more char preview vids tbh.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

    Good to see you back!


    From what i uunderstand, the beta is free for everyone. Pre-ordering it just gives you one day early access.

    Thanks for the reminder. I'm so used to betas as preorder incentives I forgot there was a free portion. 


    Definitely gotta set asife time for that.


    Also I guess I should make sure SFV updates. Even if the changes don't bring me back in it'll be good to play people here when I can. 

  8. Actual SFV news and more Strive footage have roused me from my FF14 and holiday induced torpor. Hope the holidays treated everyone well. 


    Vshift is neato. I'm personally more curious about what the rebalance does but if nothing else I appreciate them throwing something new into the mix (would have bet money the "new mechanic" was just a 2nd CA). 


    Seriously debating picking up Strive digitally this week to be able to play during the beta.  Regardless, game is looking good.

  9. The increased range is definitely nice but most of the Guile fight happens outside of that range. If you get in the pocket the LK Sunset seems good for keeping mixup pressure going but 95% of that fight is just getting into the pocket.


    FWIW my experience matches Darc and Illwill. Guile has all the tools to keep Laura at his ranges and hers don't do a lot to help her out. You need to make the most out of openings, bait reversals, and lean on VT1 to plow through rounds.


    Its very winnable but feels every bit like your classic grappler vs zoner fight. Maybe even more exaggerated. 

  10. 25 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

    Well, I’ve pretty much fully swapped to Mileena. I only use Kitana against bad matchups, and if you’re using Cassie, I’d probably stick to Mileena.


    With that said, I’m a hell of a lot better with Kitana than I am with Mileena... Mostly because I don’t have a versatile string like B231 to abuse lol

    Well we can get into the mind games of Cassie or Skarlet vs Mileena or Kitana.


    Or more likely I'll just keep picking whoever I end up feeling. Cassie is neat but I really enjoyed Skarlet the last time I took her out. I still could use a bit more variation customization with both.


    Regardless hopefully  in 2021 we can get the whole MS MK11 krew going.

  11. 6 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

    Damn, homie, I made one Dad joke and you're gonna put me on blast??!!! 

    I treat Fuerte like I treat someone with a zombie bite: 


    Zero tolerance. You can go out behind the shed or we can do it right here and now but you're getting blasted all the same.


    In fairness I may hate him less with a different implementation. 


    In non-fairness I'd rather not find out.

  12. Just now, Dayaan said:

    Makoto, but they'll bring her back as some deathly ghoul version of her past self. Seth is already in though. She'd be redundant. 

    I'd always thought Laura would have made Makoto feel redundant.


    But yeah there are some picks. Theoretically Fei Long is another one, but I fucking hate that character so I'm biased against him coming back. Anyone returning is a monkey's paw wish as you said.


    Honestly at this point just throw out more random characters to get them out there and try out some ideas before the next game.

    2 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

    Stop with the Shotos, man. 

    I like shotos, but SFV doesn't need a 14th shoto 

    Its doubly funny because Akuma mostly shit on anyone else in that archetype since S2 so all of them have been mostly redundant. Ho ho ho. (Late reply but you got it)


    Also shotos are like MK ninjas: you just kind of have to accept that a certain % of the cast is gonna be that.

  13. 7 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

    We still don't know who the last character will be. They still have a chance to make everyone happy.


    Well, not everyone. A lot of the FGC seems to survive off of saying everything but the one thing they like is shit. But outside of them, everyone will have a good time 

    FGC is like any other hobby: most people don't really poke their heads out of their corner of the world. I see it everywhere. Understandable due to the time sink just one game/char can demand but folks usually aren't mindful of what that does to one's perspective. 


    The last char for this SFV round is going to have the most impossible of impossible expectations built up by the time they are set to release.


    It should just be "Uyr", a bearded Ryu with better frame data and one costume option: a t-shirt with SFVI's release date on his back and an animated gif trailer perpetually playing on his chest.


    I feel like maybe they go for stunt casting with that last slot? They're already slightly doing it with Akira. And at this point there really aren't any "big" legacy characters to bring back (also who is left caring at this late point in the game's life, but that is probably just my perspective). 

  14. I think its probably the combination of "oh shit we need more content" scramble and Covid making Dan and whatever comes after him taking way longer in the oven than they anticipated. 


    Like you figure this whole thing was supposedly due to SF6 not being anywhere near ready. That's already a swerve. Then add in how hard this year has been on devs in general. Then add in that at this point the SFV support staff is probably like 4 employees and a hamster (server admin).


    Shit we had stuff delayed fairly often even during the heyday of this game with zero complicating factors. 


    I hope they release Dan in an AE Yun state just to drink in the chaos for a few months. They almost did it with Seth so I believe in the team.

  15. I like the Bob implementation of that character a lot more than the Rufus version. And Bob is a giant pile of nothing.


    I actually don't like most of IV's newcomers. Viper and Juri get a pass on waifu credentials. But even they don't quite feel right as SF additions to me. Not sure why that is. Maybe its just how much I don't like IV? Funny to think about.

  16. 13 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

    I agree design-wise, but i also know why Tubb likes 3S Chun, which is what i based my comment around. And no shade Tubb, those are similar reasons to why I love 3S Ken... low forward xx super all day.

    A big part of the fun with some older games is having sledgehammers like that. Modern balance/patching/lifecycles kinda makes that something that doesn't exist in the same way, if it even still does (depending on the game). 


    It feels real good to have a big "fuck you" button (whether that is literally a button or not) and with a little bit of time travel you can experience some great ones.

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