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Everything posted by DarkSakul

  1. Nice sleuthing there. I see your Google-Fu is strong.
  2. Imagine late 1800s early 1900s era millionaire with a corporate town, has a Willy Wonka flare and made everything possible with knowledge (like knowing what to invest on) from the future and hording some 40th century tech for good measure.
  3. In the comics there is a Kang variant that runs a company that happen to own a whole town in the 1890s There so a Kang that ruled as Pharoah in ancient Egypt, where his biggest nemesis is Apocalypse (known then as En Sabah Nur).
  4. I see a restaurant that has that sign, and I going to turn around and go elsewhere
  5. That is why in 20 years no one going to remember what was Cardi B. Only that Nicki Minaj beat her ass at that one party
  6. Video Game PSA Don't run New World with a 3090, it will brick your card
  7. Video Game PSA Don't run New World with a 3090, it will brick your card
  8. The new rappers don't even form words. Gone are the days of Busta Rhymes who actually enunciate words. They are just sloppy ass jank that getting by doing the min
  9. I got in FB jail before for having the same opinion. But I agree, his knee caps needed to be voided
  10. I feel the online subscription isn't worth it for the Snes and Nes offerings. You are better off with a Raspberry Pi or a Chinese made emulation hand-held. Nintendo's emulation sucks.
  11. They aren't even "games" to speak of. These are the shovel ware of the SNES era, and no one back then liked then. C'mon Nintendo release some good shit you cowards Their Online model now is awful, individual studios rather sell their titles via compilations then allow them as a part of Diet Netflix Gaming. Nintendo should of stuck with the VC model, as it was actually working well on the Wii, Wii U and 3DS (minus the server lack of cross platform buys/support that Sony and MS has).
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