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Posts posted by GetTheTables

  1. First off: I never saw the cosplay in the initial post. Damn fine.


    I'd be surprised if they changed Ivy much. Her whole two stances/whip sword thing is her jam. They may mechanically make her easier/more streamlined but that is the way the winds are blowing nowadays anyways (though Namco is still making "fuck you get good" games like Tekken 7).


    I would love to see Setsuka come back. Her move set was rad as hell and she got shafted in terms of representation. Fuck every version of Sophie's children.

  2. I think characters are part of it but a lot of people also identify with brands. They know SF and they know they "like" SF, so they'll play whatever SF is out there even if they hate SFV as an example. 


    I get some of the loyalty because for awhile some of Capcom's franchises were the only/biggest representatives of that style. So if you liked team fighters you didn't have much else other than MvC2. And they had some of the most well known 2D fighters for a significant span.


    I do agree that nowadays I think people should be more open to other options. Capcom used to have the market cornered with their own options; nowadays I think we have just as rich a suite of options but now its from different companies. Especially in a world where so many people have issues with SFV but something like UNIELst (which is surprisingly close despite it being an anime style game) is right over there languishing in relative poverty.


    I've always played whatever caught my eye though (which for a long time was "anything labeled a fighting game) so I've never been one to stick with any company just because.

  3. Yeah you can tell that they are different divisions. I feel like one of the hard things right now for Capcom FG fans is that Capcom FGs haven't been pulling in the bucks for awhile now so I'm guessing that those brave souls have to make due with whatever leftover yen they get after the executives come back from drinking. And due to the nature of the genre, barring some kind of big crazy franchise score like DBFZ (or maybe even French Bread's rumored JoJo game) that division is always going to play second fiddle.


    One of the reasons a Capcom vs Capcom is our best bet for another proper Vs game though. At least then its all in-house. Though I could also see another Capcom vs. SNK working out if SNK stays in the game for a bit.

  4. For as much as I've found that I love my animu games, like a lot of people who have stuck with the company Capcom has a special place in my heart. I remember the awesome days of going into the arcade and seeing some crazy new shit that Capcom came out with, or reading about cool games I may never play in magazines, or their PS1 era experiments. 


    All that said, Capcom is one of those companies that loves to trip over their own dick. I think part of that is that last generation was supposed to be really rough for a lot of Japanese devs, and I think this gen is seeing them trying to right the ship from that. So I see stuff from them that shows that they care about their legacy and their properties - RE7, some stuff in SFV - and stuff that I don't - MvCI, some stuff in SFV. I think with the success of RE7, the awesome success of MHW, and what I'm assuming is the continued success of SFV (since they keep pumping resources into it) hopefully they can build up enough momentum that we can see some of those cool ideas again.


    Capcom vs. Capcom could be amazing but we also need it to be made by a Capcom that has enough of a war chest and enough confidence to be able to make it without having to bend over backwards to a bunch of market concerns. I don't think you can get around some stuff in the current development environment (DLC, season passes, pre-order incentives) but no one wants a Capcom vs. Capcom to happen only for it to be a clusterfuck of DLC gated content and nickel and diming (sort of what happened to SFxT).

  5. Learning a new character can be rough that way. Every time I switch chars I always end up hitting the other character's buttons in the wrong "right" situations. Really fun with AAs. Also for the last few matches I totally forgot that they changed Menat's inputs on some of her specials. That was a fun thing to figure out. :smile:

  6. Namco seems to have discovered the Smash phenomenon of adding a character from another thing makes fans of that thing likely to buy your game because video game fans usually have poor impulse control. 


    I will be massively shocked if Taki doesn't show up. She has always seemed to be a popular character and dear lord her character design and "costume" make her perfect for the modern FG waifu culture. Not like she doesn't already have a spot there, but c'mon who doesn't want to see a current gen Taki?

  7. 4 hours ago, misterBee said:

    Give up on SFV and its dumb grapplers.


    There is only one (low-tier) grappler you need:



    ArcSys makes the best grapplers. Potemkin is like Gief on crack and Kanji is some of the most fun I've ever had playing a fighting game. Unfortunately for the grapplers ArcSys also makes beastly other archetypes of characters so it's a simlar struggle in their games as it is in SFV, just faster and with more mobility.

  8. If its anything like the beta the game is mad janky. It feels like an indie fighter, if that makes sense. The upside seems to be that if you were a big fan of the SF EX games its pretty faithful to how those played. Or so I'm told.


    I disliked the SF EX games and did not like the demo so I'm tapping out of this one. However I like the character designs and I hope the game sells well enough that they can support it past launch. Give people some more of the chars they want over time.

