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Everything posted by DarkSakul

  1. I would say the same about you. Also Conservatorship is not a contract. The contracts musicians sign are not the same as a Conservatorship. A Conservatorship means as an adult someone else is your legal guardian as if you had no mental ability to make decisions for your self without causing your self harm. These things are usually reserved for the elderly with Dementia or Alzheimer or someone with server handicaps where they can not make decisions anymore. Even if you sign a contract, there certain rights that can not be signed off legally, even if you had fully understood what you were doing and signed anyways. If I made you sign a contract to Lets say use you for scientific experiments ala South Park's Human Centipede episode "HUMANCENTiPAD", the courts would eminently and quickly reject such nonsense and most likely jail who ever tried to imposed such a contract. Not even the Music industry with all their money can enslave someone. Hollywood tried that shit back in the 20s and 30s. Thats why there so many union rules now. It's why SAG exists. Rihanna and Katy can walk away, they might be giving up alot but they got the legal right to go, they get the right to say "not today I quit". Even hire a lawyer for their defense. Britney can't do that right now because of Conservatorship. Britney isn't a music record deal contract, it's her family declaring in court that she not mentally fit to make her own decisions than abusing that court order.
  2. Nope, no where even close to what Britney is in. Rihanna and Katy can walk away, no one can control every aspect of their lives and tell them even if they can have children or not.
  3. Sometimes people just want to be able to play the game on modern consoles and modern PC, and with none of the hassle it takes to setup emulation. Like in the Link's awakening Remake, they add alot of quality of life improvements that makes the game much more of a pleasure to play
  4. Not always, they can be harder to find and fix than the console now a days. There a 3rd Option, FPGA. It's like Emulation, but you aren't using software to fudge the game to run on a different system (high level emulation), or even trying to get a simulation of the console's hardware to run in software (low level emulation). It's hardware mimicking the original hardware. You are using a software core to tell the hardware FPGA chip what logic gates to config to simulate that hardware's circuitry. You can even make certain functions togglable, like what version of the sound chip you want to use in a Genesis core, do you want low pass filters on, trying out hardware configs that ether were your idealistic or impossible on original hardware without mods. The Gameboy/Game Boy color core for the MiSTer has Super Gameboy support where you can use GBC BIOS on a Super Gameboy Frame, even upload custom pallets and Super Game boy frames. Like software emulation, it depends on how well the core is written, unlike software all those chips in the original console running like they should as a FPGA recreation.
  5. She spent the time in rehab and in a mental hospital, I am not sure but I think they are both self admitted. She also shaving her head, herself and the very public breakdowns are apart of it. She was tired of people trying to controller and she broke from the stress.
  6. No. This is not normal, even for music industry standards. No music label can literally do this to someone with a contract. This is Britney's father using his own child as a cash cow. One, that is clearly bull shit. If a contract is found impossible to enforce by court the court will dissolve the contract. This is not an contract. This is a Conservatorship, someone went to court to strip Britney of all her legal rights as they claim that she could not make any sound decisions for herself. It's restricted to family members or spouse, and considering Britney devoiced before her conservatorship began, the job of guardian fell on her family. There a limit to contract law, and the more restrictive it becomes, the more it is scrutinized by the courts. This kind of guardianship usually reserved on the elderly or the infirmed. Someone the state determine that under their own devices they are a danger to themselves and/or others.
  7. Except that even with contracts, you don't get to hold on to their millions or make medical decisions for them. Contract law don't work that way. Britney has no legal rights to manage any of her own affairs at all. This is a court ordered guardianship taken to abusive levels. It is like if I became your Conservator, I decide when you wake up, when you eat, what you get to eat, what you wear, what medical procedures you are made to take, have doctors drug you when it suits me, where you go on tour, how much you perform, decide every aspect of your life like you are a infant, even if you are allowed to reproduce or not. It be like if I decide when or even if you get to post of Megashock this week, if you get to play video games or I decide to trash them all, and you have zero legal recourse, as legally all your decisions are really my decisions to make. This isn't just Britney being the face of a media empire, she is a slave. This is a extreme gross abuse of what a Conservatorship is. If there any justice in the state of California, there should of been ordered a full investigation of the Conservatorship of Britney Spears.
  8. That not always possible, or affordable to seek out the original hardware. Looking for PC Engine/Turbo Grafx 16 or Neo Geo MVS/AES games, forget it. There all sorts of old consoles that aren't practical to look for any more And even if you can find some of these old consoles, the repairs that are required will make you give up. Bally Astrocade, Vetrex, even if you can find them they need major repair work. Atari 2600 and 5200 hardware is so flawed or broken, even if you get it working you need a CRT unless you get extensive mods. And what good enough for you to "play" is not even borderline acceptable for some people. Example I yet to find a N64 Emu that don't run like shit on a handheld. No one should have to put up with that bad Emulation.
  9. I decide to leave it without context If you seen it, you get it. If not, I don't think anything is spoiled.
  10. Conservatorship is meant as something you do with someone who old and went senile, or have alzheimer's, not a healthy 20 something person for the last 20 years. They are taking advantage of Britney. Typically if you got some celebrity on Conservatorship, you aren't taking them on tour and doing 14 hour dance rehearsals.
  11. Oh yeah they have her a $2000 monthly allowance (basically $500 a week) and keep the rest for themselves. They also force her to be on Birth control. Basically her Father is her legal court ordered guardian and can make financial, legal and medical decisions for Britney without her consent or knowledge. Also her father is bribing Britney's court assigned Attorney (that supposed to represent her ) to keep her in the dark of any rights she had.
  12. More of a point, Sure that Raspberry Pi 3 or that old Dell with a Pentium 4, hacked OG Xbox, Hacked Wii, Hacked PS Vita runs what Emulators you want to run. But do those emulators run with any sort of performance, are they accurate, is there noticeable input lag ? Do the coins in Super Mario Bros on the NES sound like they should, or do they sound like a cat screeching. Sure I can run CPS1 games on a Potato, but I rathe those CPS1 games run like they were on a CPS1 and not like a hot mess.
  13. Yes, if you want a passible and "gud enough" experience
  14. Depends on the core and how accurate you want your emulation
  15. Smashers want to be apart of the FGC, now they reap what they sow.
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