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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. @misterBee GGs man, sorry we got such a late start. I got sort of lost in training mode for a minute (its really fun to try to figure out team combos turns out) and being befuddled by not being able to player invite to a room.


    Game is fun! Connection actually reminded me of P4A: little hiccup at the start every once in awhile but the matches ran smooth after that. Definitely looking forward to playing more.

  2. 4 minutes ago, misterBee said:

    Sounds good!  You got a better way to message ppl besides PSN or forum PMs?  Maybe Whatsapp or something like that?  Last few times I almost missed your messages -- lucky I checked my e-mail in time.

    I'm up for using something like that. I already have discord so maybe we could make an srk2 server or something like that for game coordination.


    That said I don't have a preference on anything. If there is something that you've found works well I'm all for using that. Just let me know.

  3. Yeah it actually threw me because it is easier than I expected. I figured that it would be similar to P4A or DBFZ where you'd want to use part of the auto-combo string to get the combo started then continue from there, but since the auto combos are the only real way you're going to get chains you use them more than I thought you would. Its much closer to P4A (or at least my experience with Kanji in that) which is sort of nice.


    I'm definitely up for trying to get some games in today. Sort of depends on how much time I get between work and class in the evening but I'll hit you up if I have enough time to run some sets.


    If not today, definitely soon. I'm interested to see how the online holds up; the beta worked really well for me so hopefully that is still the case.

  4. I tried to escape from crossing fate, but was unable to. 👹


    Game definitely seems neat with more time in on it. I figured it had some hope mechanically when DevilJin was willing to buy in.


    Playing Kanji + x to start. It feels good to play Kanji again even if he is pretty heavily remixed from P4AU (not like everyone isn't heavily remixed for this game). Right now I have Es riding shotgun since she a) has a big sword, b) has big boobs, and c) has some good projectiles so she seems like a good compliment. 


    There are some things that are definitely throwing me off. I keep trying to dash by double tapping, and the fact that you can't super cancel outside of Resonance confused me at first. Also trying to get a sense of what to do for combo construction since you don't really have normals to work with; seems to be more about stringing together the autocombo components, specials, and assists. Even with not knowing much I was able to string together what seem like some decent combos (hitting around the 7k range).


    Definitely looking forward to playing more. Gonna try to split time between SFV and this tonight after work. 

  5. I definitely winced when I saw Idom v Brick. The Gief match up sucks. Doable but Brick is also not the type of player that is gonna make it any easier.


    Glad Idom made it as far as he did though. I really like him and Strider, and Idom seems to be doing the best this season. I hope he can keep going to big events but he doesn't seem to be able to travel much.


    Bonita life is hard living. Thankfully there are some nice looking cosplayers out there supporting the effort. 😉

  6. Online in this game is a motherfucker. 


    I think one of the biggest challenges in these ranks is that you still run into plenty of crazy, which can be a pain to deal with, or what I call canned crazy: they start out normal-ish but go fucking bananas if they lose a round. It makes it hard to stay consistent which also results in a lot of yo-yoing in the ranks.


    I'm still trying to clean my game up enough to where I can at least hang in Gold, let alone start the crawl upward. Takes a lot of work to get to 50% win rate, let alone above it.

  7. Sure the fuck ain't.


    The Mika section is just a bunch of C&P Hyde stuff with lots of holes and no combo/tactical info. 😭


    But in this modern age I'm always grateful to find anything that isn't just a bunch of pointers to discord. Nothing against discord but I can't browse that shit at work. 😛

  8. 29 minutes ago, misterBee said:

    Did you play the Persona fighting games?  I'll play with you.

    Oh yeah. I loved the hell out of P4A/U. It was the first fighting game I really played online and subsequently got spoiled by the netcode. I eagerly await a P5A. 😀


    I figure Cross Tag will be a decent way to still play Kanji/whoever and the demo was fun enough to play that I could see putting time into it.

  9. I was doing so well.


    Then I heard the Persona music when I was playing the demo.


