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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. The Ed and FANG VReversal nerfs are weird ones. They aren't at all popular characters (I saw a good number of Eds as Ken replacements online but I rarely see them in competition). 


    Myguess is that Capcom doesn't want these kinds of VReversals to be particularly strong but that sucks for those that have them. And didn't they buff Nash's similar style one back up (admittedly after nerfing it pretty hard)?

  2. He legit might. Honestly at this point after sticking with her for so much even if he didn't Mika is probably so ingrained into him that he's probably grown to like it quite a bit.


    I was sort of suprised to see him still playing her after what he said for the 3.5 patch but either he isn't ready to full switch yet or maybe he took a crack at it and decided it wasn't actually worth it.


    Either way it was good to see him and Luffy sticking with her at least for the time being. Mika gets pretty scarce in pro events.

  3. Fuudo is gonna get a custom Mika costume that is a bridesmaid dress.


    I love watching Fuudo play but the longer SFV goes on the more I sort of wish he'd pick a character with a good neutral game. The way he plays is off the charts and I don't think Mika rewards it specifically. If he had someone that was a better match he could be real bastard.

  4. 23 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Yeah I saw Vesper play the soldier straight up on stream. He actually lost the first time. This soldier has an invincible reversal. I wish I had the patience to Bronze Rashid my way through Hard, Extreme Survival.

    So on PS4 the only 4 trophies I don't have for this game are: 300 ranked wins, however many CA KOs, and clear Hard and Extreme Survival. There is a small, stupid part of me that wants to clear Hard and Extreme Survival just so I can eventually Platinum the game.


    But then I remember how slow and boring the damn mode is and how much it sucks to die near the end.

  5. I'd totally believe that it will be only really used in specials and maybe VSkill stuff. The rest of her kit could easily be normals with kicks, punches, and stick hits. I'm not sure they want to introduce another space control character when everyone is already burning Menat effigies.


    For as much potential as VTriggers had to really shake up characters they're usually pretty mundane installs or a low-rent super. I predict one will make her staff glow green and give her some damage bonus and the other will do a one-off attack that isn't so great and thus gets ditched almost immediately by the player base.

  6. 27 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Falke has a retractable to bo staff. As much as I'm not a fan of weapon users, this means she is going to have an interesting style. For all their fucks ups, Capcom has done a pretty good with the character additions. I did not expect to play Kolin so much.

    I actually really like almost all of the new chars Capcom has introduced in SFV. Even if I don't want to play them or sometimes hate fighting against them. S2 will probably always be my favorite one (barring an upcoming season adding like Viper and Poison in one go) due to the 5 new (to SF) faces being great additions.  Again give or take the actual mechanical implementation of those characters since Capcom's balancing is so-so.

  7. Whenever I can. 😄


    The hard part is that I barely have time to keep up with another game on top of SFV (though its getting better as I get more comfortable with SFV). So I feel like I need to choose between Rev 2 and UNIEL. Sophie's Anime Choice if you will.


    I'm really drawn to UNIEL so I'm willing to throw that time into it just to see how well it holds up to my initial excitement.


    I have a decent chunk of free time Friday evening and Saturday around the day and I'm looking to plug fighting gamez in there. I'll fire up UNIEL and start trying to actually learn something and if you or anyone else may be around then we can see how the netcode in it holds up.

  8. So I know there are like 3 people on this board that even own this game, myself included, but it continues to impress the hell out of me. I figure it at least deserves a thread of its own just remind people that it exists. I expect this thread to be about as active as it is online. 😉


    Watching Anime Ascension Top 8 for this game and the first match is an angel girl with crystals and lasers fighting some nerd that summons a wolf-lizard monster. Love the character designs and the flow of the game.


    I still haven't put much time into it but damn would I like to. If anyone ever wants to get games in, feel free to hit me up. 

  9. I think Falke will be pretty distinct. She's supposedly from the clone project that gave us Ed not the Dolls, but I'm going off what others have said (my SF lore knowledge ends at SF Alpha endings and the Van Damme movie).


    Regardless, she has some kind of stick (maybe a jingu bang kind of thing but maybe just a stick), is dressed like Ed and seems to be part of his new regime-thing, so I think she's more likely to be her own character than a Decapre.


    We should know something more concrete soon. "Soon".

  10. I think SFV's character release schedule ends up so wacky because a) software development is tricky so shit moves around all the time, and b) they don't have the resources to counter-balance when stuff slips. I think they have the best of intentions but then the natural entropy of software development kicks in and wait why are all our team members pulled in to make MHW DLC fuuuuuuuck.


    I also think this is why they're more tight lipped. Can't miss dates you don't announce.


    Sagat will release on 12/25/2018 because it is the (re)birth of our lord and savior. 



    I don't personally give a fuck about Sagat himself but I know he's a big pull for some. Hopefully he makes the SFV hop in good form.


  11. Yeah Capcom just sucks at maintaining a schedule. Even when they were openly advertising a 1 char/2 month schedule they couldn't keep up with that. I was shocked enough when Blanka showed up so close after Sakura and I think the fact that both characters were initially received poorly in terms of balance maybe caused them to pump the brakes a bit. No point in getting all the chars out in 6 months if they're DOA. I'll call that the Zeku Corollary.


    I am vaguely interested in Falke and G whenever he shows up but I'm saving up all the room in my heart for when Viper burn kicks her way back onto the scene.

  12. BB is weird to me. Its close enough to GG that I feel like I should like it but every time I play it I end up not liking the way the game actually plays out.


    The last time Misterbee and I played the lobby filled up pretty quick and stayed full or close to it the whole time, but that was on PS4. 


    Also it looks like I'll have some extra time for gaming this week so hopefully we can get some GG going again.

  13. What I think is interesting is that I'm not sure how much more we'll necessarily see of Mikas or Alexes because even with them being better overall they still have the same problems that SFV grapplers have and some of the best characters right now still give them plenty of grief. What will be good is if the buffs keep players of those chars from dropping them through the rest of the season. I think we're already seeing some of that as Luffy hasn't jumped the Mika ship yet despite thinking about it pretty hard at the start of the season (based on what I saw him saying in the discord).


    I'm hearing that Zeku is better but still has flaws that will keep him from going crazy, but I certainly don't know enough to say for myself how good he is overall in 3.5. At this point it'd be cool to see even one consistent rep for him in CPT.

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