  9. Not that it is any excuse, but Capcom has a long history of fucked up balance cycles. SFV is sort of tame by comparison to some previous game cycles so far as I can tell but it is still absolutely Capcom balancing at work.


    After the patch I am still sort of stuck between characters. The funny part is that it doesn't matter who I pick, they all lose to Guile, Cammy, and Menat who sure as fuck aren't going anywhere. :smirk:

  10. 16 minutes ago, Neclord said:


    Yea it definitely looks like fun. Unfortunately most pro Laura players think VT2 is useless. But we'll see what people can do with it after the patch. ;)


    I read that 801 Strider will probably drop Laura for Kolin. I don't and I can't judge him as someone, who played less than 1000 matches and never went to tournaments. Fuudo might drop Mika as well.

    For me the changes don't really matter. I played Laura in S1, where she was considered a bottom 3 character and still had fun with her. Because using a "better" character won't change anything, if you still have major flaws in your gameplay imo.


    The only thing which could be problematic right now are the Cammy buffs imo. Not from a player perspective (because as I said, I lack experience to judge about their balance decisions), but as a viewer it could get pretty boring if you buff a character who had the most representation in top 64 of the last few tournaments.


    I don't see it as problematic with Menat. QoL changes are nice and could mean more people pick her up now but she is still hard to learn and Du's impressive pocket Cammy showed that her amazing walkspeed counters Menat very well.


    Also the Pro Tour already started. Most pro players probably want to have someone as a pocket character who is quite easy to learn so I could see a lot of them having a pocket Cammy for some matchups.  Menat requires more time to be tournament ready.

    Yeah I read the same thing about 801 Strider. I'm not sure how much I buy that specific change but I can see him definitely jumping ship. Same with Fuudo. I said it in SRK1, but it just doesn't make sense to try to play through the really irritating match ups in this game at a competitive level when you can just pick another character. Like you and I probably hate the Guile MU with Laura/Mika. How much more fun is that when you're fighting NuckleDu or Daigo's Guile? Looks goddamn miserable.


    The question then becomes do you play a pocket char for those MUs. And if that number of MUs gets too big, or if the pocket char ends up having a better MU spread overall, why not just make the pocket your main? Aside from just really liking a given character, which does count for something, why do that to yourself when you're trying to do well so you can get paid and stay sponsored?


    I agree that we are way more likely to see a rise in Cammy compared to Menat. Cammy has much better aggressive and defensive tools while still being able to control space really well with her normals. Not as well as Menat, but she also isn't as vulnerable to jump ins while poking and she has way better defensive options available to her. And Cammy is going to be way easier to pick up and maintain as a side character than Menat.

  11. 37 minutes ago, mykka said:

    I still enjoy Mika even if she aint half as strong as season 1. I just like her playstyle enough to keep her around 

    The fucked up part is that even if she isn't half as good as S1 Mika she's still probably in the best place she's been since then.


    Of all the grapplers she is either arguably the best or second best depending on if you lump Abigail in that category (I personally don't but I know that plenty do). I would have said that her and Laura are neck and neck up until 3.5 and they may still be, but you could also make the case that she edges her out in just enough areas now to be the queen of the ring.


    That is one of the main reasons I keep debating who I'm really going to focus on. It's not really a power concern - if I was concerned about that I'd have switched to Menat full time - it's that when I started I really wanted to play Mika but that was mostly at the start of S2, when things were the most bleak for her.


    I ended up going with Laura because she was close in style and overall better so I figured I couldn't blame the character for me scrubbing it up. But now after playing her as much as I have I really like her too. And I feel sort of like a lame ass switching off of her just when others are because she "sucks" now (although I'm assuming all of them are jumping ship to other power chars).


    I continue to have the dumbest character crisis. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Neclord said:

    Laura seems slightly buffed. Might try out her VT2 now (haven't messed around with it at all).

    Mika about the same I guess, but more dmg on command throw is not really something she needs imo.

    Biggest buff for these two are probably the Abigail and Rashid nerfs.


    And I think I might drop Chun and Juri as side bae's and pick up Menat as third character. Because her QoL changes is exactly the stuff I need to not fuck up her v-trigger combo on P2 side. This should really help me out and I could use a heavy zoner to complement my two grappling ladies.

    Laura VT2 is fun. I've broken it out now and again and I've always thought it had some applicability in certain match ups just because it gives her something resembling a reversal option. 