    And I knew I was doomed. ☠️


    I definitely want to pick up 30th at some point. I want to try 3S now that I understand a bit more about SF and FGs in general. I'm sure I'll get murdered but it should be fun.

  10. Like I've been having an easy time of things so far. 🙃


    I figured you were sticking with Akatsuki since you kicked my ass with him the most. He seems really well rounded and a right fucker when he needs to be. I also appreciate him being a weirdo crossover character.

  11. I'm holding off for a bit. I'm likely to go full weeb and buy Cross Tag next week, and early reports of the 30th Anniversary are that it does none too well online. Given Capcom's shitty netcode history and my recent SFV experiences (I legit think its getting worse over time) I'm gonna give that one some time to settle before I buy in. 🙂

  12. As promised, some more fleshed out thoughts on the new chars:


    - Seth: Easily the weirdest of the bunch mechanically but also oddly straightforward. He has a lot of interesting movement - Naruto run, dive kick, his backdash is actually more of a full on handspring to backflip that gets him air - and his specials make some sense out of the gate. Where he gets weird is that he has relatively short reach for this game and none of his specials seem particularly powerful on their own. Having been on the receiving end of a good Seth he is all about using that mobility combined with the built-in game mobility to come at you from all kinds of angles with weird pressure. Seems like a lot of fun but definitely not a pick up and play character.


    - Carmine: This guy on the other hand was pretty easy to get a really basic handle on. Good/great normals, relatively straightforward specials, and his blood gimmick wasn't too hard to figure out once I started looking for it. The fact that he bleeds himself to get his awesome pressure is something to get used to, and I kept using the wrong version of his set up projectile (which makes it sort of not work at all and get him bopped) but those things aside he seems like a strong character.


    - Byakuya: I expected this guy to be weird, and he was, but not nearly as weird as he turned out to be. I actually expected him to play like Seth: do a lot of set up stuff and come at you from weird angles and with hard to read pressure. Y'know, like a spider. He may or may not be able to do that (I'm a noob) but what Byakua damn sure can do is control the screen with his webs and normals and convert into pretty straightforward damage with his rekka specials. So still a little weird but mostly in the usual anime.


    Out of the three I could see playing any of them more, but Byakuya and Carmine of course made the best first impression. Seth I think is one of those characters where you need to take them into training mode just to figure out what the hell he does. Sort of like Yuzuriha but I think still more generally accessible.


    Not like I have the time though. Mika and Nanase continue to be great and if I get the time I'm gonna work more on them before fucking around too much with anyone else.

  13. Quick online report: went even over 12 sets last night. Not as many Gold wins as I’d like but I can see things I can work on and practice against to help me out in similar situations in the future. Plus I still have plenty of general clean up to do; I still have bad button habits, or miss stuff that I shouldn’t be at this point.


    Still fighting the good fight and trying to move forward. I think things are slowly improving so hopefully I can turn that into some upward momentum at some point. Gonna try to keep at it this week and get time in this weekend, but we’re 99% likely to be getting a dog on Friday so that may throw things off a bit.


    Apologies for this one not being as :tldr: as previous ones. I promise to make it up with the next report. 😉

  14. 1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    @GetTheTables  You may appreciate this one. All I have to say is "BANG!"


    Name: Sigmund Wimmer

      Hide contents

    Nickname: The Red Emperor (Der Rote Kaiser)

    Sex: Male

    Ethnicity: Austrian

    Height: 6'4”(1.93m)

    Weight: 252lbs (114kg)

    B/W/H: 49-37-40 (124cm-94cm-102cm)

    Hometown: Graz, Austria


    Appearance: Sigmund is tall with an athletic build. He has short red slicked back hair with a tuft of red hair on his chin. His eyes are light blue. Sigmund wheres a golden headband that resembles a crown. He is shirtless and has red elbow pads on each arm. Around his waist is a black leather weight belt with golden trim. Sigmund has white tights and red calf length wrestling boots.


    Likes: Farahilde, Weissbier (Wheat Beer), Cross Training, Humor

    Dislikes: Overly Serious People, Wine

    Fighting Style: Pro Wrestling


    Tone: Sigmund is an exuberant young man. He jovial demeanor fools people into thinking he doesn't take his craft seriously. That is not the case.


