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Everything posted by DarkSakul

  1. They are just showing off their "true colors", turns out about 30 to 45% ( I don't know the exact statistic) of the country is racist and bigots and they don't like what they see in the mirror so they cry fowl that the Liberals are ruining everything for them. Some are just gaslight by the republican to feel the way they do. They are so abused and conned by the Right they have no idea that they are being misused.
  2. The Republicans cry that we are making Cap too progressive, too liberal, but that been Captain America MO since March 1941. Captain America comics always questioned and ridiculed US domestic political and foreign policies Captain America circa 1968 This cover came out in March 1941, the US didn't enter WWII till December 7
  3. And if you didn't take it I sure your symptoms would be worst
  4. What do you play more? hand held mode or docked mode If you play docked there no reason to spend your money. If you want the color scheme get some decals, I suggest Decal Girl If you want the wired ethernet, you can get that for $12 to $20 for a USB to ethernet adapter (it do the same thing as the new dock). Both analog sticks are made by a 3rd party which Sony and Nintendo buys from. I am not sure they are up to snuff with wear and tear or is dust and derby getting into the potentiometers causing the drift.
  5. Please note I place that under things that did not change.
  6. Although not the same Last I checked there no Hitler statues. Same reasons we don't need any confederate statues. We don't need statues of any Traitors, even if they surrendered honorably.
  7. Dude, save some of that puss for us. Just buy a standard VESA mount Stand. Only problem everyone has to make these with a Glass base or as a Table Clamp.
  8. Problem with discussions about "Age of consent" is that the laws and even definition can vary from state to state. Like there still can be the "Age of consent" is 16 but many states also have a 2 or 4 year rule. Like a 16 year old can give consent but a 21 year old still being charged with statutory rape as he outside the 4 year rule. It also could protects people who are with in the 2 or 4 year gap (depending on the state) from charges if lets say a 15 year old had sex with a 16 year old.
  9. No idea yet, I am going to assume the $200 - $250 range I saw this reply to the twitter post
  10. Supposed rich man is a liar and a thief, grifter is going to grift
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