    My biggest gripe with VT2 with her is how slow everything on it ends up being. Dodging anything that doesn't have a lot of lead up (slow attacks, jump ins) is tricky and its hard to react dodge fireballs. It may be better with the dodge not actually taking VT timer, and maybe its just something I'd need to practice more. I do like it for being a 2 bar if nothing else. 


    The real question at this point is that if there will be any Laura players left to discover tech. :wink: I've seen a lot of life rafts departing the Laura discord.

  13. 9 minutes ago, TWINBLADES_SRK said:

    Kolin got some nerfs but most people would call those “normalization’s”. She’s not ruined or anything but I would have taken a 3 bar VT over her Vanity eating more gauge. 

    Yeah I was surprised to see them take the route of faster burn instead of bumping up the bars. But they also don't seem to like to bump the bars on VTs up and even then they usually do extra fiddling with it (like what they did with Laura VT1) so maybe they just didn't want to fuss with it.


    Fun part about Kolin patch notes for me is that I don't know what any of her million moves are named so my eyes always start to glaze over when I try to re-read them.

  14. 4 minutes ago, mykka said:

    Karin on the other hand is going the opposite way. Some unecessary nerfs imo

    Yeah I'm not super familiar with Karin so I don't really understand the changes well but its felt like Capcom has been trying to shift her playstyle since the start of S3 and this is another round of that.


    Or they're just trying to make sure that Punk never rises again. :tongue:

  15. 39 minutes ago, Bea_Iank said:

    Depending on how bad the CC scaling is, things will look even grim for Gief.

    CCs were your way to land in big damage that would make your opponent reconsider their life choices.

    To "compensate" for that, Gief can now cancel an attack that requires you to jump neutral and has 8 frames of start up... :anguished:


    I really have to work hard on Sakura now.

    My gut guess is that they'll do what they did with VT cancels and just make CCs count at 2 hits for scaling. So combos will do 10% or so less. I think in Gief's case this isn't a big deal since his CC combos tend to be a couple of big hits. But we'll see for sure tomorrow.


    Also wouldn't hurt if Capcom was a little more clear with what they mean by that bullet point but it is still Capcom so I guess we should be happy they told us at all.


    9 minutes ago, mykka said:

    Cammy got buffed again haha!

    If there has been one truth to SFV it is that if you never want to be disappointed in the patch notes, play Cammy.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Bea_Iank said:

    I didn't want to become a Sakura main. :(

    As a "sum of its parts" thing, 3.5 may be better overall for Gief. With the glaring exception that they buffed Menat for some crazy reason. The input change is great and how it should have been from the start but I don't know why they changed anything else positively for her; she's been doing just fine. I think the biggest upside is that since Abigail got flattened Itabashi may return to his home planet.


    The Laura and Mika changes make it even harder for me to pick a character and actually make it stick. 


    Laura changes overall don't bother me that much due to how I play right now (still have been working on incorporating VSkill cancels and VT1 mix ups) but I can see how those are both going to be a pain. VT2 changes are interesting - I had that "phenomenon" happen all the goddamn time - but still not sure how useful it'll be. Overall Laura got nerfed in a few ways that suck but aren't crippling and buffed in a couple of ways that are nice but not big.


    Mika, on the other hand, got more grab damage (and I love grab damage) and a nerf to where her AA lands you. Which I don't find super surprising seeing as right now if you AA someone they land pretty much perfectly into LP/EX Typhoon range.


    CC combo scaling is probably worse for Laura, but neither of them are CC combo machines so it isn't as big a deal for them as it is for other chars.


    Overall my irritation at Laura nerfs and continued character confusion are overridden by my joy at seeing Abi, Rashid, and Guile nerfed (though I'm waiting to see how much the changes really affect Guile).

  17. 9 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    ICE QUEEN REEEEEE!!!! Momochi putting in work. Hitting Mena with that @TWINBLADES_SRK tech.


    I just watched that match and I'm pretty sure Momochi didn't win that using just j.HK and VSkill. :tongue:


    17 minutes ago, Neclord said:

    Street Fighter 5: Arcade Edition — Top 8


    Winners bracket
    NuckleDu (Guile, R. Mika, Cammy) vs. CYG|Daigo (Guile)
    FOX|Tokido (Akuma) vs. Fursan|Verloren (Cammy)


    Losers bracket
    FOX|Justin Wong (Menat) vs. PG|Infiltration (Menat)
    CYG|GamerBee (Cammy, Necalli) vs. AB|StormKubo (Abigail)

    That is quite a top 8. Tokido v Daigo runback? Can Do clutch it out? Will Kubo vroom everyone? Looking forward to seeing how it plays out.

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