    Origins: The youngest son wine magnate Franz Wimmer, Sigmund has always been the black sheep of the family. While his family was all about high society, he preferred to hangout with their butler and maid's children Ludolf and Farahilde. His older siblings, Amadeus and Astrid, frowned upon his behavior. “It's not fitting of a Wimmer” but Sigmund didn't care. In an effort to get closer to his son, Franz took Sigmund, Ludolf, and Farahilde with he on a business trip to the UK. During the trip, Sigmund saw a poster “Mike Haggar vs Titantic Tim! One night only!” Sigmund begged his father to take him to the event. Despite his misgivings, Franz took Sigmund and the other children to the event. Franz would live to regret this decision. From that point on, young Sigmund became obsessed with professional wrestling. He'd often come home to find Sigmund and Ludolf reenacting their favorite matches. Even Farahilde got in on the act. As he grew up Sigmund continued to enjoy wrestling and his father tolerated it as long as he excelled in his studies. Upon graduating university, Sigmund was expected to take his place in the family winery business. He declined. Sigmund was going to be the best professional wrestler in the world. Infuriated, his father cut him off financially. Figuring this would force Sigmund to abandon his “foolish” hobby and join the family business. Unfortunately for Franz, Sigmund had been planning this for ages. He'd been saving his money since he was a teenager. Spending most of his time with Ludolf and Farahilde growing up, Sigmund was more comfortable with a “meager” lifestyle. Sigmund and his two closest friends would get a place together and achieve their dream together.


    Rival: Zangief

    Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 4 Mobility: 3 Technique: 5

    1000 Stamina 1000 Stun




    Zurückbrecher (Back Breaker) - LP+LK: Sigmund grabs his foe and hits them with a Tilt A Whirl Back breaker.


    Gesichtsbrecher (Face Breaker) -LP+LK: (Crouching Opponent) Sigmund picks up his crouching opponent by the head and plants them face first into the ground with a Sitout Facebuster


    Halsbrecher (Neck Breaker)-B+LP+LK: Sigmund grabs his opponent head, spins behind him, and hits them with a reverse neck breaker.


    Bulldogge (Bulldog) - B+LP+LK: (Crouching Opponent) Sigmund grabs his crouching opponents head, jumps backwards, and plants them face first into the ground with one handed bulldog.


    Macht Zuschlagen(Power Slam) - LP+LK (In Air): Sigmund catches his opponent mid air and spins 270° as he slams them into the ground.


    Das Ende (The End) - B+LP+LK (In Air): Sigmund snatches his opponent out of the air and drives them head first into the ground with a DDT.


    Unique Attacks:


    Karmesin Schlegel (Crimson Maul) - F+MP: (Overhead) Sigmund clasps his hands together pulls them back behind his head and slams them down on his opponent. Attack be charged. Charging the attack increases the startup time but increases the advantage on hit. Uncharged (+1 on hit, - 6 on block) Charged (+4 on hit, -2 on block)


    Rotwein Keule (Claret Mace) – F+HP: Sigmund leaps forward and strikes his foe with a Superman Punch.


    Cerise Degen (Cerise Epee) - F+MK: Sigmund floors his opponent with a standing single leg drop kick to the head


    Kardinal Hellebarde (Cardinal Halberd )- F+HK: Sigmund hits his opponent under their chin with a vicious super kick.




    Rot Hammer (Red Hammer) – F+KKK: Sigmund knock his opponent down with a dropsault. (Drop Kick into a somersault)




    Amboss Krachen (Anvil Crash) – MP+MK: (Hit Grab) Sigmund grabs his foe, picks them up, and slams their groin down onto his knee, stunning them and allowing him to combo into his grab and command grabs. 6F Startup, -7 on Block (Reverse Atomic Drop)


    V-Trigger 1:


    Kontern Kutter (Counter Cutter) – HP+HK: After activating this V-Trigger, Sigmund gains an additional way to land his signature move the Korundschneider . This variation of the technique is a counter grab.

