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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. 2 hours ago, Mattatsu said:

    Every Millia combo vIdeo I’ve seen is above my level so I figured out some easy stuff so I can at least focus on a clearer gameplan and stop mashing

    Good on you, stuff like this is in general a really good idea. Like yeah it may not be optimal but you also gotta learn to walk before you can run, and it can make it a lot easier when you feel like you have a baseline to work with that you actually have a grip on. I've been trying to do the same with the little I've played of Ram.


    Also cross posting this from SFV thread as its way more relevant here:


    "I did manage to get one match in. Purposefully went to the Japan lobby. Got my ass absolutely stomped - I have a long way to go in this game - but it was for science! 


    From Maryland to Japan I was able to play the full match (or whatever you call the mashing I did) with visible rollbacks here and there but way less than you'd think. Felt very playable. And that is probably the most extreme situation I can manufacture (maybe SE Asia?)


    Want to play more but gonna be on limited time today. Should have time tomorrow evening for sure."


    Addendum: movement is the main thing that is throwing me for a loop. I have zero experience actually playing GG (i.e. vs humans) that I feel like its going to take me awhile just to get used to how people move in this game and how I should be moving. I'm still super grounded and plodding I think by GG standards.


    3 hours ago, Mattatsu said:

    Lol, no worries

    So fun story (actually fun not ironic fun):


    Meeting my girlfriend (feels weird to say but I guess it's appropriate) for brunch today. She asks if it's cool if she swings by early so we can have sex beforehand. Of course I say yes. 


    Cut to this morning and I figured I'd have time to hop on and play until 10 or so. Apparently she had a more aggressive timeline in mind. 


    I did manage to get one match in. Purposefully went to the Japan lobby. Got my ass absolutely stomped - I have a long way to go in this game - but it was for science! 


    From Maryland to Japan I was able to play the full match (or whatever you call the mashing I did) with visible rollbacks here and there but way less than you'd think. Felt very playable. And that is probably the most extreme situation I can manufacture (maybe SE Asia?)


    Want to play more but gonna be on limited time today. Should have time tomorrow evening for sure. 

  3. It's definitely weird. I can kinda get used to it but if I had any GG muscle memory I'd be all out of sorts when it came to button routes.


    It also feels a bit weirder to figure out what you can get off of each hit. That may just be Ram and her goofy specials though.


    One thing that I oddly appreciate is how quickly this system pushes you into leveraging RCs. I always slacked on really messing with them in other GG games but in this one you kind of need them for any big cool combo stuff so no choice but to engage. 


    Ram is interesting. She has some big normals that she can convert off of from decent ish range (I guess, not really sure what anything equates to in this game). And although the game is built in such a way that you may not really be blendering people in the corner she seems really good at getting them there with her sword tosses. 


    Will need to mess around with it more and try against other humans. Even playing "offline" I got booted out due to server disconnects. ☹️ Only got to play for an hour or so.

  4. You'll definitely be fine with Milia. I think the only reason they have her flagged as difficult is because she's still built to run all her mixup stuff. A fresh out the gate player probably isn't going to pick up on that right away and may have a worse time with her as a result. I don't foresee you having many problems with that based on your experience.


    Fuck puppet chars Zato should have 0 stars

  5. 10 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


    It is more or less what i think happened too.

    The game feels like is under maintenance mode, and only doing new development when really needed.


    Maybe the upper side of capcom feels that the cost of improving the netcode is not worth when compared to any potential sales it could get, since most of the people asking for the improvement are enthusiasts and hardcore fans that are still playing the game.

    Yeah I think that 2nd thing has been the MO for awhile now. Hardcore SF fans are gonna keep playing regardless, and although thankfully this iteration of SF ended up doing pretty well sales wise (so it doesn't go back in the closet) franchises like MH and RE are the things that bring in the big bucks so are going to get the lion's share of dev time/attention. 


    In some ways the "kinda passable" nature of the SFV netcode hurt it the most I think. If it was straight fucked there would have been more of a stink earlier to fix it and maybe something would have happened. But it works just well enough just often enough that most players just grin and bear it. Sort of like if you have a car that is sort of a beater but mostly still works. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

    I won't be in till Saturday but I'll definitely be trying the strive beta out. The hardest part is deciding who to play.  Since i won't have much time I'm going to go with whoever's easiest to pick up and play.

    To Cipher's point: may want to start with Sol. He seems sort of Laura-y based on what I've seen. Plus he is pretty baseline as far as GG goes.

  7. Yeah the impression I always got from SFV was that it was a time and effort issue. I.e. they didn't have the time and didn't want to put in the effort (or couldn't). By and large any time they've gone under the hood to tweak the netcode for SFV they have always been minimal changes. 


    For MvCI I think it was more the case that they took whatever lessons they had from SFV and applied them, and got it right on that try. Which is good because that game was fated to not get a second chance if they had fucked it up. ☠️


    I think for SF6 we can and will see legit improvements to the netcode base. But it seems like if that was ever going to really happen for SFV that door has closed and they are in firm maintenance mode. I'd love for them to be wrong and drop a last minute legit upgrade in these final season updates. The more games that have functioning, robust online, the better.

  8. 2 hours ago, Mattatsu said:

    So, for non-pre-order, console peeps, it seems like we can’t actually download the open beta until it goes live to the public, which is supposed to be at 7pm PST tonight.


    I should be able to play in the evenings/nights this weekend.

    That's about the same timeline I'm on. Specific days may be a bit random but I want to try to hop on a couple of times while its up. 


    I'll also be on tonight but that may just end up being character scouting since I have something at 8.

  9. The lobby thing is weird. I get ASW likes to try to push lobby tech, which I appreciate. Gave us that neat arcade cab setup. But this new thing is awkward just from looking at it. Haven't even messed around with it yet but I've at least got to interact with it while the beta is up just to say I did. 


    Looking forward to playing but not that extra layer in the way.

  10. 1 minute ago, Flighflighflugit said:

    Definitely think it'll at least be best of 3. That would be my guess anyway. But they've been listening to the community for the most part so maybe they will surprise us

    Yeah that is the hope. Even SFV got its lobbies sorted out not too long after launch; anyone else remember those goofy ass 2 person lobbies? 

  11. While I would love to believe they left out instant rematch right now, history has shown (at least to me) that if it isn't in the game, the devs just didn't want to do it.


    For lobbies I'd imagine they want to force people back out to shit-pixel land to keep the whole lobby mixing more. Not a great reason, but I could see something like that being the reasoning.


    Hopefully they add it at some point in the future in some format. This game goes quick and you want to be able to get right the fuck back in there. 

  12. 37 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

    Anyone pre-download the GGST beta on PS4 that didn’t pre-order? I can’t find it

    I had to use the mobile PSN site just to find it and add it to library, even with pre-order. Spent 5-10 minutes poking around in the PS4 interface and didn't find squat.


    Still haven't downloaded it but its in the library so I should be able to download it today and mess around a bit. 

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