    • Hoher Kontern Kutter (High Counter Cutter) - B+HP+HK: Sigmund intercepts his foes aerial attack, catching them out of the air and planted them face first with a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter). 195 Damage/260 Stun
    • Kontern Kutter (Counter Cutter) -HP+HK: Sigmund deflects his opponents high/mid attack and quick hits them with a a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter). 180 Damage/210 Stun
    • Neidriger Kontern Kutter (Low Counter Cutter)- D+HP+HK: Sigmund block his foes attack, hits them with a knee lift that causes them to stand, and plants them face first into the ground with a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter). 195 Damage/260 Stun
    • Luftig Kontern Kutter(Aerial Counter Cutter) – HP+HK: Sigmund parries his foes attack, grabs them mid air, spins 180° around their torso and plants them face first into the ground with a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter).160 Damge/200 Stun

    Whiffed attempts leave Sigmund vulnerable to a crush counter. Sigmund has two Kontern Kutter's per V-Trigger2-Bar V-Trigger


    V-Trigger 2:


    Kaiser Stärke (Emperor's Strength) – HP+HK: Sigmund “hulks up” and becomes surrounded by a regal red aura. His stamina and stun defense is increased by 25%. 2-Bar V-Trigger Permanent




    Korund Kutter (Corundum Cutter) – 360°+P: (Command Grab) Sigmund grabs his opponent, puts them in a fireman's carry position, jumps into the air, spins his opponent 180° off his shoulder, and plants them face first into the ground with a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter). All versions start up in 5F. Punch button determines the damage and grab range. LP (Least Damage, Most Range, +0 On hit), MP(More Damage, Less Range, +4 On Hit), HP(Most Damage, Least Range, +2 On Hit) EX(Throw Invincible 1-5F, Most Damage, Most Range, +4 On Hit)


    Rubin Kutter (Ruby Cutter) - F,D,DF+P: (Anti Air Command Grab) Sigmund jumps up into the air, grabs his opponent, and plants them face first into the ground with a ¾ face lock front bulldog. Command Grab becomes active on frame 6.(Diamond Cutter). Punch button determines ascent angle. LP (Straight Up, Anti Cross Up), MP(60° Angle), HP(45° Angle), EX(Fully Invincible to Airborne Attacks on Frame 1, LP+MP Straight Up, LP+HP 60° Angle, MP+HP 45° Angle)


    Rhodonit Kutter (Rhodonite Cutter) – 360°+K: (Dashing Command Grab) Sigmund charges towards his opponent, grabs them, spins 180° around their torso and plants them face first into the ground with a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter). Kick button determines the distance traveled. LK (¼ Screen) MK (½ Screen), HK (¾ Screen) EX(Grains armor on Frame 3, ¾ Screen).


    Granat Kutter (Garnet Cutter) – F,D,DF+K: (Jumping Command Grab) Sigmund jumps at his opponent, lands on their shoulders, performs a handstand, and spins into a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter). Causes a side switch. Kick button determines the distance of the jump. LK (¼ Screen) MK (½ Screen), HK (¾ Screen) EX (Projectile Invincible, “Back during startup”¼ Screen, “Neutral during startup ½ Screen, ¾ Screen “Forward during startup”)


    Critical Art:


    Zyklon Juwel Kutter (Cyclone Gem Kutter) – 360°x2+P: Sigmund grabs his opponent, puts them in a fireman's carry position, spins rapidly as he rises high into the air, descends at a breakneck speed while still rotating rapidly, and just before impact he spins his opponent 180° off his shoulder planting them face first into the ground with a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter). 1Hit 350 damage


    Reasons to be SFV:

    After making a name for himself in the regional circuit, Sigmund seeks to make it on the grand stage. The world tournament will give him the exposure he needs to finally get the call up the big leagues. The CWA! He'll show the the world that you never know where a Kutter will come from.


    Victory Quotes:


    Ryu: “Never expected a little man to hit so hard. This was fun!”

    Chun Li: “They don't have police officers that look like you were I'm from. Umm...I'm not under arrest am I!?”

    Nash: “Nice gimmick. You'd make a great heel. Have you ever thought about professional wrestling?”

    M.Bison: “Look buddy, I'm all for fun and games, but you take things to far.”

    Cammy: “Wow your fast. You really dart all over the place, I think I'll call you 'Rikoschettieren'(Ricochet).”

    Birdie: “You are pretty strong and fast for a guy so out of shape. I'll give you personal trainer's card. I think you have championship potential”

    Ken: “Fire without pyrotechnics!? Man there are really cool guys at this tournament”

    Necalli: “You some sort of cannibal or something? What a lunatic!”

    Vega: “Claws? Really man. Is this a hardcore rules match!?”

    R.Mika: “When I heard my opponent was named Meike* (Mika), I thought you'd be from back home. I would have invited Farahilde if I knew this was going to be tag match”

    Rashid: “No way, Azam is your butler!? That guy is legend, you think he'd be willing to train with me?”

    Karin: “Okay, I won. That means I get a sponsorship now...right?”

    Zangief: “Mr. Zangief, it's been a great honor to wrestle with you. You look so fearsome. I never expected you to be such a nice guy ”

    Laura: “Train at your school? Sure why not, I'm always looking to learn more moves”

    Dhalsim: “Okay, you are going to have to show me how you do that. That stretchy limb thing you do would go over big with the fans.”

    F.A.N.G.: “Not sure what your deal is man. Also why are you so focused on being number 2? You should never settle for second best.”

    Alex: “I like your style man. Stadium, main event, you versus me. What do you say?”

    Guile: “How do you get your hair stand up like that? Does your military allow that?”

    Ibuki: “Sorry you are cute and all, but I'm taken.”

    Balrog: ”Are you using loaded gloves? You hit like a panzer.”

    Juri: “I like the aggressive type, but 'no means no' lady. You're borderline homicidal....”

    Urien: “How does your ego fit in your head? You are strong but your personality stinks”

    Akuma: “I need to step up my workout routine. I have 25 kilos on you. How do you hit harder than I do?”

    Kolin: ”Hmmm.....your religious zealot gimmick is good heel material. What do you mean it's not a gimmick?”

    Ed: “Your uniform is...uh interesting. Ed, you seem like a fellow with good intentions. Your look should reflect that ”

    Abigail:”Heiliger Strohsack! Ich glaub mich knutscht ein Elch! (Holy Smokes! I don't believe it!) How are you so big!?”

    Menat: “Fortune Teller? That's a bit corny. That persona will never get you over.”

    Zeku: “Can't figure it out, where is your tag team partner coming from? You are the same guy!? No way!”

    Sakura: “My trainer taught me to never judge and opponent by their size. Sakura, you punch well above your weight.”

    Blanka: “Mist! (Damn!). That's a cool costume. Who's your seamstress? This is really you!?.”

    Falke: “Entspann dich! (Lighten up1), training seriously doesn't mean you can't have fun.“



    *Meike pronounced (Me-ka) is German/Austrian girls name.

    Sigmund's unique attacks all have a variation of Red in their names. They are also named for weapons.

    Sigmunds special attacks all have a red gemstone in their name.

    Farahilde, the daughter of his family butler and maid, is his girlfriend and a fellow wrestler.

    Ludolf, Farahilde's brother, is his best friend and manager.

    Sigmund's ability to land his finishing “Kutter” technique from seemingly anywhere has gained him great popularity in a short time.


    You had me at Diamond Cutter.

  15. GGs! Was very fun. 😄 That last set was a great close out one. I was happy to be able to keep it that close with Nana.


    I need to practice more myself so I can keep up. This game is fun but fucking rough sometimes. I did feel like I learned some good things this time through though. Hopefully I can remember them so I don't have to re-learn the hard way. 😉


    I've never played Seth, Carmine, or Byakuya before tonight. More detailed thoughts on them later but they all seemed cool and varying degrees of weird.

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